I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 310 The Immortal Zhu Sword with a Strong Survival Desire

"By name and surname, Daozu, are you giving me equipment?" Ao Xing said in embarrassment.

Zhuxian Sword^-^: "Buzz~"

Ao Xinghan.

Zhuxian sword good~

"You... just responded to me?" Ao Xing boldly guessed!

Zhuxian Sword^-^: "Buzz~"

"Why don't you do this? I'll ask you a question. If you answer yes, you will ring once. If you don't, then ring twice. Now if you agree to my request, you ring once, and if you disagree, ring twice. "Ao Xing continued to make bold assumptions!

Zhuxian Sword^-^: "Om~"

Ao Xing was really stunned: "Wow! I can't believe it! I'm talking to a sword! This sword has its own consciousness!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, Ao Xing remembered a little baby...

Damn, isn't he chatting with Wuhu every day?

But now I don't know where Wuhu is lost.

I got lost this time because I came out to look for Wuhu, but I couldn’t find Wuhu, so I lost myself first, aha... embarrassing!

But ignore Wuhu for now, after all, there is a new magic weapon!

(Wuhu: Are you polite?!)

Ao Xing pointed to the sword platform and asked, "Is the pinyin on it my last name?"

Immortal Execution Sword: "Om!"

Pointing to himself, he asked, "Is it really me? It's not Ao Xing Ao Xing Ao Xing Ao Xing who has the same pinyin as me?"

Immortal Execution Sword: "Buzz!"

Ao Xing breathed a sigh of relief: "It really wasn't me!"

Zhu Xianjian suddenly became excited: "Buzz buzz buzz!"

And the pinyin on the sword platform magically changed into his name—You (Ao) Yuan (Lucky) people!

Ao Xingjiong: "So you conjured up this word!!!"

Immortal Execution Sword: "Om!"

"Don't pretend to be dumb if you can change characters! If you have something to say, just change it out?" Ao Xingjiong, at this moment, he doesn't know whether it's his own IQ or Zhu Xianjian's IQ.

At the same time, at this moment, he realized how smart Wuhu is!

Sure enough, excellence is all based on the same kind of foil!

The writing on the sword platform was erased.

A line of words reappeared, with simple and rude semantics: just pull it!

"Oh, good!" Ao Xing stretched out his hand...

Zhu Xianjian tried his best to hold back the trembling of excitement!


Just when Ao Xing was about to touch the hilt of the Zhuxian Sword, he stopped suddenly, retracted his hand, squatted down, and said to the sword: "If you tell me to pull it out, I will pull it out? Then how shameless I am?"

Zhu Xianjian: "..."

Ao Xing rubbed his chin and said, "Anyway, this is the backyard of the Taoist ancestor. I can't just take his treasures casually, right? This is a matter of politeness. Also, why are you sealed here by the Taoist ancestor?" Huh? Did you do something bad to get you locked up here? Your name is Zhuxian Sword, so it’s not true that you are dedicated to Zhuxian, right? Did Daozu seal you up because you were an enemy of immortals? of?"

Zhu Xianjian: "..."

Words began to appear on the sword platform, stroke by stroke, as if they were carved with a sword!

"No! I'm not! I haven't done anything bad! I haven't killed a fairy!"

"I am one of the famous top ten swords of ancient times! You little dragon baby, don't stain my reputation!"

"I used to be the treasure of Zixiao Palace! Do you think I was sealed by the Taoist ancestor because of a mistake?"

"Certainly not!"


"I was sealed up purely because..."

"T0t Daozu loves the new and dislikes the old. He forgot about my old magic weapon when he had a new magic weapon, so he just put me here, woo woo woo, I'm so pitiful..."

Ao Xinghan: "Daozu is not like that kind of person..."

"Why isn't he?" Zhu Xianjian groaned: "In the past, the gods liked to compete with magic weapons, so they kept refining new magic weapons, and after they were refined, they took them out to fight with others. That's how Daozu was. He made a lot of magic weapons, but he gave them to others after he got tired of playing with them! That year, on Fenbaoyan, he gave many of the magic weapons that he got tired of playing to his disciples! , born for killing, he dislikes me..."

"Wait!" Ao Xing interrupted Zhu Xianjian's button.

He took a closer look, and there were indeed nine coats engraved on the sword platform: [Eleventh Grade Xiantian Killing Spirit Treasure]!

Ao Xing couldn't believe it: "You are only eleventh rank?"

Hearing this sentence, Zhu Xianjian became angry immediately, clattering words, and the stone chips bounced on Ao Xing's face!

Ao Xing: I'm fine, I have thick skin, my feet don't hurt, thank you dad for giving me a good skin!

And every word on the sword stage highlighted Zhu Xianjian's anger and accusations!

"What is the eleventh grade?"

"The eleventh rank is very strong, okay?!"

"Do you think that the twelfth rank can be seen every day?!"

"There are not many twelfth-rank innate spirit treasures in this prehistoric world! You can count them with your fingers!"

"What's more, I'm still innate to kill Lingbao! Although Xiantian Lingbao is very powerful, not every one has the ability to kill!"

"Do you know what the word killing means?"

"It's the innate spirit treasure that is also the eleventh rank. If you hold me, you can hack others to death, but others can't kill you!"

"So in the past, whoever possessed the killing spirit treasure was the pinnacle of the prehistoric world!"

"You don't lose money if you own me!"

"So, pull me out!"

Ao Xing: "..."

He finished reading this passage.

Do you think that the twelfth rank can be seen every day?

...Uh, isn't that what you see every day? (→Wuhu)

But now it's lost.

So the Twelve Grades are so rare?

He doesn't know.

He saw that Wuhu was so ordinary, and he thought that the Twelve-Rank Immortal Artifact was a bad street.

(Otherwise, why would Zhao Gongming casually give him a magic tool for live streaming?)

However, it seems that Wuhu has never been said to be an innate spiritual treasure, but it seems to have been said that it is a fairy artifact made by imitating the Twelve Grades... The manual seems to say so, but at that time, as a young dragon cub who had just awakened, he I glanced at the manual and threw it away...

Probably tossed in the trash.


Just as he was thinking about Wuhu, the words on the sword platform were erased again, and new words reappeared.

Zhu Xianjian asked: "What are you still hesitating about?"

"Own me, you can kill all directions! From an unknown little white dragon to the new overlord of the wild! From then on, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas! No one in the world can stop you!" you!"

"Come on! Come and pull me out!"

"Don't you want to become the new overlord of the wild? Don't you want to lead the declining dragon clan back to the top? Don't you forget that the will of your dragon clan ancestors is to let the dragon clan rise and become the overlord of the world again? Dragon clan, should have Smiling so proudly above the Nine Heavens, the one who makes all gods and ghosts in the world bow down!"

(Ao Xing: That... seems to mention my father??)

"Don't hesitate! Come and pull me out!"

"If you don't pull it out...don't blame me for zooming in—"

"Buba is not a dragon!"

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