"Well," Kai nodded, but still extended the invitation, "Come to my house tomorrow morning, and I will introduce you to the most authentic Thai food, you must like it."

After Kai said so, Wang Chuan nodded in agreement.

However, when the next day passed, Ruby was not at home, and Wang Chuan...

Originally, Wang Chuan didn't have much time in Thailand, and he had to go to the venue for rehearsal. Didn't he think that Ruby might be euphemistically inviting him, she is not bad, Wang Chuan would definitely not go.

After all, Kai wasn't invited in the first place.

But later generations are not here...


Then the rehearsal didn't go well either.

Because the venue was surrounded by fans again.

The concert will not start until tomorrow night, and they are now tightly surrounded, and every car that goes in is surrounded to check whether Wang Chuan is inside.

Wang Chuan had to change places, and rehearsed the process and cooperation with the backup dancer.

"The fans in Thailand are really crazy. According to what I know about your fan base in other countries, the willingness to communicate with domestic fans in Thailand is very weak, and because there are not many people who can speak Thai, there is no one from us. People, or contact the relevant departments to send more security."

Tang Ruojing in the video was very helpless.

"... There are fans from us in other countries."

Wang Chuan grasped a little bit and was a little surprised.

"Yeah, I asked Tao Yuwei, and according to her, it's all run by domestic support clubs, usually with local overseas students and Chinese groups as the mainstay, and then attracts more reliable local people to join and promote it on social media platforms. There is also a special fund in the fan club to take charge of this matter. Now the overseas fan bases are developing best in the United States and country H, because some people in the domestic fan club are more familiar with the situation in these two countries, and there is also a fan culture in the local area Foundation."

Tang Ruojing explained.

"All right."

Wang Chuan had no choice but to nod, it sounded like a multinational company...

So Wang Chuan had no choice but to rush early the next day, taking advantage of the fact that there were relatively few people in the early morning, and they thought it was unlikely that Wang Chuan would enter the arena at this time, so they mixed in the car.

After going in, there was a simple rehearsal in the morning again. In the middle, Wang Chuan learned a few more Thai words to prepare for the concert greetings, and also took a few videos to thank them for their presence and support.

When he was in the stadium, Wang Chuan was also very moved when he heard the voices of the crowd outside gradually boiling up, and there were still many people singing together.

When the concert finally started in the evening, the excited shouts of the audience not only did not stop, but also did not feel weakened in the slightest. Even when Wang Chuan was surprised that the audience could sing along with many songs in chorus, the shouting voices were still in place. On the bottom, it seems to have a special mixing effect for the chorus.

At the end of the concert, when Wang Chuan sang the last song to announce the end of the concert, tens of thousands of people seemed to rush to the stage at the same time, which made Wang Chuan sing two more songs before leaving the stage and running away.

When leaving, it was a battle of wits and courage.

It wasn't until Wang Chuan got on the plane and left Thailand that Wang Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

The pressure brought by fanatical fans is really scary sometimes. This time in Wangchuan, Thailand, I finally unlocked an achievement. There are really fans who fainted because of being too excited...

Wang Chuan was thinking about going to the hospital to see the other party, but the hospital was surrounded again.

Wang Chuan had no choice but to record a video blessing for the other party.

Finally, on the plane, Wang Chuan also updated his social media with photos of Thai fans,

"Best fans in the world!"

Not afraid of domestic fans being jealous, just praise directly!

After all, I can't come to Thailand for business once a year, and I don't know when I will come next time.

In the next few concerts in Southeast Asia, although the fans were not as crazy as Thailand, they were still extremely enthusiastic.

It’s just that one or two local authorities are a bit difficult to deal with. The one in Malay was temporarily notified to suspend it under the pretext of a problem with the equipment, which almost caused a chain reaction on Wang Chuan’s entire tight tour...

Wang Chuan originally wanted to leave directly, but in the end he chose to pay the money, so that the concert was only postponed for one day.

Even if it's for the fans.

Wang Chuan may hold concerts in other countries in the future, but he will not come here again.

"I like being with you the most!"

"Unbelievable you guys!"

"I really don't want to leave!"


A series of photos were sent.

All taken care of.

Until the end of the last overseas tour, return to China, and continue to pick up the domestic tour.


But Wang Chuan had to fly to the United States first to attend the overseas premiere of "Riding the Wind and Waves", which he hated very much.

At the end of February, the box office of "Riding the Wind and Waves", which was released for more than half a month, has reached 46 billion, steadily moving towards the goal of 60 billion that everyone expects.

With such a successful box office, Wanli Pictures spent a lot of effort in publicity in the United States, investing in social media and offline advertisements, and also found some self-media and short video bloggers in the United States to help promote it.

And several Hollywood superstars were invited to participate in the premiere, among them... Catherine.

"How about it, are you surprised?"

Lu Ang smiled at Wang Chuan.

"...you still have a way!"

Wang Chuan could only sigh.

"Hahaha, I'm saving your face," Lu Ang also blew back, "It is said that when Catherine agreed to come, she said it was because she promised that you would support the movie."

"Hahaha, of course."

Wang Chuan had to be narcissistic and complied.

When Catherine arrived at the scene after exchanging pleasantries, she still seemed interested when she walked over.

"I look forward to your wonderful performance!"


It must be said that when the movie finished, there was still a lot of applause at the scene.

Including Catherine, she is not stingy either.

Although Wang Chuan had to adjust her sitting posture from time to time during the screening, when she turned her head and praised the movie to Wang Chuan, Wang Chuan could still see her red eye sockets.

"Very good movie."

"Thank you."

Wang Chuan was convinced.

Afterwards, several superstars who came to the scene all praised the movie. Some said they remembered their childhood, and some said they missed their father who passed away not long ago. Only one was unreliable, saying that he liked racing cars very much. , is really unprofessional...

However, it does not affect the success of the entire premiere.

Until the next day, before Wang Chuan flew back to Huaxia, Lu Ang was still chattering in his ears.

"Americans are hopeless. The audience cultivated by this decadent society is far behind China..."

Wang Chuan only thought he was telling a bad joke.

1% attendance is true, emmm...

Wang Chuan has been ridiculed by the American media, and Catherine is also lying on the gun along the way...

Home tour.

Go back and play two games and then fly back.

The impact of "Riding the Wind and Waves" in the United States is actually not that big, because the box office in Southeast Asia looks pretty good.

Although there were still some voices complaining, Wang Chuan didn't care.

What Wang Chuan cares about is that after the two concerts, after half a month of intensive posting of photos during the previous overseas tour, the Weibo comment area suddenly fell silent——

"Why didn't you post photos when you came to Yu Province?"

"Is Akarin province really unworthy???"

"You didn't post a picture of Yunhai back then!


"The capital didn't even post it..."

"I didn't expect you to treat them differently! [Big cry] [Big cry] [Big cry]"

"You're really bloated, Ogawa!"


So Wang Chuan, who was sitting on the plane flying to the United States to attend the Oscars, had no choice but to ask the team to come up with an explanation of the plan that will be released at the end of the domestic tour.

It's a bit like shooting yourself in the foot with a rock...

"Your fans are really cute."

Ruan Qiushui, who was beside Wang Chuan, said enviously.

This time, the trip to America was in the name of the crew, and the whole crew flew there on the same flight, so Wang Chuan and Ruan Qiushui sat together in a fair manner.

"If you interact with your fans more, they will be cute too."

Wang Chuan laughed.

"...It is estimated that you will hate me soon, and you will scold me for not living up to it."

Ruan Qiushui sighed.

Since she was crowned in Cannes with "Blue", fans of Ruan Qiushui are happily waiting for the news of her new play.

They hope that Ruan Qiushui can take advantage of the victory and pursue more actress trophies to consolidate her position in the country, and fight back against some who are still insisting that she is a spokesperson for Wang Chuan, or is pushed out by domestic capital.

It's pure acting, whether it's a TV series or a movie, just watch it if you have something to watch.

But more than half a year did not wait for the news.

Only one TV series "Langya Bang" has not been aired yet.

Ruan Qiushui's fans are beginning to accept that she wants to take a break.

Ruan Qiushui finally decided to start resting directly.

But she wanted to wait until when she would have the urge to act again before making a new movie, which was like making a semi-retirement decision.

This is completely different from the idea of ​​resting for half a year, or even a year at most, that fans thought.

This time and after giving birth after preparing for pregnancy, Ruan Qiushui has at least two to three years of silence.

At that time, it is hard to say whether she is willing to film or not.

After Xie Yan learned of Ruan Qiushui's decision, she came to Wang Chuan specifically, hoping that Wang Chuan could make Ruan Qiushui take back his decision.

Because she thinks that Ruan Qiushui is now entering her peak acting state, and it is a pity to retire like this...

Seeing the relaxed expression on Ruan Qiushui's face beside him, Wang Chuan held her hand tightly.

"Then I hope it's me they're scolding."


For the "Blue" crew, the Oscars will not have any substantial gains.

Even in the previously announced nomination list, "Blue" won three nominations including Best Foreign Language Film, Best Actress, and Best Soundtrack.

But among the three nominations, the most hopeful soundtrack is also facing competition from several soundtrack masters in the Hollywood circle, so it is difficult to win the trophy.

However, for Chinese films that have been relatively bleak in recent years, there is still a great incentive.

In addition, there were too many other domestic artists who came to the scene under various names, and the presence of domestic media also reached a new high.

Moreover, after these media arrived in the United States, they seemed to have become unrestrained.

"Are you and Qiushui still together? Why don't you announce it to the public?"

"Will you and Wang Chuan walk the red carpet together, Qiushui, at the Oscars ceremony this time? If there is a choice, do you hope that the one standing next to you is your ex-boyfriend Wang Chuan, or the screenwriter Wang Chuan?"

"I heard that you lived together in a villa in Los Angeles, is that true?"

After landing at the airport, Wang Chuan got rid of the media who were chasing and intercepting him all the way, and even took time to interact with the fans who picked him up at the airport, telling them not to pick up the plane again in the future.

Then Wang Chuan got in the car and ran to the hotel.

I have been inquired about the villa, and Wang Chuan doesn't dare to go there now, so let's just stay in the hotel first.

Anyway, Wang Chuan will return to China in two days to continue his tour.

After arriving at the hotel, the first thing Wang Chuan did was to send Tang Ruojing the list of the media that surrounded him just now.

"There will be no need to cooperate with these media in the future."

"Uh... ok."

Tang Ruojing looked at the list sent by Wang Chuan, xx Times, Nanx Entertainment, xx Evening News, Xinx Entertainment...

They are all media lists that cooperate with Shanhai.

So she asked a question.

"what happened?"

"Going abroad disgusts me. I can't even control my own reporters. I feed them the public relations money I give them every year to the wild dogs. I can even feed the dogs well. The dogs won't suddenly come out and bite me halfway."

Wang Chuan frowned and cursed.

Of course Wang Chuan knew that these media had cooperated with Shanhai, which was why Wang Chuan was angry.

Of course, Wang Chuan also wanted to make a fuss about this trivial matter that may be "insignificant" at ordinary times.

The media in the entertainment industry has a lot of experience, they like to constantly challenge the bottom line of stars to gain traffic for themselves, or ask for public relations fees.

Even if celebrities feel that they are very good to which media, every time they come to interview a big red envelope, and give gifts during the New Year and holidays, these media will not think too much about love, and when there is a shortage of traffic, they will still find ways to make a fuss.

And the better the personality of the artist, the more he will be slapped on the face.

The traffic hype is over, push it to the people below, and then apologize with a cheeky face... It's so disgusting that it will explode.

——Just like this time, after Wang Chuan expressed his anger, their explanation should be that overseas journalists are not easy to manage in China.

So expressing their unhappiness from time to time can make them more cautious when preparing to disgust themselves.

But Wang Chuan didn't do that before, because with Wang Chuan's current coffee position and Shanhai's status in China, he thought he wouldn't be so obviously disgusted again...

This time, running to the United States and getting stuck at the airport was really beyond Wang Chuan's expectations.

Now Wang Chuan doesn't make a fuss, and when the news of Ruan Qiushui's semi-retirement spreads, they will show more face.

"Okay, so what do I do?"

Tang Ruojing was quite surprised after hearing Wang Chuan's words.

Because in her impression, Wang Chuan had never scolded anyone like this before, so she directly asked for instructions to see what Wang Chuan was going to do to vent her anger.

"Stop all cooperation first," Wang Chuan said directly, "Then contact several other media and tell them that there is news about my new album, as well as more details of "La La Land", which can be reported to them .”

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Tang Ruojing immediately agreed.

After Tang Ruojing hung up the phone, Wang Chuan went down to have dinner with the crew.

When she saw Ruan Qiushui who took another car to the hotel, she also smiled helplessly.

"Actually, it's quite interesting to be chased and asked like that."

"...do you feel like you're eating other people's melons, asking questions that aren't about yourself?"

"It seems to be true."

...Wang Chuan can only say that Ruan Qiushui's mentality has already retired in advance.

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