The name Qu Nanzhou is very strange and a bit masculine. Many students were a little surprised when they heard this name. There are girls with this name in the class?

Then I saw a girl slowly raised her hand, stammering: "I, I,..."

"Okay, thank you four students for your cooperation." Chen Zhe took the lead in clapping.

Qu Nanzhou still opened his mouth slightly, with a look of bewilderment.

The others suddenly realized that it was her.

Qu Nanzhou was the only girl who fainted due to hypoglycemia during the military training.

Qu Nanzhou is not ugly, in Chen Zhe's opinion, if he takes good care of it, he can even compete with Xu Wan'er.

It's just that her complexion is a bit dark and yellow, her hair is also very dry, and malnutrition is everywhere, which seriously lowers her appearance.

In addition, she is low-key, like a little transparent, and her presence in the class is extremely low.

Chen Zhe chose her only because she is more suitable for the role setting of the inspirational female food delivery person in the sketch.

But in Feng Shuang's view, Chen Zhe was the only impoverished student in the class who wanted to unite, and she was very pleased.

And Yu Yunlei is a little tasteful. She has been working as a girl since yesterday, but she has shirked it for various reasons. First, Sun Siyi, and then Qu Nanzhou who was ignored by her. She can't help wondering, when did Chen Zhe work with girls So prestige in the group?

What happened next made her even more uncomfortable. After Chen Zhe confirmed his actor, he didn't stop there, but shouted: "Liu Haoran, I saw a guitar hanging on your bed. It shouldn't be a decoration, right? You played and sang at the welcome party." How about a song?"

If it was Yu Yunlei who said that, Liu Haoran would definitely say that I was just pretending.

But it was Chen Zhe who spoke, and he laughed and said, "Brother Chen has to give you some face. Isn't there still two more shows? No one signed up and I took them all. It's nothing more than singing one more song."

The relationship between boys is so simple, they can turn against each other over a small matter, and they can also be remembered in their hearts because of a small kindness.

Not to mention that Chen Zhe helped him get through his troubles, even if it was Chen Zhe's eagerness to help his classmates on the first day of military training, he would not refuse.

"You only think about good things, you have been given the opportunity, how do other students behave?"

Chen Zhe said with a smile: "Xu Wan'er, how about a piano solo?"

Xu Wan'er didn't expect Chen Zhe to throw the hydrangea to herself, and she felt a little regretful that she told him some of her specialties and hobbies that night on the artificial lake night tour. Now everyone is looking at her, and the counselor is also present, so she can't refuse .

"The squad leader talked to me and was considering signing up. Since everyone is so enthusiastic, I'll sign up for one."

Xu Wan'er was very good at talking, not only accepted Chen Zhe, but also took care of Yu Yunlei's face.

This comforted Yu Yunlei's "injured" heart a little.

But the disappointment in Yu Yunlei's heart was still heavy. After working so hard for so long, she couldn't get it done, but it was finally settled by Chen Zhe in a few words.

As an outsider, Feng Shuang, the instructor and counselor, sees things thoroughly, and gets different results because of different ways of doing things.

Yu Yunlei has been solving problems by consulting, while Chen Zhe directly calls names. Although there is a feeling of "dominant", none of the people who are called objects object. This is a manifestation of ability.

Naturally, the people Chen Zhe named were not randomly selected. He did a thorough investigation in private, and he would not do anything he was not sure about.

Through this little incident, Chen Zhe's handling style and personal charm have been well interpreted.


At 07:30 in the evening, Chen Zhe called Zhang Cancan, Han Guangxin, Sun Siyi and Qu Nanzhou to the stadium. The five sat in a circle, and a newspaper was placed on the lawn in the middle, with melon seeds and fruits on it.

"Everyone relax, I'll assign roles to everyone, and if anyone has an opinion, they can raise it."

Chen Zhe sent a script prepared in advance to each person, and introduced: "Our sketch presents a microcosm of college life about a campus love story and work-study program. The sketch should highlight inspirational and positive elements...You four People, Zhang Cancan and Sun Siyi play the couple, Han Guangxin and Qu Nanzhou are Chibai’s part-time food delivery staff, the two of you met by chance during the food delivery process, and sparks sparked from it..."

After the introduction of a dog blood plot, Zhang Cancan was a little reluctant at first, but now he is almost crazy with joy. In the plot, Chen Zhe arranged him and Sun Siyi as a couple...

Han Guangxin has some opinions. He feels that his image does not look like a work-study program.

Of course, Chen Zhe automatically ignored his opinion, and asked Qu Nanzhou with a smile, "Do you have any questions?"

Qu Nanzhou hesitated and said, "Can I not participate?"


Chen Zhe said domineeringly: "It can be said that this role is tailor-made for you, and no one else can play it except you."


Qu Nanzhou didn't dare to look into Chen Zhe's eyes, lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Then, can, can you remove... the link of falling in love, I, I haven't talked about it, so I can't act it."

Han Guangxin looked at Qu Nanzhou's hesitation, and said suspiciously: "Old Chen, is Qu Nanzhou really okay? It's a scene with thousands of people, what if..."

Chen Zhe smiled confidently: "Don't worry, no one is born a performer, just practice more, try to act again in a while, and start practicing for half an hour every night from tomorrow, I believe Qu Nanzhou can do it well." Overcoming difficulties will not let everyone down."

At this point, Qu Nanzhou couldn't keep silent, and nodded cooperatively, "I will work hard."

But Zhang Cancan suddenly said: "Old Chen, co-authoring you is the chief director, and there is no role for you in the whole story."

Hearing what he said, Han Guangxin and Sun Siyi also reacted and expressed their doubts.

Chen Zhe pouted and said, "Forgive your carelessness today, but if you are still so careless tomorrow, your CP will be swapped.

Qu Nanzhou, tell them about my role. "

Qu Nanzhou took a careful look at several people, pointed to the content on the script and said, "Chen, Chen Zhe played the first role as a passer-by asking about the takeaway service, and the second role was the wooden man holding a takeaway sign. The third one plays...the old father who silently watched Qu Xiaozhou deliver food at the street corner...and in the last scene, Qu Xiaozhou's father also put on the delivery work clothes, and the back disappeared in the rain..."

At the end, Qu Nanzhou's voice was barely audible, and she was also a little embarrassed. Chen Zhe's setting was a bit weird, isn't it an inspirational story of campus love?Why did Qu Xiaozhou's father appear?

My own role is Qu Xiaozhou who works and studies for living expenses.

The few people were silent for a while, and suddenly Haha got up, Zhang Cancan pointed at Chen Zhe and said, "I thought those characters were all narrators, but it's you. Old Chen, why do you want to be Qu Nanzhou's father?"

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