The supporting facilities in the Rose Garden are not perfect, there are no vegetable markets and supermarkets around, and the restaurants are pitifully few and expensive. The family will live there for a month, and there will be a lot of fish and meat during the Spring Festival. Russell Qin is worried, so she asks her wife to go straight Agricultural Market.

Su Xing fell asleep and returned to the cage, and didn't get up until sunset, when he opened the door, he was startled by the hill-like sack in the corner of the room.Thirteen sacks of Chinese cabbage, cabbage, and potatoes; five sacks of flour, one bag of [-] catties; three sacks of whole grass carp; two sacks of pork and pork ribs, one sack of pepper, and half a sack of onion, ginger, and garlic .

Is this a vacation to a villa or a desertion?

Woke up dazed.

The door was pushed open, Luo Suqin walked in wearily with a sack in hand, and collapsed on the sofa with the sack at her feet.

"Mom, what are you?"

"Take the fruit and put it away." Luo Suqin didn't even have the strength to speak.

A sack of fruit, mostly apples.Waking up speechless.

Su Jinhua carried a sack of snacks and put them in the corner, shook his head and said, "I can't walk anymore."

"Dad, Mom, who told you to buy so many things?"

Luo Suqin said weakly: "Don't buy it, let's go to the rose garden to eat the northwest wind? Didn't it mean that the supermarket will take half an hour to drive, and the farmer's market will take more than an hour to drive?"

Su Xing said: "Is it half an hour away by car? Do I need to buy so much?"

"Your mother loves you very much. We bought them all, and put them in a cool place in the yard behind the villa, even saving the refrigerator." Su Jinhua rested for a while, gradually recovered, got up and poured water to drink.

"I bought everything back, alas!" The fait accompli is in front of my eyes, what else can I do?Su Xing moved the meat and fish to the corridor. As Su Jinhua said, the corridor at minus ten degrees is like a natural refrigerator.

These things are really heavy. When I woke up, my phone rang, and Tang Yusheng called: "Boss, we've arrived at the airport."

"Want a colleague to pick up the phone and call yourself."

"No, we'll take a taxi home by ourselves. Are you free tomorrow? I'll send the report and report on this trip to Lin'an by the way." Tang Yusheng said in a good mood, full of energy.Anyone with a few million more cards will not be in a bad mood.

Woke up and said, "Has the report been written?"

"It's written."

"Send it over at night. We'll go to the Rose Garden tomorrow, and we won't be back until after the Spring Festival."

Tang Yusheng was not surprised at all, and said, "We'll take a taxi directly to your place."

More than an hour later, the doorbell rang, and Tang Yusheng and Shi Bainian came in with suitcases.

Su Xing greeted the two of them to sit down, and said, "Have you eaten yet, do you want some noodles for you, pork, fish, and vegetables are enough."

Can it be enough? It fills a corridor.

How can I let the boss cook?Just as Shi Bainian's butt touched the sofa, he quickly stood up and said, "Let me cook the noodles."

The plane meal I had in the afternoon had already been digested, and my stomach was growling with hunger. I wanted to fill my stomach first, and when I got out of the taxi, I saw that the restaurants were all sold out.

Wake up and ask him to take whatever he wants to cook.

Tang Yusheng took out his notebook, opened the document, and handed it to Su Xing.

Tang Yusheng has put in a lot of effort in this investigation. Not to mention that the investigation is very thorough in all aspects, and the report is also well written.

Alibaba currently has 20 employees, 18 of whom have been with Ma Yun for several years and have always been with him since he started his business. The other two are Ma Yun and his wife.

Ma Yun is the CEO, and his wife is the finance.

The account is done watertight.

Management is in place.

This company has a vision, a plan, and strong execution. Tang Yusheng talked with everyone in the team, and all members recognized the vision and thought it could be achieved.

Tang Yusheng and Shi Bainian's evaluation of Alibaba is: it can be invested.

After Su Xing finished the report, the two of them finished a big bowl of noodles each.

Su Xing transferred the document online to his Penguin, closed the laptop, returned the computer to Tang Yusheng, and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

Tang Yusheng said: "Boss, I want to report some details to you."

Wake up and nod.

Tang Yusheng told about what he had seen and heard in Alibaba, and Shi Bainian added that it was almost early morning after the lecture, and the two left.

Probably slept too much during the day, and woke up without sleepiness.As a time traveler, all idiots know that Alibaba is a company with a promising future. As long as you invest money now, you can rest on it ten years later.

This time I went to Aliba to investigate, not so much to investigate whether this company has investment value, but to give Tang Yusheng and Shi Bainian a chance to change careers.

Su Xing's personal funds are increasing, and it is much more cost-effective to set up an investment company than investing all his funds in the stock market. With too much funds, it is very difficult to ship goods, and he might become a shareholder by speculating in stocks.

There is no such risk in being an investment company, and he knows what industries are worth investing in in the next 20 years.

Tang Yusheng and Shi Bainian did not disappoint him and handed in a passing test paper.If they say that Alibaba is not suitable for investment, they will definitely not have a place in future investment companies.

But how much is the right amount to invest?

Su Xing stood by the window, looking at the empty road, lost in thought.

The next day, Su Xing slept until he woke up naturally, walked out of the room, there were two suitcases in the living room, Su Jinhua and Luo Suqin packed their luggage, and waited for him to wake up while watching TV.

Su Xing first called Ma Yun and asked him to go to Beijing to discuss investment, then took out the suitcase and packed a few changes of clothes.

The suitcase is easy to handle, and it is really a headache to eat dozens of sacks.Su Xing was helpless, so he had to ask his colleagues to come over to help.

When Lu Jingxian heard that Su Xing's family was going to Rose for vacation, he proposed to go with him. The reason was that his relatives came to visit him every day, which prevented him from having a good rest.

Lu Siying knew that he was tired of living in a courtyard house and wanted to live in a big villa, but his excuse was quite reasonable, so she had no choice but to call Su Xing.

Su Xing said: "You haven't handed over the house in that villa, have you? I have a few houses handed over here. You can live in whichever you like, and tell your uncles and aunts that I rented it."

It's best if the two don't live together.Lu Siying breathed a sigh of relief, and happily hung up the phone.

The two families were almost there, Lu Jingxian saw that Luo Suqin was preparing so much food, he kept winking at Lu Siying, but Lu Siying just pretended not to notice.

No matter how opaque Luo Suqin was, she could tell, and said, "You guys haven't prepared anything, have you? Come on, take a few sacks."

Lu Jingxian couldn't wait to pick up a sack of pork and leave. Lu Siying blushed and said, "How is this possible?"

"It's okay, we can't finish it anyway." Su Xing comforted her, and asked her colleagues to bring a few more sacks of vegetables and grass carp over.

After moving things, He Dajiang suggested barbecue, and several people drove to buy it. They ate barbecue and drank in the lobby that night. They found a room to sleep in the early morning and left at dawn.Just like what Su Xing said, if you don’t go back to your hometown when you are rich, it’s like traveling at night in brocade clothes. Most of them plan to go home to have a good time and come back after the Spring Festival.

Ma Yun came, and after negotiation, Su Bing invested 1.2 million yuan, accounting for 51% of the shares.After Ma Yun refinances, his shareholding ratio remains unchanged.In other words, it is Ma Yun's shares that will be diluted in future financing.

The two parties signed an agreement, went to the bank to transfer the money together, and Ma Yun returned to Lin'an.

This Spring Festival, Su Xing set off a lot of firecrackers.

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