That Huangfu Qing was not a good person, although he temporarily agreed to cooperate with Chu Yi, but once he had a chance to get rid of Chu Yi, he would never let it go.

A look of worry flashed in Li Xin's eyes, but after thinking about Chu Yi's skills, he gave up.

She firmly believed that there were people who could hurt Chu Yi, but definitely not the three people in front of her.

They took a car and immediately went to Su Xuan's location.

And Huangfu Qing said very little along the way, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

"Front, stop."

Chu also gave the order, and then got out of the black stretched car.

He tapped on the door of the clinic, hoping that Su Xuan didn't make any trouble after he left.

"bang bang bang"

Chu Yi became more and more aware that something was wrong. Although the dark room was very soundproof, it was not impossible to hear the knock on the door.

"Could it be that"

Just as Chu Yi was thinking about it, the door creaked open.

"It's you?" Su Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Huangfuqing and the others.

"Go in if you have something to say." Chu Yi glanced at Huangfu Qing, and he could clearly feel that there was a strong look of joy in Huangfu Qing's eyes.

"who are they?"

"You don't need to know about this. In short, she is someone who is beneficial to us. By the way, take out all the information about this girl, including this week's data. There should be a backup, right?"

Chu Yi's words made Su Xuan stunned. This kind of data has always been kept secret, so how could it be possible to just give it away.

"come here."

Su Xuan pulled Chu Yi aside, but Huangfu Qing's expression changed.

He found that Su Xuan in front of him was very upright.

"Boss, this girl is not bad, she is very upright."

"That's right, boss, if you capture this girl, you will be blessed."

"Let's go, I, Huangfu Qing, still lack a woman?"

Although Huangfuqing said so, in his heart he began to fantasize.

Indeed, Su Xuan grew up on his aesthetics, but now he still focuses on data, after all, he has already memorized this place.

"What's the matter with you, how can this kind of data be leaked so easily?"

Su Xuan quickly asked, it's not that she doesn't want to trust this group of people, but this kind of data is actually a key.

No matter which force it is for, they can understand something instantly.

"Give it to them first, listen to me, and trust me." Chu Yi's eyes were firm, but Su Xuan was stunned.

In Chu Yi's eyes, the usual frivolous and bastard look disappeared, and he became serious.

And Su Xuan even found out that Chu Yi, who was serious, seemed a little handsome.

"Okay, if something goes wrong, you are responsible."

Su Xuan glared at Chu Yi, then turned on the computer and copied a file.

"How to say?"

Huangfuqing seemed impatient, and said anxiously.

"You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Hasn't your boss taught you about this?"

Chu Yi smiled slightly, closed his eyes and got up.

Huangfuqing looked at Chu Yi in front of him, gritted his teeth with hatred.

"If I can't beat you, I will kill you to pieces!"

Huangfu said angrily in his heart.

A few minutes later, Su Xuan handed a memory stick to Chu Yi.

"With simple encryption, trust them to work."

Chu Yi nodded and handed over the memory stick to everyone.

Those few people were overjoyed instantly, they looked at each other with smiles blooming on their faces.

"Okay! Sure enough, Mr. Chu is trustworthy. For this, I thank km."

Before Huangfu Qing finished speaking, Chu Yi waved his hand and said, "No, it's all about benefits, and what you promised me should come true, right?"

"Don't worry, I know this better than you."

"Well, see you in km in three days."

"See you in what km?"

That Huangfu panicked, but Chu Yi sneered and said, "Why? Can't you even satisfy me with such a small request? Then what's the deal with cooperation!"

When Huangfu Qing heard Chu Yi's gradually cold tone, his heart trembled.

"No, you must not mess with this Buddha now, this is a plague god!"

"Seeing that the data is in hand, calm down"

Huangfuqing kept admonishing himself in his heart.

"I count three, three, two"

"Okay! See you in three days! You have my phone number!"

Huangfu Qing immediately agreed.

"Then, don't send it."

Chu Yi stretched out his hand, and the three gritted their teeth and left angrily!

When did the people in their km suffer such anger.

After all, km's influence network is very large, and their dirty hands almost extend to the rest of the forces.

However, km's company in Dongzhou is actually not big, and its influence is pitifully small. Even so, no one dares to oppose km's people.

After the sound of the engine roaring away, Su Xuan spoke.

"You know what their motives are. The data given to them is of no benefit to us!"

Su Xuan was a little dissatisfied, after all, she was the manager here.

"Now the incident has not progressed at all, give it a go and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle!" Chu Yi joked.

"Who are they? Answer me."


"km? Which company?"

"Have you heard of it?" Chu Yi was rather curious.

"KM Group, that is a well-known name. It is known as one of the best biotechnology companies in the world. They have many branches. They must have their foothold in Dongzhou. Although they haven't found it yet, there will definitely be."

"Not found? What do you mean?" Chu Yi was taken aback, and took out the business card that Huangfu Qing handed to him.

He looked at the address above and handed it to Su Xuan.

After all, Su Xuan is more familiar with Dongzhou City than herself.

"This place, I'm afraid, is not easy to enter."


"This office building is next to the city hall."

Good guy!

Chu Yi was stunned. People in this km are so bold, they actually put their foothold next to the city government.

But because of this, he also began to doubt, does this matter really have something to do with Dongzhou's km branch?

"Could it be that it's dark under the lights?"

"What light is dark?"

Su Xuan was a little curious.

"It's nothing, by the way, you didn't tamper with that data, did you?"

Chu Yi asked this, but found that Su Xuan's eyes began to dodge.


"Did you give them fake data?"

Su Xuan didn't expect that Chu Yi could find out what she was doing.

She nodded helplessly.

"Hahaha, it's my style!"

Chu Yi reached out and touched Su Xuan's head, approving.

Su Xuan was taken aback, Chu Yi was touching her head!

This move brought her back to her school days in an instant!

"I'm leaving, take care of yourself."

Chu Yi didn't stay too long, turned and left the darkroom.

Su Xuan froze on the spot, she didn't come back to her senses for a long time, but she didn't notice that the survivor behind her moved her finger lightly

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