Rebirth 2001 starts from a BBQ stall

Chapter 259 Hard work, strive for

Falling in love with you, rebirth 2001 starts from the barbecue stand

When you raise your right hand and clenched your fist, you will find that, in fact, your destiny is already in your own hands. If you want to change, then you should work hard and fight for it.

If you work hard and fight for it, maybe you can change your destiny, but if you don't work hard and fight for it, you will have nothing.

Wang Qiang is like this right now, he wants to go out, but his parents won't let him, but he himself has no idea, what his parents say, that's what it is.

When the street stall was set up, Wang Chungang's parents also did not agree to let him go.However, Wang Chungang is not that cowardly, he has his own opinions, and he discussed and talked with his parents carefully, and finally let him try.

In the end, Wang Chungang's parents saw that they were doing well, their business was good, and they could make money, so they didn't object much.

But Wang Chunli's parents agreed to let him go after seeing Wang Chungang's precedent.

To say that Wu Jie is the most assertive, he is the one who decided to go, and then persuaded his parents.

Wang Qiang returned to the room sadly, took out the game console and started playing. When he was unhappy, he would play for a while.

"Hey".After playing for a while, Wang Qiang felt that it was boring. In the past, Dali and the others played together, but now he was left alone, and playing games was also boring.

"Let me tell you, Gangzi and the others followed Mingzi, it must be true."Wang Yunming said with a smile, what he said at the beginning was that they solved the problem of tuition fees by themselves, but now, not only do they not have to ask for tuition fees themselves, but they also send hundreds of dollars to their families every month.

Although Wang Yunming said that there is no need to send money, there is enough for the family, let Wang Chungang save it for himself, and save it for future use.

It's a pity that Wang Chungang didn't listen and still sent it home. Wang Yunming had no choice but to let it go, but he was very happy in his heart.

With Wang Chunming around, he believed that Wang Chungang and the others would not go astray, and the money they earned would definitely be clean.

"Yeah, so does Xiaojie, who sends money back every month."Wu Li was also very happy. The family was in difficulty at first, but with this part of the money, they could be much more prosperous, and, moreover, they could slowly pay off their debts.

"It would be great if I could bring a daughter-in-law back."Wang Yunguang said with a smile, they are all grown up, and they will be able to get married in two years.

"Sure, isn't it a university town over there? Bring a college student's daughter-in-law back."Wang Yunming laughed and said, when the time comes, I will definitely give you a long face.

"Tch, your son and Mingzi are both college students. It's not bad to find a daughter-in-law of a college student. Our family's Dali and Wu Jie are much worse."Wang Yunguang shook his head and said, it's different, the two of them graduated from junior high school, and finding a daughter-in-law of a college student, it's hard as hell!

"That's right, Wu Jie in our family is still not talkative. He blushes when talking to strange girls. Let alone a college student, I will be satisfied if I bring back something similar."Wu Li agreed, and I would be satisfied with bringing a girl of about the same age back.

However, what Wu Li didn't know was that Wu Jie was not as introverted as before, and he didn't like to talk much. The environment can indeed change people.

"We brothers think the same."Wang Yunguang said with a smile, the two boys in our family both graduated from junior high school, and it is enough to bring one back, and the other requirements are not high.

"See why you're so anxious, Akiko doesn't have a girlfriend yet."Wang Yunming said with a smile, when Mingzi has a girlfriend, he will give some introductions.

"Hey, my brother has a girlfriend."Wang Chunhai smiled and said, I have seen it a long time ago.

"Really, I'm talking about a girlfriend so soon."Wang Yunming asked in surprise, when did it happen, why didn't I hear your parents say it!

"Of course it's true. That older sister is very beautiful. My brother and I were classmates in high school, and now I'm going to a university. These things are brought back by her when she comes home."Wang Chunhai grinned. When setting up a stall, he met Xu Lulu more than once or twice. Although the two did not admit it publicly at that time, in the eyes of Wang Chunhai and Wang Xiaohui, he was the eldest brother's girlfriend.

"Hey, there's no comparison. Ming Zi is a kid who is good at studying. He is also top-notch when it comes to talking about girlfriends. He started talking about it in high school. The key is that he hasn't delayed his studies yet."Wang Yunming was quite angry. If Wang Chungang was at home, he would definitely be kicked. He is in a relationship, and his studies are so good. As for you, you don’t have a girlfriend, and your grades are so poor.

"Where is it?"Wang Yunguang asked curiously, as if you had seen it before.

"Xiaohui and I have both seen it. It's from the urban area. Anyway, my family is better than ours."Specifically, Wang Chunhai couldn't tell, since he was from the city anyway.

"Hey, Ming Zi is really good at it. From now on, Xiaojie and the others will follow Ming Zi. They can't go wrong."Wu Li was rather happy. The more capable Wang Chunming is in the lead, the better Wang Chunli, Wu Jie and others who follow behind will be in the future.

"That's right, come on, let's go."Wang Yunguang laughed, he was so happy, he had to drink one.

Full of wine and food, Wang Chunhai went to his third uncle's house, cleaned up, and was ready to go back.

The land of Wang Chunming's family was handed over to the third uncle for planting, and the family's cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks were also transferred to the third uncle at half price.

Originally, the third uncle refused, saying that it would be paid at the market price, but Wang Yunfei did not agree. During the hospitalization, Wang Yunhu took care of it, otherwise, he would have sold it at a low price.

So now Wang Chunhai and others, after returning home, are done with their work, and go back in the afternoon, basically rarely staying overnight at their hometown.

"Slow down on the road, don't ride so fast, there is enough time."The third uncle confessed that the carriage was full of things, and it was only the third uncle who picked the vegetables, as well as noodles, noodles and so on.

Now in the summer, it basically doesn't get dark until almost eight o'clock, and it's only five o'clock now, which is enough, so let Wang Chunhai drive slowly.

"Uncle third, I'm leaving."Wang Chunhai waved his hand and started to return.

A good example can give latecomers infinite strength and confidence.

Originally, in the eyes of Wang Chunhai and Wang Xiaohui, Wang Chunming, the big brother, was very powerful, but now he is praised by Wang Yunming and others, and he is going to use the big brother as an example to be an enviable person.

"I definitely can."Wang Chunhai secretly vowed that he must study hard and get into a good university. At that time, whether it is a job or starting his own business like his elder brother, it will be a good choice.

As the sun sets, the orange-red sunset glow fills the sky, like a beautiful silk.

Without the scorching heat, the leaves are rustling, and the cicadas are gradually singing.

"finally arrived at home".When it was getting dark, Wang Chunhai also returned to the supermarket.

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