December 1rd, afternoon.

Imperial Capital, Huaxia Academy of Sciences.

An underground research institute.

In the spacious test site, stands a huge circular glass cover tens of meters high and hundreds of meters in diameter.

This round glass cover is like a white porcelain bowl turned upside down on the ground, the inside cannot be seen clearly from the outside, and the outside cannot be seen clearly from the inside either.

"Mr. Lin, the ecosystem of integrated cabin environment recycling technology has been checked, and no abnormal problems have been found."

In the control room, Lu Xun, the general manager, reported to the young man in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Well, then prepare to start the ecosystem, let's go in and see the effect."

Lin Yu responded lightly, and took the lead in walking towards the giant ecosystem circle in the test site.

Behind him, Zhao Yu and others hurriedly followed.

"The integrated cabin environmental circulation system is being activated."

"The ecosystem has been activated."

"The artificial sun has been activated."

"The oxygen content in the air is being monitored in real time."


Under Lu Xun's order, the engineers quickly operated.

Reports sounded continuously.

Soon, Lin Yu and others walked through the glass door and entered the ecosystem circle.

After coming in.

Lin Yu's first feeling was that he had entered another world.

On the dome above the head, there is a miniaturized artificial sun, emitting soft and warm light, bringing warmth and comfort to people.

And not far in front of it, looking around, what came into view was a large area of ​​green plants.

Under the rays of the artificial sun, they are working hard to carry out photosynthesis and contribute oxygen to the entire ecosystem.

As for the farther places, they are blocked by white walls.

Obviously, this entire ecosystem circle is divided into many regions.

The current area of ​​Lin Yu and others is the location of the "producer" plants in the ecosystem circle.

"Mr. Lin, where we are standing now is the plant area, behind which there are planting areas, living areas, entertainment areas, rest areas, biological areas and many other activities."

After Lu Xun explained with a smile, he continued: "The plants here will convert light energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis during the day, store it in organic matter, and provide oxygen and food for us humans and other organisms."

"And the carbon dioxide and other wastes emitted by us humans and other organisms, such as feces and urine, will be systematically processed to form a systematic carbon cycle and oxygen cycle."

"At the same time, plants will purify water through root absorption and leaf transpiration, and participate in the water cycle of the system."

"And the microorganisms in the system will also degrade and mineralize waste gas, waste water, non-edible parts of animals and plants, etc., provide nutrients for plants, provide some food for animals, and recycle waste."

"Thus establishing an ecosystem composed of plants, animals, microorganisms, humans and some necessary organic and inorganic environments, in which materials and energy are continuously recycled and renewed."

Lin Yu nodded.

He naturally knows the basic principle of the comprehensive cabin environment recycling technology.

Because Luanniao itself is a giant spaceship that can move.

Therefore, if we want humans to live in space for a long time, we must have an ecological cycle system.

But now, what he cares about is whether this shrinking ecological cycle system will collapse due to insufficient air content or other reasons.

This requires long-term observation to know the answer.

After all, many international research teams have tried biological experiments on the ecological cycle system.

But without exception, they all failed.

Although Lin Yu believes that there is no problem with what the system gives.

However, this comprehensive cabin environmental circulation technology is the foundation for the survival of human beings in space in the future.

Once something goes wrong, it will be fatal to the people on the spacecraft.

"Mr. Lin, the area behind is the planting area, this way please."

Seeing that Lin Yu didn't say anything, Lu Xun led the way with a false right hand and continued to lead the way with a smile on his face.

Soon, under the leadership of Lu Xun, Lin Yu and others entered the planting area.

The area here is similar to the original plant area.

There are edible vegetables everywhere, such as lettuce, lettuce, bitter chrysanthemum and so on.

Next, Lin Yu observed the living area, biological area, entertainment area and other areas in turn.

In the biological area, Lin Yu also saw creatures such as chickens, ducks, and fish.

However, it is precisely because these areas occupy a relatively large area that other living areas, entertainment areas and the like are relatively small.

In addition, other mechanical equipment also needs to take up space, which makes the already small ecosystem circle even more crowded.

According to the calculation and analysis of artificial intelligence, this mini ecosystem circle can only support a comfortable life for up to six people.

Of course, if the space range of the living area and the rest area is expanded, more people can naturally be accommodated.

after an hour.

Only then did Lin Yu and others visit the entire ecosystem circle.

Looking at the huge glass cover isolated from the world in the test site, Lin Yu said slowly: "At present, although there is no problem with the comprehensive cabin environmental circulation technology, it does not mean absolute safety."

"So, in order to ensure the feasibility of the ecosystem circle, next, you need to arrange three groups of people to go inside and start a two-year "isolation" life."

"During this period, you must always pay attention to all the data in the ecosystem circle. If there is any abnormality, let the artificial intelligence automatically deploy it immediately."

"If the ecosystem circle has not collapsed in the past two years, and the three groups of people can live a self-sufficient life, then the integrated cabin environment recycling technology can be said to be a real success."

"I understand, Mr. Lin, I will report the follow-up progress in real time."

Lu Xun's expression turned serious, and he said very solemnly.

"Keep going."

Lin Yu smiled slightly, patted Lu Xun on the shoulder, said something encouraging, and left with Zhao Yu.

Their next stop is the underground research institute of directed energy shield technology.

After half an hour.

Under the escort of Jiang Feng, Lin Yu and Zhao Yu came to the underground research institute of directed energy shield technology.

At this time, Wen Ze, the general manager of Directed Energy Shield Technology, had been waiting at the door for a long time.

As soon as the two parties met, they rushed directly to the underground research institute after the simple politeness.

"Mr. Lin, the directional energy shield technology has just come off the assembly line, and there may be some technical deficiencies, so don't be offended."

In the elevator, Wen Ze looked at Lin Yu with a smile on his face, and his tone was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, this is just an experimental model, we just want to find out its shortcomings and correct them."

Lin Yu waved his hand and said without hesitation.

Hearing this, Wen Ze secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He originally thought that Lin Yu would blame them for the slow progress of their research, but he didn't expect that Lin Yu not only didn't say anything, but comforted them instead.

That's great too.

While the two were talking, the notification sound of "Ding Dong" suddenly sounded, and the elevator slowed down slowly, and finally stopped.

Lin Yu and a group of people walked out of the elevator and came to the familiar test site.

At this time, a large control platform was placed in the spacious test site.

On the platform, the most common instruments are sensors, arc generators, lasers and microwave generators.

It can be said that this large control platform is completely assembled together by many electronic instruments.

All kinds of lengthy wires and cables are all intertwined, like a messy ball of wool, just looking at it is already a headache.

"Ahem, Mr. Lin, although the console of the directional energy shield looks messy, we have run all its systems normally without any problems at all."

As if sensing that Lin Yu's gaze had become a little strange, Wen Ze coughed lightly, and quickly patted his chest to assure him.

"It doesn't matter how it looks now, as long as it can operate normally, anyway, the appearance can be changed slowly in the future."

Lin Yu said indifferently.

"Mr. Lin is right!"

Wen Ze nodded in agreement.

"Okay, since the various systems of the directed energy shield are fine, let's start running directly."

Lin Yu said something, and then walked towards the main control room.

Hearing this, Wen Ze also acted quickly and arranged for engineers to carry out the preparatory work.

ten minutes later.

"The directed energy shield system has been inspected!"

"The layered shield system has been loaded!"

"All systems are working fine!"


The engineer's voice kept ringing.

"Report, everything is ready, whether to activate the directed energy shield."

The chief engineer yelled over the comm channel.

"start up."

Lin Yu answered calmly.

The voice fell.

The chief engineer pressed the start button.

The directed energy shield system is activated instantly!

next second.

The directional energy shield console in the center of the test site suddenly burst into a bright blue light.

The prosperity of the blue light is like a large blue ocean suddenly appearing in the sky, and then blurred at an extremely fast speed.

Mysterious, vast, deep.

In this dreamlike scene, the blue light turned into a thin beam and shot straight into the sky.

Finally, under the gaze of everyone, the tiny blue light beams, after reaching the top, bloomed in the air like fiery trees and silver flowers, spreading crazily towards the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the blue light curtain covered a radius of 100 meters.

Within a diameter of [-] meters, a layer of thin, blue transparent defensive cover tens of meters high was quietly buckled upside down on the ground.

"The first layer of plasma shock wave shield is running stably!"

"The second layer of plasma laser shield is running stably!"

"The third layer of plasma energy shield is running stably!"

The chief engineer reported loudly excitedly.

Hearing this, Wen Ze showed a satisfied smile on his face.

While the console for the directed energy shield is ugly, as long as it works, it's fine.

Everything else is false.

"Get ready for the energy shield test."

Looking at the blue energy shield rising in the test site, Lin Yu calmly continued to give instructions.

The engineers sprang into action.

After a while.

A tester wearing thick explosion-proof clothes walked into the test site and came to a place more than ten meters away from the blue energy shield.

The tester gestured the distance, and after confirming that it was correct, he tore off the pull ring of the grenade in his hand, and threw it out forcefully.

Soon, the grenade hit the blue energy shield in a parabola.


A few seconds later, a deafening explosion sounded.

A shock wave visible to the naked eye exploded on the blue energy shield, and spread in all directions.

Under this strong shock wave, the tester was thrown ten meters away and fell heavily to the ground.

However, compared to the embarrassment of the testers, the blue energy shield has no waves.

Not even the slightest ripple was set off.

The shock wave disappeared without a trace like a mud cow entering the sea.

"Report, the first layer of plasma shock wave shield test was successful!"

Looking at the data on the computer, the chief engineer said quickly.


Lin Yu said calmly.

Directed energy shield technology, a total of three layers of plasma defense walls.

The first layer of plasma wall is used for protection from shock waves.

As we all know, in wars, explosives with high energy, such as missiles, bombs, etc., not only can directly injure people by the scattered shrapnel, but also cause huge damage to people and objects due to the shock waves generated.

The shock wave is a high-pressure air wave formed by the high-temperature fireball formed at the moment of the explosion, which expands violently and compresses the surrounding air.

It can not only directly cause death by squeezing people's internal organs and auditory organs through overpressure, but also impact and destroy buildings, vehicles and weapons and equipment.

very troublesome.

Especially in the future, after the emergence of various powerful laser weapons, there will be force field shock waves, magnetic field shock waves, and so on.

In the face of these shock waves, the first layer of plasma wall can completely withstand it.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the first layer of plasma will carry out selective defense according to the type of shock wave.

Such as the explosion shock wave on the ground.

First, the sensors of the directed energy shield console will detect a nearby explosion to determine the equivalent of the explosion.

And once the console detects an explosion, the AI ​​can quickly calculate how long it will take for the shock wave to reach its target, and from which direction.

Next, the console uses electric arcs, lasers, and microwaves to rapidly heat the surrounding and wall of air between the blast.

It heats this air, creating a plasma shield that is denser than the surrounding air.

Due to the properties of plasma, this plasma wall can reflect or absorb the energy of the shock wave, so that the consoles behind the "wall" are protected from destructive effects.

However, the fly in the ointment is that this first layer of plasma wall only acts on shock waves, and cannot stop flying solid objects, such as stones or shrapnel.

And this requires the use of a second plasma laser shield.

The plasma wall on the second layer has two sides, inside and outside.

Outside, it is composed of high-temperature, high-power plasma walls.

It can not only block part of the shock wave, but also vaporize the solid objects entering the wall.

The inner surface is composed of thousands of laser beams.

These laser beams are all arranged in a tight lattice.

Any solid matter that is not vaporized by the outside will be vaporized instantly when it is irradiated by the laser beam again.

Direct secondary cremation belongs to yes.

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