Hu Fu Wu Bei Zhao Nianxia

Chapter 90 Heartache

When the three Wu Bei brothers cleaned up the scene and prepared to leave, Guo Yong, who was completely frightened, ran for at least two miles.

In his not-so-long life, this should be the most near-death time.

Guo Yong sprinted forward along the river with one foot and one shallow foot, and he didn't even notice that he lost a shoe. Wu Bei's ferocious face just now kept echoing in his mind, and his hatred for Han Wei grew more and more aggravated.

"Cao Nima, I take your brother-in-law, you treat me as a rotten sweet potato, let me be the bait, okay! Wait for me!"

Cursing angrily, Guo Yong continued to stride forward.

Originally, he wanted to call for help, but he found that his phone had disappeared. Looking at the pitch-black river, this bastard who had never suffered a lot when he was young, once again swore in his heart that he would make Han Wei look good. .

On the other side, Wu Bei and others who drove away went straight to the hospital to visit Wang Shun.

After the hysteria in the afternoon, Wang Shun was much calmer now, leaning against the bed by himself, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"Eleventh, why are you alone?"

Wu Bei glanced at the ward and asked with concern.

"I asked her to go back. After all, she didn't have a partner or a family. It's not convenient!"

Wang Shun answered in a hoarse voice.

Since the car accident, his voice has become what it is now, low, hoarse, rough as if it had been rubbed with sandpaper.

"I don't mind."

Rahu grinned stinky.

"Go away, you don't mind, Eleven thinks you're shameless!"

Qi Jinlong bumped into him impatiently.

Seeing the two brothers singing together as if they were offering treasures, Wang Shun smiled slightly, perhaps accidentally pulling the wound on his face, and then "hissed" in pain and took a few breaths.

"Go away, don't make trouble here! I will accompany Shunzi tonight!"

Wu Bei stared away.

Wang Shuneng could see that the brothers were trying to make him happy, so why didn't he forcefully smile to show the brothers to be relieved.

Wang Shun quickly waved his hand: "Brother Wu, no need..."

"I've been serving my dad in the hospital for more than a year. I'm used to the smell of disinfectant. I can't smell it all the time, and I don't sleep well. What's wrong? Do you not want my brother to sleep well, or do you dislike my snoring?"

Wu Bei frowned deliberately, feigning displeasure.

Wang Shun opened his mouth, and finally let out a "hmm".

Although he has known each other for a short time, he still knows Wu Bei's personality very well. As long as Wu Bei wants to do something, he can always find 1 reasons.

After driving away Qi Jinlong and Luo Hu, Wu Bei simply washed up, wiped Wang Shun's body, and fell directly on the accompanying bed next to him.

It was very quiet in the ward, and both of them could hear each other's breathing.

Wu Bei also knew that Wang Shun would definitely not be able to sleep, so after sorting out his language, he told him all about what happened to Guo Yong tonight.

I thought Wang Shun would feel better after listening to it, but this silly brother didn't react at all, and seemed to be distracted during the whole process.

"Don't worry, I will make the whole Aoxue Group pay for your face!"

Wu Bei got up and sat next to Wang Shun.

"Thank you Wu Ge."

Wang Shun squirmed his lips dullly, and accidentally poked the phone screen with his fingers, and a picture of a beautiful and innocent girl immediately appeared in Wu Bei's eyes.

Wang Shun also looked down at the screen, and introduced as if talking to himself: "Her name is Yaoyao. We have been dating for more than two years. We are studying in university in the provincial capital Shishi. We originally agreed to get engaged this year, but I was carried out. After the operating room, she happened to call me a video, and I answered because I was afraid that she would be worried..."

In the following scene, Wu Bei could already imagine that Yaoyao must have been frightened when she saw Wang Shun's appearance, and she might have said something hurtful in a hurry, which directly caused Wang Shun to lose control.

"Brother, this is normal, you have to give her some time to digest."

Wu Bei lit two cigarettes, brought one to Wang Shun's mouth, and picked up the other by himself.

"No, it's not just that, I just realized it just now..."

Wang Shun pressed into the WeChat chat interface and handed the phone to Wu Bei.

"Honey, it's my daughter's birthday, can you buy me a present?"

"Baby husband, I want the new small bag."

"Smelly treasure, my roommate's boyfriend bought her a gold necklace, I'm so envious..."

The long pages of chat records, except for Wang Shun's transfers and red envelopes, are basically all information about the girl's needs, including the last text message to Wang Shun to open the video, which is all about her asking for money and wanting to travel.


Wu Bei didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I always hypnotize myself, she will use my money only if she likes me, but less than two hours after breaking up with me, she posted a photo with her new boyfriend in Moments, and I used to send red envelopes or The transfer is all mosaic."

Wang Shun squeezed his lips bitterly, tears were already rolling in his eyes.

Wu Beiyu advised earnestly: "No one can wait for the train that has left the station, but you have to know that there will always be the next train coming to you..."

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