Chapter 1285

"Tell me, who is your master?!"

Chen Yang is very curious now, what exactly does this person's master do?It is not something ordinary people can do to hide such a powerful aura like him.

Especially just now, even I didn't realize it.

The man in black gritted his teeth looking at the mask in Chen Yang's hand, and finally revealed his identity. This thing is really important to him.

I feel that I can't leave this thing behind, and with Chen Yang's current state, it is absolutely impossible for him to leave here.


"After that, people from the Black Dragon Society approached me and my master. I have been helping the Black Dragon Society track down warriors since my master left in the past few years."

After Qiuming revealed his identity, he didn't hide his plan.

He could feel that if the Chen Yang in front of him didn't want him to live, he only needed to move his finger a little bit to take his life.

At this time, no matter how hard the mouth is, there is no chance.

There was already a killing intent in Chen Yang's eyes!

"Then do you know what kind of existence the black dragon will be?!"

Chen Yang looked at Qiuming indifferently.

Since the other party knew about the Black Dragon Society, they have been helping the Black Dragon Society for so long.

This made him very uncomfortable, even at the beginning he was not happy, but after his master left, he could completely leave the Black Dragon Society, but he did not do so.

"I know a little bit." Qiuming's voice gradually became softer.

He could hear the anger in Chen Yang's words.

"Then why don't you choose to leave?"

Chen Yang took a deep breath, the veins on his hands had burst out.

If the answer given by the other party... then he absolutely cannot keep Qiuming.

"Leave? It's not as easy as saying, the black dragon will poison me heavily, and I can't die until I pass on these things in my hand!"

Qiuming didn't mean that he was afraid of death, but because he had to find an inheritor to inherit these things left by his master. Like the thing Chen Yang took away just now, it was something that needed to be passed on from generation to generation. thing.

He is an orphan. After his master picked it up from the garbage heap, he raised him until he was big, and never treated him badly in any way.

I gave him all the things I have learned all my life, and now he will never allow these things to be lost on him.


Chen Yang looked at Qiuming in front of him, and felt a little tangled in his heart. The fact that the other party helped the Black Dragon Society was usually enough for him to be imprisoned for a long time.

But how could it be so simple?

"Qiuming, right? If I could force all your poison out, wouldn't you help people from the Black Dragon Society?!"

Qiuming was stunned for a moment, apparently he did not expect Chen Yang to give such an answer.If all the poison in the body is discharged, it will naturally not help the people of the Black Dragon Society.

"Not only do I have no relationship with the Black Dragon Society, but I have always remembered what he has done over the years. As long as these things can be passed on, the Black Dragon Society and I must be at odds!"

If it wasn't for his reason to live, it would be absolutely impossible for him to cooperate with people from the Black Dragon Society.

He even hated himself very much.

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