Among Wang Chunming's acquaintances, Hu Lele was the only one left after the elimination method.

"Children can be taught"!Gao Kai said with a chuckle, sure enough, his thoughts are clear!

"Really"?Although Wang Chunming guessed this way, after Gao Kai nodded, he was still very surprised. Hu Lele's background is so strong?

"It was hard to say before, but now, people are like this."Gao Kai gave a thumbs up. Even in front of Hu Lele, he was obedient and obedient.

"Think about it, what's Hu Lele's last name?"Gao Kai reminded me that I don't need to explain it clearly.

Wang Chunming understood instantly, and then asked: "Direct line"?

Gao Kai shook his head, but in Wang Chunming's opinion, even if they are not immediate relatives, they are still very powerful.

"Then you can contact Sister Lele directly."Wang Chunming said with a smile, the two of you have played together since you were young, and you are much more familiar with each other than I am.

"I say what I say, the key is, who to choose?"Gao Kai asked, we have to choose several targets.

"Just Liu X."Wang Chunming firmly said that it is definitely right to choose this one.

"You are so optimistic"?Gao Kai curled his lips, what if he didn't get the gold medal, wouldn't it be for nothing?

"Didn't you say that if I am a shareholder, I also have the right to recommend."Wang Chunming smiled and said, I am optimistic about this, shall we?

"Okay, okay, up to you, but I'm going to pick five, what do you think"?Gao Kai thought for a while and said, five, no more, no less.

"Okay, I think Xing Huina is also good, she is a competitive player."Wang Chunming smiled and said, how about this?

Gao Kai curled his lips: "Why do you choose people who are not very famous and have few championships?"

"You don't understand this."Wang Chunming smiled and said: "Think about it, let's say I chose these two, they are not well-known, and the signing fee is also low. If you win the gold medal, it will be like a dark horse. Let's talk about the endorsement fee." , can definitely double, or even more, and like Zhang Yining and Wang Nan, not only do we know that they can win gold medals, most people think so, so ah, if you want to bet, bet on the dark horse, so that you can benefit the most change.

"Okay, I didn't see it, I've been in business for a few years, and this makes perfect sense."Gao Kai said with a smile, thinking back when Wang Chunming first set up a street stall, he was still very immature, but now he has grown up a lot.

"Everyone will make progress."Wang Chunming nodded. The experience of this life is much richer than that of the previous life.

"Okay, you choose two, I'll choose three more, and I'll call Hu Lele in the afternoon to ask if it's okay."Although Gao Kai swears, but, after all, the time is too short, who knows if it can be done.

Now that he came, Wang Chunming didn't plan to go back immediately, but was going to try a few things, such as archery.

For archery, Wang Chunming has seen and heard about it, but he has never tried it himself, so he is very interested.

The coach in the archery area is a middle-aged man in his 40s. He looks very strong, especially his arms, which are very muscular.

"Mr. Wang wants to try"?When Wang Chunming first arrived, Gao Kai called all the staff and introduced Wang Chunming.

"Try it, I haven't played it before, tell me about it."Wang Chunming nodded. He was quite interested in archery.

"That's fine, Mr. Wang, look, this bow is a traditional recurve bow, which has also evolved from our history. Its power point depends on how well you draw the bow. To put it bluntly, it is your bow. The more force you use, the farther you can shoot."

"The one here is a compound bow. Its biggest feature is that it is relatively simple to use, very labor-saving, and has good stability. Moreover, the aiming methods of the two bows are different. My suggestion is , if you use which kind of bow, you will use that kind of bow when you come to play in the future, don't change it back and forth."

Wang Chunming nodded, that was indeed the case, so he said: Let's use a recurve bow, and a smaller one first.

Not to mention looking at archers, in ancient times, it was not something that could be done casually.

Needless to say, Wang Chunming, the coach has already chosen the bow. After all, he is his own boss. If he makes him look ugly, he will lose his job.

Wang Chunming took the bow and tried it, but it still felt a little heavy. He touched the string and was very impressed.

Immediately afterwards, the coach began to explain some precautions, and also brought some simple protective gear to Wang Chunming. If novices don't pay attention, it is easy to be accidentally injured by the string.

"That's OK, I'll try."After listening for a while, Wang Chunming was eager to try, so he stood still and tried an arrow according to the coach's request.

"Damn, it's so outrageous."Pulling the bowstring, Wang Chunming felt that it was quite strenuous. As a result, the arrow flew out lightly, and then, let alone hit a few rings, it didn't even touch the edge of the target.

Wang Chunming refused to accept it, so he took a few steps forward, then stood still, and continued to shoot. This time, he did hit the target, but unfortunately, it was only a margin.

So, Wang Chunming took a few more strides, and then, with an arrow, he hit the red heart.

The coach stood behind, the corners of his mouth twitching, you just stand in front of the target and shoot, and you are guaranteed to hit every shot.

Finally hit the red heart, Wang Chunming was also satisfied, and then slowly retreated, and began to shoot seriously.

Fortunately, after shooting a few times, it felt a little better, and Wang Chunming finally did not miss the target, but it was still only marginal.

After shooting more than a dozen arrows, Wang Chunming felt that his arm was a little sore, so he handed the bow to the coach and said: Come and play again next time.

The coach nodded and said: "That's fine, beginners should do it step by step, otherwise, they will easily strain their muscles."

"Boss, do you want to hit me a few times?"The tennis coach is a tall beauty with long blond hair, and she is actually a foreigner.

"You speak Mandarin well."Wang Chunming smiled and said, if you don't look at your appearance, but only listen to your voice, you won't even know that you are a foreigner.

"My father is from China, and my mother is from America. Moreover, I was born in Shanghai, so my Mandarin is very good."The beautiful coach handed over a pair of rackets, and at the same time said some precautions.

To be honest, it was also the first time for Wang Chunming to play this game. Under the coach's deliberate pressure, the two were evenly matched.

After playing for more than ten minutes, Wang Chunming was hot and sweaty, but his level was good, and he made a little progress.

"No wonder I couldn't find you, I came to play with the beauty."Gao Kai laughed strangely, she has good eyesight, Angl is a mixed-race beauty, besides, that figure can make a man's nose bleed just by looking at it, the lordosis is protruding and the back is warped, the key is that it is big enough.

"Just say something, you think everyone is like you."Wang Chunming said angrily, I went to archery just now, and that was the male coach.

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