Return to life from the beginning of re-reading

Chapter 435 Love and righteousness?

Guo Chao didn't need to have such a serious talk with Chen Derong if it was something else, but when it came to shares, he had to take it seriously.

In fact, he really didn't want to treat his own people in this way, including Qin Muzi, they were all his partners.

It's just that after one thing is done smoothly, it is easy to form inertia. Once you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, your thoughts will shift to the inertia.

Liao Zhenfei, Wang He, and Wu Bing all left the Rockets in similar circumstances.

Now it's Qin Muzi's turn, maybe he will bring along Chen Derong.

Chen Derong is dull, but not stupid. He followed the rocket all the way, contacted all kinds of people and not too many true and false things, and already had a certain amount of experience.

Before Guo Chao opened his mouth, he didn't expect it to be his own shares, because it was Qin Muzi's shares that were clearly discussed.

Trust is sometimes not so reliable in the face of interests.

Chen Derong was caught in a dilemma. If he didn't help, he would be sorry for his brotherhood. It can be said that Guo Chao got him what he is today.

But if he wants to help, the only thing he can be sure of is that his shareholding income will not change, because he will sign a nominee holding agreement, but if he wants to turn from the dark to the clear, it will become less certain.

To help or not to help?

"Old Chen, this matter is not urgent, you should seriously consider it."

Guo Chao said: "We founded the rocket to hope that it can grow into a towering tree. I am not for myself. This is the ideal of all of us, including the partners who have left."

As he said that, Guo Chao waved his hands and said with a smile: "This topic is too heavy, let's not let it go. Let's talk about it lightly. Do you know what the head is doing now?"

Chen Derong was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "It's been a long time since I heard from him, and he didn't contact us either."

"But he and I have been in touch all the time."

Guo Chao said: "Every time I call, I ask how the Rockets are doing, and he just called me a few days ago. Guess what he wants to do?"

"How can I guess what's going on?"

"He is now in his hometown and wants to contract a thousand acres of mountain land, plant fruit trees and raise ostriches."


Chen Derong was surprised and said: "He wants to farm land and do breeding? He is a top student in Jincai."

"You've only had enough to eat for a few days. Don't look down on this industry. Isn't our hometown all engaged in this kind of background?"

"I didn't look down on it, it was just...just..."

Guo Chao smiled and waved his hands, "Don't be mere, do you want to say that college students are a bit degraded by engaging in agriculture?"

Chen Derong smiled foolishly, as acquiesced.

"I knew you would think so, but let me tell you that agriculture may be a big outlet in the future. After a failure, I did grow and have a good vision."

Guo Chao poured a cup of tea for Chen Derong, and said, "The problem is not what to do, but his lack of start-up funds."

Chen Derong understood, and said slowly: "So I asked you to borrow money, how much?"

"He needs 1000 million."

"Fuck, so borrowed it?"

Guo Chao nodded, sighed and said, "I agreed, but I'm worried that he will make quick success again, so I will give him financial support in the form of investment, and will not give him a one-time payment, but pay him in stages."

"It's not... this... Brother Chao, I believe that you can gain wisdom by eating your head, but with so much money, are you not afraid of being in vain?"

Guo Chao laughed, and Dayi Bingran said: "My brother, you have to help me when it's time to help. Let's build the Rocket together. I said at the time that as long as the Rocket is here, I will not treat any of you badly." .

This time, I will do my best. If Wu Bing is in trouble, I will do my best to help, even if she has betrayed us before, if she doesn't admit it, I will!

Of course, I did not let Muzi out this time because of self-interest, but because I was afraid that she would cause irreparable damage to the rocket because the rocket belonged to all of us, not just one person. "

Guo Chao's words were like drums in the morning and evening bells in Chen Derong's ears, deafening, trembling the emotional line in his heart from time to time.

Thinking about it carefully, Guo Chao has always been tolerant of making so many mistakes, and now he has given out such a large sum of money to help him.

It is enough to prove that Guo Chao is really emotional.

I shouldn't have doubted this.

After leaving the tea house, Chen Derong was indeed thinking about Guo Chao's method.

But he was not stupid, he immediately called Liao Zhenfei.

Liao Zhenfei confirmed Guo Chao's words, but did not mention Guo Chao's 70% shares in his agriculture and forestry company and other details. This point is easily overlooked. Chen Derong only confirmed whether Guo Chao invested the money to help Liao Zhenfei .

Of course, it is impossible for Qin Muzi, who is the target, to know about all this, and everything is going on quietly.

Qin Muzi just made a bowl of noodles, waiting for Chen Zhe who just woke up and was doing push-ups to eat.

She squatted beside Chen Zhe, gnawed melon seeds and said, "Why do you suddenly think of exercising?"

Chen Zhe gasped and said, " many have I made?"


Qin Muzi smiled and said, "It's a bit weak, there are only 37."

"I'm weak? Haven't I been doing it all the time?...58..."

"Heck, 41, why did you jump to 58 all of a sudden?"

Chen Zhe curled his lips, "It's not because you are chattering in my ears, disturbing my train of thought... In this way, let you see what a real man is. You weigh 90 catties. Come on, sit on my back."

"Ah, are you okay?"

"Is it okay? Who do you look down on, just try it and you will know, come on."

"Then I'm here... No, your back is covered in sweat and it's a little dirty."

"Then sit on my ass."

Qin Muzi took a look, his cheeks were flushed, but he was very excited. Guo Chao had never played around with her like this before. The two of them talked about work other than serious work. They were very boring.

"I'll just stand up."

Qin Muzi couldn't sit still, so he lightly stepped on Chen Zhe's back with his bare feet, leaning on the wall with his hands, feeling Chen Zhe's strenuous up and down movements, and wanted to laugh a little.

Why do men have to prove themselves?

Occasionally show weakness without being laughed at.

Every time Chen Zhe went up and down, he gave people a feeling that he was dying, but he persisted again and again, and did fifty in a row.

Qin Muzi said sincerely, "If you're not showing off your bravery, then you're very persevering. I'm going down."

Chen Zhe said meanly: "What are you bragging about? This is so good. I can make fifty more."

Qin Muzi immediately withdrew his foot that was going to the ground, and said, "Okay, then I'll satisfy you, if you don't make enough for fifty..."

"No, no, no, people can't keep their promises. You clearly said that you are going to go down, and I am so angry... Go down like a slug, and I will show you what a real man is after I finish eating and take a breath!"

As he spoke, Chen Zhe crawled feebly on the ground, turned his head backwards and upwards, just in time to see Qin Muzi's pair of jade legs under the short skirt, and his heart swayed, "Don't move, your back is twitching, you can take two steps up to help!" I step on..."

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