"Boss, are you still listening? I've finished singing Wang Chuan's song, who's song to listen to next. Hey, it's not yet 4 o'clock. Winter nights are very long, and it's dawn at 6 o'clock in summer. Fall asleep Is it? Boss. Boss, brother, brother? You can’t really fall asleep, right…”


The sound of a car door opening.

"Can it be opened..."



The sound of a car door closing.

The sound is very quiet, but it sounds very clear at night.

"I'll sing you from the beginning again. This time it's not in order, so I sang it casually. Let me sing you one first. This is my favorite song by Wang Chuan. Actually singing a cappella is quite tiring, mainly I just need to find a tune. Cough~ A yellow and old lamp, time is silent by the side..."

Wang Chuan was surprised that she actually sang all her songs.

It was also surprising that she didn't leave directly after singing.

It's even more surprising that I haven't felt sleepy until now.

The advertising screens on the square have gone out, and only the yellow street lights are on in the dark.


"...I love you, I love you, I love you. I love a hammer, and I sang it again. Thanks to me, I kept my skills in singing K all night, and I didn't even feel tired. My God It's bright, the sunrise is so beautiful...ha~"

The sound of yawning.

"It's dawn, I can go, boss. Ha~"

There was another yawn.

"Huh? Are you still asleep? Boss? Boss?"

Two voices raised significantly.

"Ha~ I don't care, I'm so sleepy all of a sudden. I'm leaving, goodbye."


The door is open.

"Thank you."

Wang Chuan came back to his senses and said.

"Hahaha, I still want to thank you, I'm leaving."

The girl's voice sounded cheerful and lively, only a little tired.

"I feel that you sing very well. I like singing so much. I remember that Wang Chuan had a plan to support the development of musicians. Didn't you sign up to try?"

Wang Chuan asked.

"I signed up, but it's useless. I can't sing well. I can't write songs myself, and I can't find anyone to write songs for me. I, I'm just a singer. How can I be considered a musician?"

The girl laughed at herself.

"Wait... 5 more minutes?"


But the door was still closed.

The girl heard the sound of flipping things on the other side, and then heard Sasha's voice, which should be writing on paper.

"We can actually scan the QR code and add WeChat directly. If we want to listen to songs in the future, we can just contact us. However, there are only five months. I will leave the capital in May next year, and I will not come back in the future."

There was no sound from the other side.

The salsa sound continued.

There is quite a lot to write.

After a while.

Pass a piece of paper from above.

The girl took it.

There is a song on it.

In addition to the lyrics, it also brought musical notation.

"Try it, can you sing?"

Wang Chuan asked.

"Uh... Fortunately, I have learned it, hahaha. Wait a minute, I will try and find out how I feel."

The girl looked at the lyrics, pondered a few times in her heart, and tried to speak.

"Zebra, zebra, don't you fall asleep,

Show me your wounded tail again.

I don't want to touch the scars of your wounds,

I just want to blow your hair out. "

It is sung very accurately, and although it is not difficult for professional singers, the song is also very easy to sing.

Although it was already past eight o'clock, the red sun still couldn't make the morning look warmer.

Pedestrians looked in a hurry, vehicles were coming and going, the voices of people were noisy, and the sound of cars was noisy.

"This song is quite nice, I haven't heard it before."

The girl stopped and said something before continuing to sing.

"Zebra, zebra, you're back home,

But I wasted my cold years.

No door in your city opens for me,

I have to go back to the road after all.


The information on the phone pops up.


Wang Chuan returned the information to her.

"I'll strap on my guitar and leave the North..."

The girl next to her was still singing, but her singing was a bit inaccurate compared to when she first spoke.

Emotions are out of control.

"Okay, there's no need to sing."

Wang Chuan interrupted her.

"Sorry, I didn't sing well."

The girl apologized repeatedly.

"It's okay, as long as you can sing. I'm going to work, so I'll give you this song."

"Uh... give, give, me?"

The girl said in surprise.

"Well, get out of the car, I'm in a hurry."


Girls don't know what to say.

Until the vehicle started, only the back of the car was left.

The girl standing on the side of the road remembered that she forgot to ask the other party's name.

But even if asked, the other party may not answer.

She carefully put the written paper in her bag.

Maybe this is a gift that nothing can compare to in the rest of my life.


Ruan Qiushui once said when joking that Wang Chuan seemed to be nice to anyone casually, and she didn't feel that there was anything special about herself.

Wang Chuan also found that this was indeed the case.

It's like just giving a song to a stranger casually.

This is called recognizing yourself.

Huang Ci'en didn't want Wang Chuan to help her realize her ideal in life.

But Wang Chuan can also help those who are willing to realize her life dreams.

Or help your fans.

This is not forcing others.

Zhao An does have a method.

Wang Chuan now feels that he is really much better, and his whole body is refreshed. He didn't sleep all night. There are too many cars on the road in Beijing at this time. He drives very slowly, but he doesn't feel sleepy at all.

When I joined the company, I also felt cute.

Today's itinerary is also relatively simple, there is only a four-specialty project kick-off meeting.

I can go home and sleep in the afternoon.


"Brother Chuan, Brother Chuan."

In a daze, I heard someone shouting.

Wang Chuan woke up with a jolt.

Seven or eight people in the room were all looking at him.

"...I'm sorry, I didn't sleep well last night." Wang Chuan quickly apologized, "What are we talking about now?"

Dozing off in winter is really uncomfortable. Although the central air conditioner is turned on very hot, I still feel a momentary loss of temperature, and then my body is always hot or cold.

"I've covered the rest of the story. It's the official release date of the final album. Brother Chuan, do you have any ideas?"

Someone next to him asked.

"The album will be released in spring... Spring is a season of revival of all things," Wang Chuan thought while talking nonsense, turning over the calendar on the table, "Just... March 3st, the size is a holiday, earlier Send. Are there any questions? If not, let’s stop here?"

Wang Chuan really couldn't hold it anymore and wanted to go to bed quickly.

I can't even go home. Fortunately, there is a small lounge in the office. It's an emergency.


After Wang Chuan leaves.

"Is the equinox a holiday?"

"Yes, it makes sense to divide the spring into two, and the days will be longer than the nights from now on, which fits the theme of the album's breakup."

"The autumnal equinox is more suitable. After the vernal equinox, it gets warmer and warmer."

"Isn't it okay to start a new life? It's not sad to break up in the circle, you see Brother Chuan is normal."


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