
Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!

The train is smoking, coming from a distance.

In the field, members of the Railway Hero team hide in the grass and watch the train approaching.

"Captain, is this the train?"

"According to the information sent, it is this train."

"The train is coming, captain, let's get on."

"After everyone goes up, act carefully according to the situation. After finding the compartment where you are being held, don't act rashly. You must report first, and then act after planning!"


"Be careful! There are devils on the locomotive!"

Everyone quickly took cover, and when the locomotive passed by, Liu Hong, Zuo Shanhu and other team members jumped on the train one after another.

Every carriage is guarded by devils, puppet soldiers, and traitors.After the others go up, try to hide their identities and not reveal them.

Liu Hong and Zuo Shanhu were easy to be spotted, and they went up to the roof of the car and walked carefully on the roof.Zuo Shanhu grabbed Liu Hong's feet for protection, and Liu Hong carefully poked down from the roof of the car and peeped in through the car window.

Finally, an abnormality was found in the third car.There are devils on guard to prevent people from entering the second carriage.

Liu Hong pointed to the second car, and signaled Zuo Shanhu to go carefully and not make any noise, it was probably in the second car.

The two came to the roof of the second carriage carefully, looked in through the windows on both sides carefully, and finally found the person to be rescued.

This person, on the way to the train station, was confirmed by the information officer to be the comrade we wanted to rescue.The members of the Railway Heroes watched secretly from a distance, memorizing their appearance.

There are also ten devils and a small captain in the carriage who are in charge of guarding.

After Liu Hong confirmed, he and Zuo Shanhu returned to the last carriage from the roof.Entering the carriage, the devils and traitors inside have been dealt with by other team members.

Some of the people who had been comforted by them recognized that the person who came in was Zuo Shanhu, and they immediately bowed their heads in fright and did not dare to speak out.

Sitting Tiger's name is even louder than Liu Hong.Although it is rumored that Zuo Shanhu has joined the Railway Heroes, the reputation of Zuo Shanhu has not changed much.For the common people, the Railway Heroes are the Railway Heroes, and the Sishanhu is the Sishanhu.

Among the people who got on the bus, besides Zuo Shanhu, there was another person who was not from the original Railway Heroes team, he was the second tiger from Zuo Shanhu's cottage.

He is the only head of Zuoshanhu's cottage, there is no second or third head.Apart from him, Erhu is the stronger one, and he is also a good picker at the train.

"Captain, did you find someone?"

"Found it, in the second car. Let's go car by car and pull out all the nails in the car. But, no gunfire!"


Liu Hong and Zuo Shanhu immediately put on makeup, and Liu Hong stained his beard and pretended to be a cigarette seller.Zuo Shanhu put on a wig and pretended to be a stooped old man, pretending to be selling melon seeds and peanuts.

Everyone saw it, hey, it's amazing!If you hadn't seen Zuo Shanhu put on makeup with your own eyes, you would have thought you were a little old man!

This is Wu Long's Sitting Tiger, using the heresy series of skills.Heresy series of skills, not to mention pretending to be a little old man, even pretending to be blind or disabled is fine.

One team member was left in the last car, and the rest waited for Liu Hong and Zuo Shanhu to go to the front car, and then followed.

"Cigarettes, who buys cigarettes?" Liu Hong shouted from the front.

"Peanuts, melon seeds, delicious and delicious peanuts and melon seeds." Sitting Tiger shouted hoarsely.

The two walked up to the devil and the puppet soldier, pretending to give cigarettes to the devil and peanuts to the puppet soldier. Liu Hong grabbed the devil's head, Sishanhu grabbed the head of the puppet soldier, and twisted it hard together.


The devils and puppet soldiers collapsed and died.

Some traitors found that the situation was wrong and wanted to draw their guns, but the hero team members who came in from behind took action to solve it.

"We are the hero team, everyone, don't be afraid, as long as you don't do things for the devils, we won't hurt you!"

A team member changed into devil's clothes, took a gun and followed Liu Hong and Zuo Shanhu two or three steps into the next carriage.

In this way, the men of the Railway Heroes swept over one car after another, and without alarming gunshots, they eliminated the devils, puppet soldiers, and traitors in the cars.

The next car is the third car, where two devils are guarding the door leading to the second car, and there are two puppet soldiers in the middle of the whole car, and two traitors are in the door leading to the fourth car. one head.

Still brewing in the same way, this time it was Liu Hong and Zuoshanhu who sold cigarettes and peanuts in the front, followed by four heroic players in devil's clothes.

"Strangle to death, don't break your neck." Liu Hong said to Zuo Shanhu.

"it is good."

Liu Hong and Zuo Shanhu walked in front, deliberately blocking the sight of the two gatekeeper devils, so as not to let them recognize that the devil behind them was a fake.

The same is to give cigarettes and peanuts, and then grab the enemy's neck with his hands, hold it high and press it against the wall.The other puppet soldiers and traitors did not notice that the devils were fake, and when they found out that the situation was wrong and wanted to draw their guns, they were killed by the fake devils.

The two devils were strangled to death, their eyes were opened but not closed.

"Next, we're going to attack. Get ready, everyone."

"Shanhu and I are good at marksmanship. We rushed in first to deal with the devils inside. You follow us in and deal with the others. Be careful not to hurt the comrades you want to save."

Once you've herded the passengers into the back compartment, the action begins.

Liu Hong held the dead body of the gatekeeper and knocked on the door of the second carriage.

The devil inside saw his own face through the glass window on the door, and opened the compartment door.

When the door was fully opened, Liu Hong threw away the corpse and kicked the devil who opened the door down.In order to gain speed, he didn't shoot the devil who fell to the ground, but jumped over the devil and rushed into the middle of the carriage.

Sitting Tiger also rushed in with Liu Hong, and came to the middle of the carriage at once.He didn't want the gunfire to cause the devil's conditioned reflex, and he didn't kill the devil who fell to the ground.

The two suddenly broke into the carriage, attracting the attention of all the devils and buying time for the heroes who came in behind.

At the same time they are also in great danger.

The comrade who was rescued was very vigilant, and when he saw someone breaking in with a gun, he immediately bent down and squatted down.

Liu Hong and Zuo Shanhu were back to back, and they both fired at the same time.

Bah bah bah bah!

Four gunshots were fired at the same time, and the four devils who reacted the fastest were killed on the spot.

Bah bah bah bah!

Four more devils were killed.

He rushed in and killed the devil who was trying to climb up and the other two devils on the ground.

"This is a trap, the first carriage is full of devils!" shouted the rescued comrades.

The door of the first compartment opened, and the devils inside rushed in and began to fight back.

Liu Hong took out the grenade and pulled the rope for a count of three before throwing it out.


"Take people away quickly, Shanhu and I will cover!"

Erhu rushed over and walked over with the comrade who was to be rescued.

When he passed by Liu Hong, he suddenly pointed the gun at Liu Hong's head.At the same time, the other hand took out a dagger and put it on the neck of the rescued comrade.

"None of you can leave!"

Everyone was stunned, they didn't expect Erhu to be a traitor!

Zuo Shanhu's eyes were red and his voice changed color with anger.

"Erhu, what do you mean by that!"

Erhu didn't answer, but ordered Liu Hong:

"Captain Liu, throw the gun on the ground, or I'll kill him! Don't play tricks, I'm a bandit, and I won't be soft. If you dare to play tricks, I'll kill you too!"

"Erhu, don't get excited, I will do as you say."

Liu Hong threw both guns to the ground.

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