Ten seconds later, the brothers hurried out.

Wu Bei's Honda sedan was ravaged again, this time the rear window had a few holes in it, and half of the bricks were embedded in it.

Like last time, everyone still only had time to see the taillight of a motorcycle.

"What the fuck, this group of people who pay a thousand bucks! I'll go and adjust the monitoring!"

Qi Jinlong gritted his teeth and turned around to walk back. Wang Shun also took out his mobile phone and called the police.


Luo Hu turned his head and walked towards Wu Bei.But he found this man squatting beside the Honda car with a dignified expression, groping for something.

He leaned over curiously and asked, "What's the matter?"


Wu Bei quickly got up and shook his head.

The speed of the police dispatch was very fast. In less than half an hour, a patrol car roared over.

Staring at the not-so-clear surveillance screen, the policemen just walked away with a few words of reassurance in a businesslike manner.

Wu Bei was mentally prepared for this kind of unresolved result, so he wasn't too angry.

"It's not okay to do this all the time. It's a trivial matter to smash a car. The key is too bullying!"

"Aren't you known as a gangster, let's mobilize your buddies."

The brothers gathered together to murmur, while Wu Bei stared at the surveillance video without blinking.

The one who smashed his car was alone, and that guy was carrying a messenger bag with a few bricks stuffed into it.

What he was riding was not a motorcycle, but a kind of electric motorcycle that is very popular in the market now. No wonder he came twice, and no one heard the slightest movement.

I don't know if it's because of his cycling clothes, but Wu Bei always thinks his body is very thin, and it looks familiar!

That's right, it does look familiar, but Wu Bei can't remember where he saw the outline of this person.

After carefully watching the surveillance video several times, but found no useful information, Wu Bei sighed helplessly and explained: "Everyone will take turns sleeping tonight. It's a trivial matter to smash my car. I'm afraid that someone will miss it." Our trucks."

The opening was about to start, and if the truck had any accidents at this time, no one could afford the price.

After discussing taking turns to watch the night, Wu Bei sat on the sofa and continued to think about the whole matter.

No one noticed that he was holding a bead the size of a soybean in his hand.

This is a polished oil palm seed, which is the so-called white jade bodhi on the market. According to folklore, this thing can bring good luck to people, but Wu Bei seems to be all about human psychology.

The bead was discovered by Wu Bei just now by the side of the car. It looks like it should be one of the bracelets or necklaces. In all likelihood, it was accidentally missed by the bastard who smashed his car.

Just talking about the behavior of the guy who smashed the car, he looked like a half-grown child fooling around, but no one's half-grown child would play around with nothing.

That night, everyone took turns to watch the night until Zhao Nianxia came to work after eight o'clock in the morning.

Seeing the distracted appearance of several men, Zhao Nianxia asked the reason in confusion.

Eleven spoke quickly, and told her everything about Wu Bei's car being smashed twice.

"I'm convinced, you can't even understand such a simple question. If someone wants to drag you down on purpose, watch the night at night and work during the day, even if you are Iron Man, you can't handle it! It will open tomorrow, and all of you will be dizzy by then, don't you?" It's no wonder something went wrong!"

After Zhao Nianxia heard it, she immediately looked at the men with bloodshot eyes with a stern face, and waved her hand away: "Go to sleep, I will take care of the rest of the work for you!"

Wu Bei was taken aback when he heard the sound. He really didn't expect the other party's intentions. Before, he thought that someone wanted to disgust him, and at the same time, they were trying to make trouble for those trucks.

"But I still have a lot of things to do..."

"The workers haven't been notified!"

Qi Jinlong and Wang Shun yawned in their defense.

"Ann, everything has sister!"

Zhao Nianxia frowned confidently, then pointed to Eleven next to her and said, "Besides, there is Yaomeier helping me!"


Eleven immediately raised his little hand in cooperation.

To be honest, seeing all this, Wu Bei felt very warm in his heart, but he never knew how to express it, and he didn't know how to thank him.

"Since I can come up with a system, I must have a way to implement it!"

Zhao Nianxia glanced at Wu Bei, and smiled half-jokingly and half-seriously: Boss, can I apply for a fee of 1 yuan?

Wu Bei blurted out: As long as it is reasonable..

"There is evidence, it must be reasonable! Well, you all go to sleep!"

Zhao Nianxia immediately pushed Wu Bei to go out.

After a while, the brothers returned to the "rest area" and lay down with their clothes on.

The so-called rest area is actually a few simple beds built with wooden boards, but it is much better than their floor bunks.

"Suddenly I feel that Goddess Nianxia is actually pretty good, I shouldn't have quarreled with her yesterday..."

"It's just perfect, you didn't see how gentle her eyes were when she pushed us to sleep!"

Qi Jinlong and Wang Shun chattered like a dick.

Wu Bei noticed that Luo Hu was silent and seemed to be distracted, so he kicked him and asked with a smile, "It doesn't suit your personality to be so quiet?" "


Rahu turned around quickly.

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