Although it is said that Jiafu is competing, but at this time, there are still very few large supermarkets, so the competition is not fierce.

In addition to the opening today, the activities are in full swing, and there are also a lot of guests.

"Gangzi, it's almost noon, you come to provide lunch for the employees today, don't miss anyone."Wang Chunming explained that the past few days are too busy, and if we don't make arrangements in advance, we will not be able to eat.

"Don't worry, put it on me."Wang Chungang patted his chest and assured, I have experience in this matter.

When the Merrill Lynch store opened before, Wang Chungang was in charge of this matter.

"By the way, is the snack bar busy now? If not, let them supply it."Wang Chunming asked, if the business over there is not good, just follow.

"I don't know, I haven't asked before."Wang Chungang was also extremely busy, plus he went to Jialefu, so he didn't have time at all.

"Forget it, I'll go and see for myself."There is no way, everyone is very busy, and Wang Chunming can't bear to instigate others.

Besides, just outside the supermarket, it's very close.

"Liu Li, how are the preparations at the snack bar?"Just after leaving the supermarket, I saw Liu Li who was in a hurry.

"Hey, little boss, the preparation is okay, but there are some novices who are easy to make mistakes."Liu Li manages six stores by herself, which is also a lot of pressure.Although each store also has a deputy store manager, she is still worried and must direct it personally.

"Small mistakes are fine, but big mistakes must be avoided."While walking, Wang Chunming explained that the newcomer, coupled with being so busy at the beginning, will definitely make mistakes, but it doesn't matter if you make mistakes, you have to be able to recognize the mistakes and correct them.

"Do not worry".Liu Li nodded, I will take care of it.

"By the way, how is the preparation in the store now? Are you busy? Can you provide staff meals for the supermarket?"Wang Chunming asked, if not, let Wang Chungang contact others.

Liu Li looked at her watch and said, "If you start preparing now, it will be too late. I'm afraid it won't be hot by then."

Liu Li explained that after all, it would be too late to make preparations when it was meal time.

"It's okay, as long as it's not cold, it's fine, but it's okay to have a cup of warm soy milk for each person."Wang Chunming asked, if the soy milk is made, you can put it in a thermos first to keep it warm.

"Then it's okay, let's explain it."Liu Li nodded. If you start preparing now, then there will be no problem.

Wang Chunming has asked the pasta side of the supermarket to prepare an extra basket of big meat buns. In addition, for the braised chicken and rice, and the first hamburger side, one person should bear the lunch of the remaining half of the people, so that the pressure is much less.

"Brother Ming Zi, the grand prize has been drawn."In the afternoon, Wang Chungang hurried over to report that they were all waiting outside.

"Go, go and see".Wang Chunming nodded. Unexpectedly, it was like this last time, and this time, it was still like this. On the first day, he won the grand prize.

What makes people laugh and cry is that the winner of the big prize is a housewife who can't drive a car at all, and can't even ride a motorcycle.

Right now, I'm on the phone, asking my husband to come over quickly so that I can drive the car back.

"Sister, I am the person in charge of this supermarket. Congratulations, you have won the biggest prize in our supermarket. Now, do you have anything to say?"Wang Chunming asked with a smile and said a few words to everyone.

"Um, well, I'm low-educated, and I don't know much about it. Your supermarket is good. From now on, I'll only come to your supermarket to buy things. It's convenient and affordable."The woman was a little embarrassed at first, but she became bolder as she spoke.

Wang Chunming also laughed. Although the elder sister didn't say anything high-sounding, they were all truthful, from the heart.

What ordinary people like to hear is not those procrastination scenes, but short truths.

The elder sister's words also aroused the cheers of many people in the audience.

After about half an hour, a middle-aged man hurried over, but the joy on his brows was indispensable. This man was the husband of the winning sister.

The man is also an ordinary factory employee. When he first learned that his wife had won a big prize, he thought he had encountered a liar.

When so many supermarkets in Quancheng opened, they didn't hear that there was a lottery, and they won the car.

However, when he actually saw the car, the man couldn't help being overjoyed.After all, which man doesn't like cars, it's just that his strength doesn't allow it.

"Thank you, thank you."The man's old face was flushed, and he didn't know what to say, so he kept saying thank you.

"By the way, brother, do you have a driver's license, can you drive back?"Wang Chunming asked, if you don't have a driver's license, you will be in trouble.

"Yes, yes, but I forgot to take it."The man scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "I'll get it right away, it won't take too long."

After saying hello to his wife, he rode his bicycle and hurried home.

Wang Chunming smiled and didn't say anything. He didn't mind waiting. After all, putting the car here is also a kind of publicity. Look at the people talking about it below, and you'll know.

Many people feel sorry for the new students, the grand prize is gone, what a pity, if I win the prize...

However, more people turned their attention to other prizes. The car is gone, but there are many washing machines, refrigerators, computers, etc., besides, there is only one grand prize, so I may not be able to draw However, there are more prizes below, and the chances of winning will be much greater.

"Haha, I won a washing machine, hehe, my wife will be very happy when she finds out."A man danced and danced, but soon became worried again, how could he transport such a big man back by himself.

"Unlucky to go back, how about you transfer it to me cheaply"?A friend who was traveling with him said enviously, because the only thing he won was an electric kettle.

"Fuck you, whoever wants to transfer it to you, even if I recite it, I will recite it back, hum."Thinking of the winter, when the daughter-in-law's hands were swollen from the cold, and she was still washing clothes in the big basin, the man felt distressed and panicked. He wanted to buy it last winter, but there were a lot of places to spend money. The daughter-in-law said, save it, I will buy it in two years. After so many years, I have survived. It is not bad for two or three years.

The man gave up, because he really had no money, and the old man at home was sick and spent a lot of money.

The man thought about whether he should hire a tricycle to transport him back. Although he had sworn that he could move it back, but if he really moved it back,

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