Rich to the third generation

Chapter 654 They know shit

Keeping his eyes on Silicon Valley, Su Yehao lacks understanding of the Internet industry in the Mainland.

After the short meeting.

Lin Wei, the CEO of tat, invited Su Yehao to try out the new generation of tat instant messaging software.


Lin Wei sighed deeply and told him:

"The market seems to have made a big joke. From last year's pursuit, hype, and praise, to the current investors' resentment, and the frantic withdrawal of funds, it is completely two extremes. The media has turned around and completely magnified the negative side. Recently, There are also experts in the stock market who jumped out and said that the Internet market is rubbish."

Su Yehao listened carefully.

He made a lot of money this time, and after listening to these words, he looked like a normal person, calmly, and only smiled and said:

"This is too extreme. I can only say that they know nothing. The best era for us has just begun. It is rare for some competitors to appear, and they will all freeze to death when the winter comes. If you don't want to find a way to catch this This opportunity is simply a waste of God's love for me, do you understand?"

The joys and sorrows of people are not connected. Combining with Su Yehao's situation, Lin Wei certainly understands what he means.

So he nodded and said, "I know, no matter whether the market praises it or criticizes it, the number of users is still growing anyway, and the market size is also growing. With your capital, technology and other advantages, Mr. Su, at this moment Show your strengths and play the game of big fish eating small fish."

Su Yehao came to the bookshelf and checked the various awards that Lin Wei CEO had won in the past two years. Relying on tat's resources and platform, he almost won all the awards he could win.

In fact, the organizers preferred to award the award to Su Yehao.

It's just that he has been pushing these professional managers to the top with a low-key idea, so that many people have no idea what kind of business layout he has completed until now.

To put it simply, almost all netizens in mainland China cannot do without Su Yehao's products.

In instant chat, social blogs, office software, browsers and portals, e-mail, online games and other industries, they all occupy the No.1 market share, and the market share is extremely high, and a product ecological chain has been formed. .

Of course.

Since the number of active netizens is too small, even if they occupy so many market shares, they will not be able to create much value. They appear to be very ordinary, but they only have a great reputation in the industry, like a towering mountain that everyone looks up to.

The so-called dimension reduction attack probably refers to this.

Putting a trophy back on the shelf casually, Su Yehao said to CEO Lin Wei: "The rise of new industries will inevitably have an impact on old industries. There is a lot of ridicule and scolding outside, and there may be some profit factors in it. Technology It will inevitably develop, and this will not affect us, just do our own thing well.”

Lin Wei said again: "Well, I understand, I just feel that the market has developed with great difficulty, and it is a pity that it was beaten back to its original shape all of a sudden."

"That's why I decided to spend money to support a group of high-quality enterprises."

Su Yehao smiled happily, and looked at Lin Wei:

"You must think that I am taking advantage of the fire. There are indeed investment considerations in this, but on the other hand, it is also because the Internet market in the mainland is too fragile. Some domestic funds finally got the courage to enter the market. When they were frightened, They were all scared back. Since the market is still developing, who do you think will fill the gap in funding?"

"... American VCs?"

"That's right, after the stock market collapsed, relying on its strong capital, it began to harvest. This is an old routine often played in the United States. My 5s asset management company is currently cooperating with brokerages, banks and other institutions to try to raise a sum of money. , with my money added at that time, it shouldn’t be difficult to fill the hole in the early stage.”

Su Yehao is capable, and this can only be regarded as taking on some social responsibilities by the way.

Considering that almost all of the most valuable mainland Internet companies are in his hands, in fact, it is not as easy for foreign capital to enter and deploy as it was in previous lives.

In the past two years, like a boy who spread money, he has spent money like crazy to win market share, and the moat is already strong enough.

until now.

The total losses of these Internet companies in the mainland are astonishingly more than one billion yuan. How can anyone else have the courage to throw money into a bottomless pit without caring about the revenue.

Even Yahoo, Amazon and other richer industry giants cannot compete with Su Yehao in this market.

Lin Wei's vision is not so long-term, and he is often confused about the way forward due to the influence of external comments recently.


With Su Yehao, a living God of Wealth all over the place, including Lin Wei, a group of executives, including Lin Wei, obviously have a much more relaxed mentality than their peers. As long as it is reasonable funds, just report to Su Yehao's assistant office to discuss it. .

How can he be like others, worrying about money all day long, begging his father to sue his grandmother, bumping into walls everywhere.

Lin Wei thought about what Su Yehao said, and suddenly thought of something, and reported: "By the way, Sun Zhengyi, the major shareholder of Yahoo, is currently inspecting the Shanghai stock market. It is said that the entrepreneurs who asked him for investment lined up outside the restaurant. Individuals only have 5 minutes to make an introduction.”

"Oh? Is that guy stretching his hands so long?"

Su Yehao smiled happily, then waved his hands and said:

"Don't worry about him, this guy's representative is on Yahoo's board of directors, suggesting that others take action against my Google search engine. There will be opportunities for revenge in the future. Isn't it just a waste of money? In the past, I lost by fighting alone. As long as the 5s asset management company can develop Get up, we must fight against him when the time comes."

Su Yehao's personal wealth is higher than that of Sun Zhengyi, but there are many investors behind Softbank, and their strength is indeed stronger than him.

Fortunately, when it comes to investment vision, Su Yehao is not convinced by anyone, and he feels that the five Sun Zhengyi combined are not as good as himself.

Compared with the other party's wide-ranging net, precise investment will definitely get more benefits, which means that Su Yehao will still have an advantage on the track in the future, and he may be able to poach Softbank's major customers to sssss asset management company .

Lin Wei just reported the news and told him the important content, but he couldn't give any opinions.

Followed by.

The CEO of tat changed the topic again and asked curiously: "There are rumors outside that Mr. Su, you plan to reopen a technology start-up sector similar to Nasdaq on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to lower the listing threshold. At the same time, will we provide some support for mainland enterprises?"

hear this.

Su Yehao admitted generously, and said with a smile: "Yes, it took a lot of effort to promote my friend to the top. In terms of the Science and Technology Innovation Board, I have also reached a tacit agreement with the chairman of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. There may be one within this year. As a result, you don't want Tat to go public there, do you?"

Lin Wei was stunned for a moment, and said dumbfoundedly: "I'm just a part-time worker, and you are in charge of all these things. The market is so bad now, and the user scale is growing rapidly. I don't think there is any need to go public until the company reaches a few higher levels. Bar."

"Well, anyway, there is no shortage of money for the time being, let's wait three to five years before we talk about it."

We talked for almost half an hour.

After trying out the new product that will be launched soon, Su Yehao found that the tat instant chat software is more and more like a penguin, from the personal show function to membership, to space decoration, farm and other small games.

Thinking of something temporarily, I asked Brother Xiao Ma about his recent situation, and learned that a large-scale online game like Xianxia is being developed. He is holding back his energy and preparing to use the wind of broadband to turn losses into profits in the online market.

It is really the right person to find him to be in charge of the company's game business.


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