For Zhao Jian's explanation, the foreign reporters at the scene despised it in their hearts.

Is there a more perfunctory reason to say that the mech is a fire-fighting robot?

"Mr. Zhao, since this is a brand new firefighting robot, it should be ready for use. I wonder if it can be exported?"

The female reporter from the BBC asked with a smile on her face.

Hearing this, the eyes of many foreign reporters suddenly brightened.

That's right, since it's a fire-fighting robot, the exit should be reasonable, right?

After all, fire extinguishing equipment does not belong to the category of weapons.

Regarding the excessive demands of foreign journalists, Zhao Jian smiled contemptuously and said, "I'm sorry, I just said that this fire-fighting robot is an experimental type, and it has not been fully developed yet."

"Moreover, during this firefighting operation, this firefighting robot exposed many problems, which shows that it still needs time to improve, and it completely fails to meet the relevant regulations on the quality inspection of export products."

The meaning of Zhao Jian's words is already obvious.

That is the matter of exporting the rescue mecha, so there is no need to even think about it.

"Well, if there are no other questions, then so be it."

Zhao Jian turned around, ignored the many senior foreign reporters below who were raising their hands, and left gracefully.

Soon, another spokesperson from the fire and rescue department stepped up and started the closing work of the press conference.

Seeing this, many reporters and media immediately lost interest.

A moment later, with the end of the press conference, Zhao Jian's related video was also quickly spread all over the Internet in the first time.

All of a sudden, the major domestic short video platforms suddenly became lively, and countless netizens commented below.

"I'm going, I didn't expect the mecha in the photo to be real, it's too awesome!"

"Hahaha, my brother Jian actually called the mech a fire-fighting robot, it's really amazing."

"Ahem, brothers, don't talk nonsense, where did we get the mechs, we only have fire-fighting robots. (dog head)"

"That's right, we don't have mechas at all, we only have fire-fighting robots. Moreover, we not only have fire-fighting robots, but also battlefield fire-fighting robots, and all kinds of robots. (Funny)"

"As we all know, war is also fire, so we send fire-fighting robots to put out the fire, which is normal and reasonable."

"It's okay bro, that makes sense! We're just there to put out fires, and it's free. (smirk)"

"Grandma, that BBC female reporter even wants to import our fire-fighting robot, how dare she say so!"

Among the discussions among many netizens, the news that Huaxia had developed a usable mecha quickly spread throughout the world almost in a very short period of time.

The media in various countries around the world are frantically reporting on this matter.

Even various so-called "military" experts jumped out and began to talk about this group of photos.

These experts are skeptical, questioning, flattering, and everyone.

However, it is a pity that because the evidence is only a set of photos, and it is still so vague, and Zhao Jian denied it again.

Therefore, the media in many countries suspected that this might be a show by Huaxia. In fact, there were no mechas at all. This was just a CG picture of the game made on the Internet.

Perhaps Huaxia does have similar fire-fighting machinery and equipment, but it is definitely not the one in the photo.

In fact, these countries cannot be blamed for this. Their suspicion is not without reason.

Because no one of them believed that Huaxia's technology could be so strong.

You know, their American boss didn't develop mechas yet, and Huaxia developed them first. How is this possible.

In this regard, after seeing the news, many foreign netizens also climbed the wall from the external network one after another, wanting to see if there is a detailed video.

However, they were doomed to return without success.

Because apart from that group of photos, there is no other information about the mecha on the Internet.

Under such circumstances, many hackers couldn't hold back and wanted to go to the research institute to investigate.

However, before they could make a move, Fuxi had already wiped them all out in advance.

By the way, Fuxi also threw all the relevant information of these hackers to the network supervision department and asked them to check the water meters one by one.

And with these lessons learned, many hackers suddenly disappeared.

Lin Yu didn't pay much attention to these public opinion turmoil on the Internet.

He has been staying at home, honestly writing the key technology of the second-generation mecha.

However, in the afternoon, Lin Yu received a call from Zhao Yu.

The content of the call is very simple, that is, Chen Tian and his research team have successfully developed the first laser weapon.

However, Zhao Yu needs to receive He Jianjun, so he may arrive later.

Hearing the news, Lin Yu thought about it, put down his work, and prepared to go over to have a look.

nuclear test site.

Since the research and development of laser weapons is inseparable from energy, Chen Tian's research team is together with Mr. Li of the east and ht-7 projects.

Therefore, when Lin Yu came to the nuclear test base, he saw these three persons in charge.

"Hahaha, Mr. Lin, you are here, come and take a look at our research results in the past few months."

After seeing Lin Yu, Chen Tian greeted him enthusiastically, and dragged him to a large experimental platform.

At this time, what appeared in front of everyone was a circular device with a diameter of more than five meters.

On the periphery of the circular device, dozens of thick cables are connected.

"Mr. Lin, this is a large laser cannon developed by our team. Although it looks a bit crude, it is quite powerful."

Chen Tian pointed to the circular device and introduced it to Lin Yu excitedly.

"Has it been tested? How does the experimental data show?"

Lin Yu nodded and observed carefully.

"This... We have only carried out simple power, energy consumption and other tests so far. As for other more detailed data, we haven't had time to test it yet."

Chen Tian said embarrassingly.

This thing was just developed two days ago, and their team was only concerned about whether it was successfully developed, and where there was time to conduct various detailed data experiments.

"How about the power?"

Lin Yu asked again.

Speaking of this, Chen Tian immediately said proudly: "Mr. Lin, we have tried it with super steel. Super steel with a thickness of 1500~2000 mm, this laser cannon can completely penetrate it!"

Super steel, this is currently the hardest metal except for a very small number of special alloys and rare materials.

Moreover, it has various properties such as magnetic repellency, high toughness, high temperature resistance, impact resistance, and friction resistance, and is a universal material.

However, this laser cannon can completely penetrate two meters of super steel.

This power is really explosive.

In other words, in today's world, 90.00% of things cannot withstand the bombardment of this laser cannon.

"Not bad, the power needs to be improved, how about its energy consumption, I remember that the cold fusion device has not been assembled yet, right?"

Lin Yu said something in praise, and then turned his attention to Mr. Li and Mr. Xu next to him.

"Yes, the core parts of the cold fusion device have not been manufactured yet. We have already accelerated the speed of North Industries. If everything goes well, the manufacture of all parts can be completed in about a week."

General Li explained the current progress of the project: "As for the subsequent assembly of the cold fusion device, I think it should be completely completed within two or three days, and the ignition will be ready by then."

At the end, Mr. Li's tone was also full of expectation and yearning.

The world's first successfully ignited controllable nuclear fusion device, and it is also the most incredible cold fusion.

Such news is enough to shock all nuclear physicists in the world!

"Currently, we use the special battery compartment of the Chengying mech for the energy supply of this laser cannon. Basically, a set of special battery compartments is consumed for one shot."

Elder Xu next to him took up the topic.

Lin Yu was very calm when he heard that a set of special battery compartments was needed for a shot.

An epoch-making weapon like a laser cannon naturally requires a lot of energy.

Even if Lin Yu gives a new energy conversion method, it can't change this situation.

Of course, if there is no such new energy conversion method, the energy required may not be just a set of special battery compartments.

According to Fuxi's calculations, if the energy conversion method of heating hot water is used in the past, the energy required for that laser cannon is enough to suck up a small power plant.

That's right, energy consumption is just that scary.

This is why developed countries all over the world want to develop controllable nuclear fusion technology as soon as possible.

Because energy is always the first factor restricting the development of human science and technology.

"In this case, let's start the experiment and get the detailed data of this laser cannon as soon as possible today."

Lin Yu suggested.

"No problem, Mr. Lin, I'll arrange it right away."

Chen Tian quickly responded.

After speaking, he quickly walked towards the engineers not far away.

5 minute later.

After a final system check to make sure everything was working properly, the engineers yelled, "Everything is ready to launch!"

"Open the skylight, start the No. [-] drone, and prepare for the test."

Chen Tian ordered.

After the voice fell, accompanied by the sound of mechanical rotation, the thick special alloy skylight above everyone's head slowly opened, revealing a 20-meter-wide rectangular gap.

Immediately afterwards, a UAV quickly vacated from the test site and flew towards the high altitude outside at the maximum speed.

Control room.

Watching the drone fly out of the nuclear test base, Chen Tian looked at Lin Yu and said, "Mr. Lin, you can give orders at any time."

"Then let's get started."

Lin Yu looked at the drone in the surveillance with a calm expression.

As Lin Yu's voice fell, many engineers acted quickly and issued instructions one after another.

Soon, with the assistance of artificial intelligence, the drone that was moving irregularly at high altitude was directly locked.

Then, the blue light as deep as the sea began to gather continuously at the top of the laser cannon.

Moreover, with more and more rays of light, the speed of accumulation is also getting faster and faster.

next second.

The blue light seemed to have reached a certain critical point.

A faint blue laser shot straight into the sky at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and disappeared.

at the same time.

The drone flying high in the sky was pierced in an instant, and then exploded violently.

"Hit the target! The target has been destroyed!"

The engineers shouted excitedly.

"Continue to experiment, but this time without drones, first test the effective distance and maximum distance of the laser cannon."

Lin Yu said calmly.


Under Lin Yu's arrangement, one set of experiments after another was carried out slowly.

And the detailed data of the laser cannon is also revealed step by step.

After half an hour.

Zhao Yu rushed to the nuclear test base with He Jianjun.

"Mr. Lin, your research and development speed is really fast enough. In less than a few months, you have developed a laser weapon. It is really amazing."

As soon as we met, looking at the laser cannon in the test site, He Jianjun couldn't help saying in admiration.

"Headman He was joking. This is the result of the research and development of Academician Chen and his team. I'm just talking about it. It's nothing."

Lin Yu waved his hand.

"Hehe, it's all the same. Academician Chen and the others have contributed a lot."

He Jianjun laughed and changed the subject and asked, "Mr. Lin, what's the situation with this laser weapon now, can it be operated on a production line?"

"Not yet, this is just an initial prototype, and it is still far from the real success of laser weapon development."

Lin Yu said something casually.

Then he found He Jianjun's bewildered face, and he couldn't help explaining: "Simply put, this laser weapon is still immature, it's just a cannon, the laser inside is ammunition, and the magnetic field restraint is an invisible projectile that can dissipate the plasma. Confined in it, then gathered, compressed, and finally launched."

After hearing this easy-to-understand explanation, He Jianjun instantly understood.

"Then isn't this the same as the laser cannon in sci-fi movies? Is this immature?"

Gao Jianjun said with some puzzlement.

Zhao Yu next to him felt the same way when he heard it.

Now this laser cannon is already a future technology, which is not good.

"Of course it's immature. According to the experimental data just now, this thing still has many shortcomings."

Lin Yu listed the main shortcomings of the laser cannon one by one.

"The first is the energy supply. Every attack of this laser cannon needs to consume a set of special battery compartments of the mecha. The energy consumption is too large. This can only be solved after the successful development of controllable nuclear fusion."

"The second is that the charging time is too long, and it takes about 2 minutes to complete. However, there is still room for improvement in the later stage. The final result should be able to achieve the firing rate of a few seconds like an automatic artillery."

"The third is the problem of laser decay. When the laser is shot out, it will be affected by the geomagnetism due to the earth's natural magnetic field environment, and will gradually weaken. Therefore, this laser cannon can hit [-] to [-] meters at most."

"Fourth, and this is the most critical point, that is, this laser cannon can only hit a straight line, and cannot hit a curve like a howitzer."

"Of course, to be precise, this fourth point is also the common point of all laser weapons. They can only hit straight lines."

"So, the most ideal shooting environment for laser weapons should be in the atmosphere or in space for air-to-ground strikes."

"All in all, this laser cannon is only an experimental product, and there are still many small flaws. I won't tell you one by one. You don't need to get too excited. The real laser weapon is still early."

Lin Yu finally made a summary.

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