Rich to the third generation

Chapter 640 Early March


Huang Daxian received a call from Su Yehao in the middle of the night, and when he heard the words of thank you of 80 yuan, his sleepiness suddenly disappeared.

No matter what age, a fool would really go to open an altar.

He got up immediately and turned on the computer, put on his reading glasses, and searched for news related to Su Yehao energetically.


Among the news related to Su Yehao, the most popular one is naturally the investment loss of more than 3 million US dollars.

Immediately afterwards, stocks such as Yahoo, Cisco, and Amazon were cleared early. At present, it is obvious that they have sold at a loss, with a loss of 300 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Fortunately, the stock price of the Yanwen Group is still soaring. Although people read the jokes, no one thinks that Su Yehao is really going downhill. It's nothing more than the attention of the media.

Others may not be clear.

But Huang Daxian has been keeping a close eye on the big client, that is, the news about the Su family father and son. Of course, he knows exactly how much Su Yehao has earned since he started the business.

The so-called doing one line and loving one line.

There are many Fengshui masters in the casino city and Hong Kong city. Huang Daxian can stand out from them and make such a big business, which is of course a bit extraordinary.

Considering that Su Yehao is in New York and looking for the right time to make a big bet and other clues, he is keenly aware that it is probably related to the investment failure a few days ago.

It took nearly an hour to frantically search for various clues on the Internet, even to look at the recent trend chart of Nasdaq, and to browse the full English commentary on the external network through Yahoo.

After reminiscing, I remembered that Su Yehao mentioned that in the past one or two months, he also confirmed with some foreign news that bad-mouthed Nasdaq technology stocks, and found that the bull market is likely to turn bearish, and the sky may change in the near future. .

As expected of a high-achieving student who has studied in the UK.

Huang Daxian himself also likes to invest, and he looks very professional in handling these information.

After being aware of it first, in order to avoid smashing his own brand, he contacted his investment consultant to learn from him and learn about the latest news about the US Internet technology stocks, and then he called Su Yehao back...

new York.

After Su Yehao had lunch in Chinatown, a reporter from the Wall Street Journal asked him to do an exclusive interview in the afternoon.

At his level, interview questions would be sent to him in advance, and although things like being caught off guard occasionally happened, large newspapers generally would not easily offend people.

After Linda Yun finished the review, she pointed to one of the questions and suggested, "They want to ask you if you are not optimistic about the market environment in the future. Should this item be crossed out? Whether you say you are optimistic or not, it seems It’s not appropriate, and it’s easy to offend shareholders.”

"Of course you can't ask that."

Su Yehao resolutely refused: "If I say that I am optimistic and attract investors to invest in Yanwen Group, then they will definitely blame me for losing money. But if I am not optimistic, I will also offend the current shareholders, even me, a big Shareholders have no confidence in the market, so they are asking for trouble. Some things can only be done but cannot be said. It is best to minimize the relationship between me and the Yanwen Group. I found a group of white executives to show their faces. It should have some effect at least."

Linda Yun nodded and asked, "Okay, I'll communicate with the Wall Street Journal later. You can't ask about the evaluation of the Kaomoji Group, right?"

"Well, it's best not to ask, when the stock price falls, blame the market environment for the fault, no matter icq or tvt, the performance is already very good..."

After speaking, I happened to receive a call from Huang Daxian.

Su Yehao calculated the time.

It was past two o'clock in the morning in the casino city, and if you stay up all night, you will have a chance to earn 80. It seems that you can't say that the other party is suffering.

The reason why I contacted Huang Daxian was nothing more than to gain some confidence from this Feng Shui master. Now I am waiting every day. After a long time, I will inevitably feel uneasy.

A few days ago, he suddenly gave up more than 3 million U.S. dollars in profits, which finally affected his mentality.

The current situation is similar to lighting a few cigarettes before the exam, and silently saying a few words of blessings from the Bodhisattva, which actually involves hundreds of millions of dollars in principal. How dare Su Yehao really put his hope on metaphysics, just for peace of mind.

Lying on the sofa, Su Yehao smiled and said after connecting: "Huang Daxian, do you have any news?"

"...I have some clues, young master, you can use your horoscope to calculate. Today, your fortune has turned into a partial fortune, and you are in conflict with Venus. The main reason is that your luck has been too prosperous in the past two years, so it is inevitable that there will be ups and downs."

With a firm tone, Huang Daxian continued:

"However, Master Su, your horoscope is really good. Even if you make a mistake, you will surely turn bad luck into good fortune. Partial wealth is also wealth. If you want to say which day is the most prosperous recently, it is February [-] of the lunar calendar, the day when the dragon raises its head. But this year Your wealth luck is definitely not comparable to last year, it is best to focus on stability."

When he said these words, Huang Daxian's blood pressure soared.

He didn't dare to say enough, and he didn't want to make jokes, as if he didn't make any contribution.

He vaguely guessed that Su Yehao wanted to invest in the U.S. stock market. In Huang Daxian's view, this was a rare opportunity. If he succeeded in betting on the right timing to enter the game, then as long as the news spread, wouldn't it be difficult for clients who came to him to step on the threshold.

As for why it was chosen on the second day of the second lunar month.

On the one hand, it is because Huang Daxian believes that the U.S. stock market has risen a lot recently, and it will not continue to rise sharply.

On the other hand, because the day when the dragon raised its head was indeed a good auspicious day in Feng Shui, since he was really not sure, he also tried his hand at metaphysics.

After hearing this, Su Yehao didn't take it seriously, and just asked, "What's the date on the second day of the second lunar month in the lunar calendar?"

"March [-] next month, young master, you must be on the safe side this year, and it's best not to rush into it."

Huang Daxian was getting a vaccination, his tone seemed a little nervous, and he was sweating.

The main reason is that Su Yehao's profit and loss are tens of billions, which is different from the customers he usually receives.

He was worried that if he gave the wrong advice, his Daxian Temple would be smashed by someone, which would affect his fortune.

Su Yehao said calmly: "Okay, burn a few more sticks of incense for me, and wait for my news."


Met with the beautiful female reporter from the Wall Street Journal, and it took over 40 minutes to complete the interview.

The questions asked were nothing more than how to view Google and the focus of investment in the future. The reporter who interviewed Su Yehao bluntly said that no one is willing to comment on the stocks of Internet companies recently.

Of course Su Yehao knew exactly why.

No one wants to jump out and make enemies except for a group of desperate short sellers. The water is too deep for a huge multi-trillion-dollar market.

Facing the female reporter's temptation, he just smiled and changed the subject to ask which restaurant in New York is delicious.

More than ten days passed in a flash.

At the beginning of March 2000, Nasdaq still showed no signs of collapse, and the group of people who shorted the stock index was wiped out again.

Su Yehao, who had already returned to Hong Kong City, couldn't help beating his heart, thinking whether it was true metaphysics, Huang Daxian had guessed the good day of entering the game.

Zheng Yongwen was also guilty of muttering.

Facing the Nasdaq index that was about to break through [-] points, Zheng Yongwen gradually couldn't sit still, and began to build short positions on a small scale, making moves while watching the situation...

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