Rich to the third generation

Chapter 145 1 family?

The population of the casino is small, and there are few fresh graduates every year. Exams and the like can be done in a few campuses.

June NO.14 at noon.

Su Yehao walked lazily among the crowd, and had already finished the four subjects of the joint entrance examination of the four schools. Except for NO.12, which was all Portuguese in the afternoon, the other three subjects were easier than expected.

For him, the real exam has not yet started, the entrance exam for Hong Kong City Secondary School Diploma in Las Vegas is the key point, and he has to continue the exam tomorrow.

Take it easy, no pressure at all.

Came to the McLaren F1LM sports car, waiting for Jiang Yu to go home together, her parents still haven't come back, they are discussing business in Forty-Nine City.

Su Yehao didn't know anything about the details of the negotiation with his father. He only knew that he probably didn't directly reject the "New City" plan, otherwise there was no reason to wait there.

If it wasn't for the fear of delaying the business, Su Yehao actually hoped that his old man would take the opportunity to find a courtyard house for vacation or something. From an investment point of view, it would be more cost-effective.

It doesn't matter if you can't live, the important thing is to satisfy your hunger.

The courtyard houses in Sijiu City and the old foreign houses in Shanghai stock market were all regrets that he could not dream of.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of houses to live in right now, and he never thought about moving back to the mainland to settle down now. Su Yehao is not in a hurry for the time being, so he didn't bother his father with his business. He just bought a house by himself. How can a big project involving billions of dollars be important? ...

Nong Qingying just returned to Hong Kong City yesterday, mainly to rent a house with her parents.

Su Yehao will be busy with exams next, and the entire June is almost full, so he can't get away for a while, so he asks Nong Qingying for help, and asks her to host the interview work of TAT Network Technology Company.

Jiang Yu hasn't come yet.

He simply called Nong Qingying, Su Yehao sat on the hood of the supercar, crossed his legs, and with a smile, he asked this young man, "Have you chosen a house for your parents? "

"Well, I just booked an apartment in Mong Kok this morning, 5000 square feet, and the annual rent is [-] yuan. They think it is expensive, but there is a shopping mall downstairs, which is more convenient."

Nong Qingying was eating, and said in a vague voice:

"They have been living in Shejing Village. I am worried that they will not get used to it after moving. I plan to stay with them here for a few days, okay? I will go to you when the time comes, and I will talk about renting a place with the dock, and I will buy a car for my dad." Car, there are a lot of things."

The relationship between the two was on the right track and became closer.

In the past, Nong Qingying would go home if she wanted to, and would come back whenever she wanted, so there was no need to ask if it was possible.

"Of course no problem. After I finish my work here, maybe I can go to your place as a guest. How about the company interview?"

Su Yehao asked.

He did ask Mr. Jiang to contact Leibus, who was working at Yinhai Software, on his behalf.

It's a pity, I heard that the other party has a chance to get more shares of Yinhai, as if he was being trained as a successor, he declined the offer to come and work part-time, even if he offered a million annual salary, he couldn't attract him.

The future of TAT Network Company is uncertain, and Su Yehao is also worried that the bamboo basket will be empty. It's not that he can't afford a higher price, but he just thinks that no more is necessary. Anyway, Leibus doesn't know about instant messaging, so it's better to find other management types. talent.

On the other end of the phone, Nong Qingying said to him:

"I'm going out, it's not easy to catch. The headhunting company has found five people in total, I have seen them all, and arranged a small test. Personal information and test papers, etc., I will ask Ah Qiang to go back to the casino in the afternoon and hand them over. Here it is, I’m only responsible for interviewing on your behalf, and it’s up to you to make a decision. You can call and talk again, as long as you can afford the salary of 50 Hong Kong dollars.”

Hearing the word "test paper", Su Yehao had a slight headache.

It also feels like an interview, running around to show my ability, hoping that some colleges and universities can choose me.

Sitting on the hood of the supercar, the posture of crossing his legs on the phone is too domineering. The students passing by will all stare at Su Yehao and write their envy and jealousy on their faces.

Su Yehao was used to such eyes.

He previously asked Mr. Jiang to contact Leibus of Yinhai to discuss job hopping with a three-year contract worth 300 million yuan, but when he went to someone else, the salary set for the project director was only 50 yuan.

The annual salary of 50 Hong Kong dollars is still very painful for Su Yehao, but the salary in Silicon Valley in the United States is high, and the salary is low, so it is difficult to find truly experienced and capable talents.

An entire development project may have to be handed over to the project director to take care of it, and he is reluctant to leave the child alone.

At present, the management is interviewed first. He plans to set up the management team first, and then use them to find suitable programmers.

After all, Su Yehao didn't understand, and he was easy to be fooled by other people's casual words.

Professional matters must be handed over to professional personnel.

It is said that everything is difficult at the beginning, but in fact Su Yehao is really hurting right now, he is about to start researching and developing products if he is not careful, and invest in his own business.

Except for the funny story about brother Ma once pretending to be a girl to chat with his brother, Su Yehao knew nothing about the establishment of penguins, market expansion, etc., so he was inevitably at a loss.


Chatted with Nong Qingying for a few minutes, talking about some unnutritious topics.

Seeing Jiang Yu bouncing around and walking over with his friend on his arm, Su Yehao found a reason to hang up the phone.

God didn't give face, and there was no thunder for several days. Although Jiang Yu was temporarily staying at Su's house, he didn't leave him any chance to take advantage of it.

Don't ask why...knock on the door in the middle of the night, tried it.

On the way home in the supercar, Su Yehao had nothing to say, and said to Jiang Yu, "Before the exam, Huang Zewen came to me specifically and told me that he wanted to chase you. Has this guy contacted you recently?"

Jiang Yu heard the point, and asked back: "Why should I ask your opinion on my own affairs?"

"Huh?" Su Yehao looked sideways at her.

Jiang Yu shrank his head immediately, and said, "I don't know where he got my number. Last night, he called seven or eight times in a row. It was very annoying. He also called from an unfamiliar number, which really affected my study."

"That guy is unreliable, don't talk to him, he is easy to be deceived at a young age, and you need to keep your eyes open when looking for a man."

Su Yehao added: "Go get a new card, and only tell people who are close to you, such as your parents, good girlfriends, and me."

"Hmph...Of course he is not a good person, and neither are you. I won't tell you if I changed my number."

A few seconds after Jiang Yu was arrogant, she took the initiative to speak again, and asked tentatively, "The school holds a graduation party tonight. Is your dance partner Nangong Tian?"

"...Well, I made an appointment before, and I thought about whether I should find you, but you have always ignored me."

Su Yehao stared at the car in front of him, and asked casually, "What about you? Who's your dance partner?"

Which pot does not open which pot.

Jiang Yu suddenly sulked and said, "I didn't find a dance partner, and I still have to continue the exam. I don't want to go."

"Why don't we go together? Anyway, I don't know how to dance very much, so I went to sit and join in the fun, which can be considered as the end of high school."

After listening.

Jiang Yu squinted at Su Yehao, and said silently: "I'm afraid your girlfriend will beat me up."

Su Yehao paused for a moment, shook his head and said, "You have become the second aunt's goddaughter, it doesn't matter if you go together, we will be a family in the future, we will see each other when we look down, it is more important to have a good relationship, I will accompany you to buy an evening dress? "


Jiang Yu looked suspicious, and asked, "What kind of family are you referring to?"

"That's needless to say, you did that kind of thing to me the night of thunder, you have to be responsible to me, cartoon little strawberry." Su Yehao raised his eyebrows at her.


Jiang Yu's face was instantly red to hot, and he wanted to jump out of the window and run away.

Recently, I have been worried that Su Yehao will bring up the old matter again, but I did. I think back to that night when I turned into a little white rabbit and worked hard to pull carrots in my dream.

After thinking about it seriously, she gradually realized that it might not be a serious carrot...

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