Rich to the third generation

Chapter 432 Create a God of Wealth, Horror

1998 is drawing to a close.

In mid-December, the Lao-US and Lao-La began to fight, and the international oil price soared, which attracted global attention.

This did not delay the Nasdaq's continued surge.

At the end of November, Yahoo’s share price was only over US$170. By December 22, it had risen to US$240, and this was the result of a stock split at the beginning of the year.

In Su Yehao's exact words, it's a blast.

Not just Yahoo.

Cisco, Amazon and other companies invested by him are also soaring. Even if the valuation increase of companies such as tvt and 1cq is not counted, he has made a lot of money from the investment business alone.

Only 22 days have passed in December, and the profit during this period is more than 7000 million US dollars.

This figure is exaggerated.

It means that in just over 20 days, the income has equaled the achievements of Papa Su's hard work for more than 20 years, which directly made Su Yehao hard-earned, and he no longer knew what gifts to buy to reward himself.

The myth of Silicon Valley's wealth creation is so terrifying.

You must know that Su Yehao is not the one who earns the most. Yang Zhiyuan's net worth has soared billions of dollars this year, and Bill and Gates' total net worth has reached the threshold of 600 billion US dollars.

The reason for this round of stock price surge is mainly that the performance of Internet companies has soared, their growth rate is extremely fast, and they are supported by good news such as broadband, 3G, and the number of Internet users soaring, and as the US dollar raises interest rates, hot money continues to flow back to the United States. The combination of factors jointly promoted the popularity of Nasdaq.

The number of weekly active users of 1cq has risen to 100 million, and more than 200 million users have been added in the past month or so.The total number of weekly active users of tvt also soared to around 290 million.

According to the current market, if they are packaged and listed, the total market value will be at least 30 billion US dollars, and the value may be even higher when a relatively stable revenue channel is found.

It was clearly winter, but Su Yehao felt the heat of summer.

He made too much money in a short period of time, and even he couldn't help feeling flustered. After careful analysis based on the data, he always felt that... the performance was quite reasonable, and the bubble was not as big as imagined.

Cisco is supported by technical patents, and the demand for products is booming.

As the website with the most clicks by users in the world, Yahoo's revenue this year is quite optimistic. If it is not for the crazy acquisitions, it has successfully turned losses into profits.

As for Amazon, although it has lost a lot of money, its user and revenue data are rising steadily. It is called "Online Wal-Mart" by the outside world, and its operating costs may be lower than Wal-Mart.

Su Yehao's investment costs are low, supported by huge profits, and the market is so good, he is not in a hurry to cash out and run away.

Counting the increased valuation of start-up companies, the total net worth suddenly touched the threshold of 30 billion US dollars, and I felt as stable as an old dog in my heart.

After careful analysis, the concept of investment remains unchanged.

Most of the funds continue to hold stocks, and a small amount of funds are used to make a small fortune and continue to play stock options and futures.

Just before the holidays.

Su Yehao contacted the jeweler Cartier, and spent nearly 800 million US dollars at a time, buying a total of six pieces of top-level diamond jewelry at the collection level.

Christmas is coming, and now the goods are transferred from the headquarters to Hong Kong City by air, and they can still be used for the holidays, and they can be given as gifts to the girls around me.

Last year, there was also a large gift giving, but it didn't cost so much money.

This year, there is a little Jiang Yu who needs to give gifts. Last time I bought a diamond bracelet for Xiao Nizi, her eyes were straightened. This time, Su Yehao prepared for her a necklace with sixteen carat pink diamonds as the main pendant. 210 million dollars.

The numbers sound amazing, but after having so much wealth, it is actually the same.

To be honest, Su Yehao didn't know how to spend money at first, mainly because he had almost everything he should have. He couldn't find where he wanted to spend money, so he simply gave the girls gifts, and everyone had fun together.

Of course.

For Xiao Jiangyu and Yin Liuli, receiving such an expensive gift is likely to be full of stress and frightened

Making money has become a "hobby", and the main business is to enjoy life.

From the very beginning, Su Yehao didn't have to worry about start-up capital, and just happened to hit a rare super bull market, so it was hard not to make a fortune.

It is really not difficult for him to do business or anything, and his obsession with eager to make money is also fading.

Especially in the case of financial management and investment, knowing when to buy and when to sell is enough. There is almost no competition and you don't need to use too much brain.

For entrepreneurial projects, they hired professional managers with high salaries to help them, which also saved a lot of trouble.

Su Yehao was quite self-aware, and he knew that finding foreign aid to take charge of specific affairs was likely to be easier for him to achieve results than playing on the field himself. It was no burden to let go of the shopkeeper, and his subordinates earned money, but he was very relaxed, and everyone was happy.

No worries about business.

Life aspect.

Back from the Maldives, more than half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Nizi likes to take Jiang Yu with her when she has nothing to do, or come to Big Wave Bay to play mahjong, or go out to eat and go shopping, and even watched two movies together.

According to what Jiang Yu privately leaked to Su Yehao.

Compared with her, Nangong Tian seemed to be more worried about the existence of Yin Liuli and Zhao Yimeng, so she said that she would join hands with Jiang Yu and tie him up.

In Nangong Tian's view, of course it is more comfortable to live with Jiang Yu, and with the "accident" in the Maldives, the worst has already happened, so it is easier to accept.

Both of them grew up with Su Yehao, and they both liked him. Besides, they lived together for so long, and they were still best friends, natural allies.

In the early years, Su Yehao lived among thousands of flowers, and no one could catch them.

After finally being together, Xiao Nizi has never let down her vigilance and knows his nature well.

No matter how well Su Yehao covered it up on weekdays, she would eventually notice that something was wrong. She just pretended not to know, and was worried that the cover would be uncovered, leading to an unhappy breakup.

For example Yin Liuli.

She also talked with Yin Liuli face to face, and she felt something was wrong at that time.

Su Yehao usually returns to the casino so often, and often spreads some gossip with Zhao Yimeng, it's strange that Xiao Nizi can rest assured.

Growing up in the Queen's Court Club, many of her mother's clients and friends were concubines of so-and-so. Xiao Nizi really didn't care much about this aspect after long-term exposure.

Since it seems that there is no way to monopolize it, it is a smarter way to recruit Jiang Yu as an ally.

In fact, because Su Yehao is so good, when she was free, Xiao Nizi was worried that Father Su and his wife would get in the way and marry some girl into the family. This is quite normal in the local big family .

Girls from other families may not be attracted by Su Yehao, but if it is Zhao Yimeng, then it is hard to say.

When he was studying, Su Yehao tried many times and was rejected many times.

This impressed Xiao Nizi deeply, and she also knew that although her family had some money, it was far from being able to fall into the eyes of Papa Su and Mama Tang and feel that they were well-matched, not only in terms of wealth, but also in terms of personal connections and so on. don't.

So there was a scene where they secretly teamed up with Jiang Yu and said that they would tie up Su Yehao.

When he heard Jiang Yu talking about it, Su Yehao couldn't laugh or cry, and it also confirmed from the side that he really missed Yin Liuli, and he actually endured it for more than a year.

As expected of a person who wants to be the boss, all kinds of coping methods are true and open, not making it difficult for Su Yehao at all, as smooth as silk

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