Chapter 272

With a cold face, Chen Yang followed the waiter and walked towards a management office on the third floor.

Hey man, the waiter's arm was broken. He was very frightened at first, for fear that Chen Yang would yell loudly and be known by other passengers.

But unexpectedly, Chen Yang actually obediently went to the management office.

The Heyman immediately said on the intercom, "Manager, a customer has discovered the secret of the red wine box, and I'm taking him there now."

Chen Yang knew that the waiter was tipping off the news, but he didn't care.

This time, he wanted to completely uproot these cancerous tumors.

On the way, Zhao Zhichuang was standing on the deck watching the scenery with his wife and daughter.

Seeing Chen Yang, Zhao Zhichuang beckoned, "Chen Yang, what are you doing?"

Chen Yang shook the wine box in his hand, "I found a hidden camera on it, I'll go and fix it."


Zhao Zhichuang suddenly became angry, and he immediately ran over, "Fuck! It's true! Damn that bastard just sent a bottle to my room!"

Chen Yang and Zhao Zhichuang followed the waiter to the management office.

Zhao Zhichuang gritted his teeth along the way, "Damn it, these bastards are so bastards! I want to throw all their criminals into the sea!"

The management office is on the third floor, a room with a large end.

Just got in.

The door of the management office was locked with a bang.

Then, the seven waiters inside took out steel rods and other things, and surrounded Chen Yang and Zhao Zhichuang.

The leader is a white man. He is the manager here. He looks very gentle. If he walks outside, others will think he is a gentle gentleman.

However, Cario was never a gentleman.

Relying on these videos, he earns over [-] million a year!

The reason why Cario is still working on the cruise ship as a manager of the service department is not because he has no money, but because he is reluctant to leave this industry where he is getting rich!

Cario found the gentleman's tie at the collar, and he smiled slightly, "Seriously, I admire the courage of you two idiots, you dare to enter my territory so unsuspecting! Hahaha, you two You idiot Hua Xia, who has lived in your country for too long, doesn’t even know how dangerous the world is!”

The other waiters, some are white and some are tall.

These people all laughed loudly.

"Hua Xia's man is the most cowardly and stupidest I have ever seen!"

"The men there have never touched a gun in their entire lives! The women there kneel down when they see our green card abroad."

"Hahaha, the most important thing is that they are too thin and short! They look like poor reptiles."

Zhao Zhichuang's English is not very good, he was confused. He turned to Chen Yang and asked, "Chen Yang, what are these bastards talking about? Have they pleaded guilty now?"

"Hehe, they are discussing throwing us into the sea to feed the fish." Chen Yang shrugged and said relaxedly.

"Fuck! These bastards are really lawless!" Zhao Zhichuang looked around, then picked up a mop and put it in his hand.

At this moment, the ship has just set sail and is not too far from the shore.

Cario whistled triumphantly, put his hands in his pockets, smiled at Chen Yang and said, "Hey, do you know why, do I like to secretly take pictures of the women in Hua Xiaguo? Because they are the richest , the most beautiful, and the easiest to blackmail! Hahaha! I asked my men to put red wine with a hidden camera on the shelf when they saw a flowery woman living in the cabin."

"In the past year, I have successfully photographed more than 500 women in summer. I secretly sent those videos to those women. Those stupid women are very afraid of being seen by their relatives and friends. I have a lot of money, I hope I delete the video!"

"Hahaha! There is a woman, I blackmailed 900 million from her, she sold the house and sent me money. In the end, I also used the video to sleep her! This stupid woman, in order to get Video, actually agreed to sleep with me!"

"Oh, but in the end, after I blackmailed her out, I sold the video to a foreign website. You know, the price of this kind of video from Huaxia people can always be higher!"

"I've been doing this for more than a year, and it's the first time I've been discovered today. But unfortunately, you two are stupid too."

"When we get to the high seas, I will sink you to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish. Poor little Huaxia, you don't even know how easy it is to make a few people disappear! Hahaha!"

"Give it to me!"

Cario waved his hand triumphantly, and the other waiters, holding sticks, swung towards Chen Yang and Zhao Zhichuang...

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