Rich to the third generation

Chapter 179 Travel Agencies

Didn't drink much last night.

Su Yehao still remembered what he said to Jiang Yu.

Seeing that the fish was not caught, but the old catfish Mr. Jiang was caught instead, Su Yehao couldn't laugh or cry when he received the call.

On the phone, I made an appointment with Master Jiang to meet at the Sihai International Headquarters Building later, and we will talk in detail at that time.

After Su Yehao slowly dressed and washed, he ate the breakfast made by Yin Liuli himself again.

It was nine forty in the morning.

More precisely, it should be brunch, and you don't have to eat after noon.

Compared with the breakfast made by the nannies, the taste is completely different, and there is more love in it.

During the period, we chatted about what happened in Hong Kong City, mainly promoting the TAT chat room, sending people to the mainland to sign a contract with Yinhai Software, and giving 5000 million to Vice President Zheng Yongwen to help invest, etc. In fact, the two usually communicate through mobile phones During the exchange, Su Yehao had briefly mentioned it to her.

Xiaobie wins Xinhuan, Yin Liuli listened very seriously, but a business of this scale is beyond her ability, so she just asked casually, and listened to the excitement.

After sending Yin Liuli back to the small building, Su Yehao went to the old man's company by detour.

After half a year of precipitation, Papa Su is now busy looking for opportunities in the crisis, and the projects are mainly concentrated in the real estate field.

And Su Yehao, who has money in his hand, is also busy making arrangements, allocating the funds reasonably, and investing them where he thinks he can make money.

Both father and son are busy optimizing asset allocation, the difference is that one has more money and the other has less.

In recent months, many people did not have time to escape, and after being locked up, they cried for their fathers and mothers. There are many unlucky people who hope to make a comeback, but the Su family is peaceful.

There are more than 20 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash in the account, which is really different.

Although the prices of hotels, office buildings, and apartment buildings have fallen, they are used to operate and collect rent anyway. As the core assets of the family, they do not intend to sell them externally, so the impact of the rise and fall is limited.

Judging from the current situation, the basic situation of the Su family is quite stable...

Came to Master Jiang's office.

As the number one consultant of the entire group and a proper executive, his office covers an area of ​​[-] square meters, and it comes with a small lounge, the kind that puts a bed.

At this moment, Master Jiang was making tea, sighed and told, "My daughter came home yesterday and blamed us for being nosy. Although I am very optimistic about you and want you to be my son-in-law, it mainly depends on her own opinion."

"Twisted melons are not sweet. They are still young anyway. It's too early to talk about these things. It's best to let nature take its course."

Su Yehao picked up his cup and took a sip of tea.

Looking at the tea leaves in the cup, they are all small buds, which are green in color under the sunlight, which is pleasing to the eye.

In the current situation, many parties are interested, and Jiang Yu just needs to nod.

Su Yehao was a little cautious, and naturally he was happy to see the results, and he didn't intend to stop him.

The second aunt of the Su family once half-jokingly half-seriously said that she wanted Jiang Yulai to be half of her daughter-in-law. After all, she was not Su Yehao's real mother, and the "half" was true.

It's no wonder that Mr. Jiang felt that this matter was interesting, and he couldn't wait to add a big fire to cook the raw rice directly.

Although there are many wealthy families in the casino city and Hong Kong city, there are only a handful of young people who are suitable for them. Looking around, there are many beautiful women on the street.

And it's not just local girls, pretty girls from other places also like to go to Hong Kong City.

It is typical for more meat and less wolves. When meeting Su Yehao, a rich son-in-law who can't find any major faults in all aspects, Mr. Jiang will inevitably pay attention to him.

Therefore, he turned his elbows outward and tried every means to help Su Yehao and try to get his daughter.

Although it's a little weird, it's quite normal. It's the difference between working in a listed company and indirectly owning a listed company. Master Jiang is willing to respect his daughter's ideas, which is already very restrained and sensible.

If it were someone else, facing a hot commodity like Su Yehao, they might be knocked out with a stick, and they would just find a way to conceive a baby.

Press the duck tightly in your own pot, and save a few lifetimes of struggle.

Ever since Su Yehao's title of "No. 20 Younger" was spread on the campus of the University of Hong Kong, girls who were dressed up in fancy dresses and sent them to him one after another, and those who had thoughts about him could at least line up a length of [-] meters. Team.

Don't blame people for being realistic, it is indeed Su Yehao's conditions, good enough to break through people's psychological defenses.

Whenever there is a chance to become a rich wife married by a Ming media, there are not many girls who are willing to wash pots and dishes for the rest of their lives, and Su Yehao is quite handsome.

Nangong Tian's sense of crisis of worrying about gains and losses is accumulated in this way, and it's not all because of beauty in the eyes of lovers...

Speaking of this, Master Jiang stopped talking about it, and asked instead:

"Young Master, I heard from my daughter that you want to invest in the tourism industry? Actually, I have already had this idea, but the funds are limited and I can't compete with other companies. But if we cooperate, it will be different. Bet I am familiar with the shopping malls and hotel owners in the city, and I also know a lot of people in Hong Kong City, arrange scenic spots, arrange some buses, cooperate with mainland tourism companies to receive customers, and everyone can make money."

It is only 1997 now, and the booming tourism industry of the two places has just begun, and there are already some signs of it.

As the residents in the north became more and more affluent, a big outlet was about to emerge. Su Yehao also mentioned this aspect in his high school essay.

There must be interest, but he has no idea of ​​taking care of it himself. If he has energy, it is better to focus on the Internet industry, which is more profitable.

But if someone is willing to carry the burden, it will be different.

Since the TAT chat room was created, it is still half dead until now, which makes Su Yehao feel a little bit of crisis, thinking of putting eggs in other baskets.

Considering that the future market value of online travel platforms can reach tens of billions, the development prospects in this field are quite promising, so I decided to come to talk with Mr. Jiang face to face.

Su Yehao smiled and said to Master Jiang:

"This business can be done, but the problem is that I have no experience. I need to investigate and understand the situation first. My idea is to acquire several travel agencies, integrate them directly, use the existing talents and tourist routes, and then discuss cooperation with shopping malls, casinos and the like. "

"Are you really planning to invest? I can almost draw out seventy-eight million yuan. I emptied the stock a while ago. If I have an idea, I can ask about the situation in a few days, find someone to make an investment plan, and directly acquire a ready-made company. It’s really easy, but the price is a little bit high.”

Master Jiang is obviously interested in this business. How can he not have any business acumen after helping others for so many years.

With the increasing number of tourists coming from the mainland, the business opportunities here can already be seen, and the market competitiveness is not too great.

Big businessmen are afraid of trouble and don’t want to earn some hard money. Small businesses are not strong enough to spend too much money to expand and develop. At present, travel agencies are still scattered, and there are very few large-scale enterprises.

Su Yehao told:

"I can also draw two or 3000 million yuan. As long as I perform well in the early stage, I can still ask my mother or my grandfather to help. It doesn't matter if you spend more money. It is more important to quickly seize the mainland market. Mr. Jiang, please help me and ask, my side No problem, I have already sent someone to sign a contract with a mainland Internet company, and then I can help advertise online to attract users to our travel agency..."

After the preliminary conversation, both sides were decisive.

Hit it off, plan and understand first, and invest if it is suitable.

After working for others for so many years, Mr. Jiang usually only invests in financial management, and this is the first time he has started a serious business.

After so many years of friendship between the two families, no one is worried about being cheated by the other party. Of course, the discussion went smoothly.

The day.

Master Jiang invited the younger generation to visit and investigate in the casino.

Jiang Yu was quite speechless after learning about these things.

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