Chapter 221

Dong Xinxin looked at Chen Yang angrily. She was wearing a nightgown. If it was on her head and feet, it would be no different from taking it off completely!

Dong Xinxin said coldly: "You investigated me? And now you're here to amuse me, right?"

Chen Yang waved his hands and said, "I just wanted to make you believe it. Your cold qi condenses in your uterus, and your liver qi stagnates, so you will definitely feel tightness in your lower abdomen. Moreover, once you catch the cold, it will be more serious, right?"

Dong Xinxin frowned, she nodded, "Indeed."

Chen Yang continued: "You stand on your head and feet, and I will give you luck to drive away the cold, which can make the liver qi flow out of your mouth and nose directly, and the effect will appear soon. After another month of Chinese medicine, you will be able to conceive child."

Although Dong Xinxin found it embarrassing to stand on her head, she really wanted a child of her own.

She is 35 years old this year. Those girlfriends and classmates back then were all married and had children of their own.

Although Dong Xinxin is the most successful among this group of people, she always stands out the most at every gathering!

However, when other girlfriends talk about children and family, Dong Xinxin will feel extremely lost in her heart!She became a complete outsider.

Because she has no children.

Also because of infertility, the first husband left.

At the same time, Dong Xinxin is also an executive of mother and baby products. She gives advice to other pregnant women every day, but she herself cannot be a mother. This feeling is very desolate!

In my 20s, I don't think so.

However, when a woman reaches the age of 35 and has no children, it will become a great regret and a psychological scar.

Dong Xinxin nodded, "Okay, I'll change my clothes and stand on my head."

Dong Xinxin changed into denim jumpsuits and stood upside down by the wall. She has practiced yoga all year round, and this movement is very simple for her.

Chen Yang stretched out his hand and pressed Dong Xinxin's Qimen and Shenque acupoints. His Taoist internal energy turned into a warm current and directly entered Dong Xinxin's uterus!

The uterus is the woman's uterus.

In order to let Dong Xinxin feel the effect as soon as possible, Chen Yang did not stingy with his internal energy.

A large amount of internal qi entered Dong Xinxin's uterus, followed the liver meridian to expel the cold air, and spit it out from Dong Xinxin's mouth and nose.

Dong Xinxin hesitated at first, but soon, she became surprised.

She felt a cold breath from her lower abdomen, through her chest and lungs, and then into her mouth and nose.

Then, the exhaled air was extremely cold, as if there were a bunch of ice cubes in his mouth!

10 minute later.

Chen Yang wiped the sweat from his forehead, sat down on the sofa, and said, "It's done!"

Immediately, Chen Yang took a few deep breaths and felt waves of exhaustion.

This treatment is like a big battle!

Originally, treating Dong Xinxin did not need to consume so much internal energy.

However, in order to make Dong Xinxin feel at ease and feel the effect, Chen Yang used two-thirds of his internal energy.

Dong Xinxin was very excited. She felt the warmth in her belly, and the restraint she used to feel was gone.

"What's your name, sir?" Dong Xinxin asked respectfully.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "My name is Chen Yang. You don't have to worry about my affairs. After the contract is finalized, I will send you the follow-up prescription. Within three months, you will be able to conceive."

Dong Xinxin quickly agreed very respectfully.

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