Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 207 The Yao family is a child

On the way home, Yao Li asked Yao Yuan, "A Yuan, are you really the one who drives Yuanda Electric?"

"Then it can be fake, you just don't trust me, your brother." Yao Yuan said.

Yao Li said with emotion, "It's not that I don't believe it, it's that I can't believe it. A few months ago we were still worrying about my mother's medical expenses and your living expenses. Who would believe that you have made such a big business in a blink of an eye."

"Sister, there is a saying that I don't know if you have heard. It goes like this. Even a pig can take off if it stands on the cusp of the times. Your brother is also a college student of a prestigious university. Wouldn't it be worse than a pig?" Yao Yuan said.

Yao Li laughed immediately, "How is that possible, but there must be a process. I heard people say that Yuanda Electric is worth at least several million, several million, it's like a dream."

"Sister, you underestimate me, don't you dare to call the home appliance store with millions of dollars the largest in the country? Have you read the advertisement, the annual advertising fee alone costs 300 million. The sales of Yuanda Electric last month The turnover has reached more than 700 million, and this month and next month because of the New Year’s Day and the Spring Festival, it is expected to exceed 1000 million. The monthly gross profit is about 100 million.”

Yao Yuan said a set of relatively conservative statistics, but even so, Yao Li was still dumbfounded.

"You need capital to do business. Where did you get the capital, and it must be a lot of capital." Yao Li said in surprise.

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "You don't need a penny of capital, it's all about your brother and my sales philosophy that is ahead of this era to impress suppliers. As long as there are goods, development funds are not a problem."

"Sister, when luck comes, no one can stop it. When the opportunity comes, you must grasp it. I happen to have the ability in this area. If I grasp it, it is nothing unusual to fly into the sky."

Yao Li nodded slowly, let out a long sigh of relief, and said, "That's right, someone from the second team borrowed money to buy an old truck for transportation two years ago. I heard that he only worked for one year. Not only did he pay off the money, he A three-story building was built, and my dad mentioned it last time."

After thinking about it, she said, "Our ancestors bless you, you have to pay respects when you go back today."

Yao Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Sister, you are also an intellectual with a technical secondary education, why are you still practicing feudal superstition?"

"Don't talk nonsense, those are ancestors, not gods and Buddhas."

"By the way, sister, don't tell your parents about my business. If it spreads, it will cause trouble."

Yao Li understood, "Don't worry, I know what's in my heart, I won't tell anyone."

The siblings chatted with each other and returned to Xihai Sugar Factory half an hour later.

Yao Zhenhua and Zhang Guifang had been waiting downstairs, moved all the things they wanted to take back to the countryside, and looked around on tiptoe from time to time.

Both of them are dressed very grandly today, because they have honored their ancestors.

My daughter was transferred from the county to the city, and my son not only won the first prize, but also started a big business. The commercial houses built in the factory are bought twice, especially the latter. For Yao Zhenhua and Zhang Guifang, this is a big deal. It is a major event to solemnly "report" to the ancestors.

As soon as Yao Yuan's sister and brother arrived, Yao Zhenhua directly moved the things into the trunk of the car, talking to the neighbors while urging Yao Yuan to move faster.

"Zhenhua, Yao Yuan is promising, and Yao Li has also been transferred to the city. You two can enjoy a happy life."

"Yeah, I said Zhenhua, you and Guifang might as well take a leave of absence without pay and move to the city, help Yao Yuan look after the business, and take care of his grandson in two years, that would be great."

Whenever Yao Zhenhua came to this time, he would smile modestly and say, "He's still studying, it's still early, and I have to work for ten or eight years before retiring. Do more."

Zhang Guifang sang his wife and husband, "Yes, I will take care of my grandson after I retire. At that time, Yao Yuan will also graduate and start working."

"What kind of work do you still have? Your family Yao Yuan is so good in business. He buys a house and a small car. How good is the business." Neighbors would say this.

Yao Zhenhua shook his head and said, "That's not okay. Doing business is not a long-term solution. You still have to find a stable job."

The couple knew that their son was doing business in his spare time, but they didn't know that it was such a big business. Yao Yuan's previous statement was to sell electronic watches, and Lin Wei and his family also said the same. Wang Jianguo had already been explained to him. When you are the God of Wealth, you won't talk nonsense.

Therefore, the family members of the employees in the factory did not know that Yao Yuan, the son of Yao Zhenhua, opened Yuanda Electric Appliances.

Yao Yuan took the cigarettes for a while, and drove to the countryside——Yaojia Village with his parents and elder sister.

On New Year's Day in 1992, Yao Yuan returned to Yaojia Village after a long absence for the first time.

This large village has a population of more than 5000 people. It is both a natural village and an administrative village. The management area is called the Yaojia District, and there are more than a dozen large and small villages under it. Yaojia Village is the village with the longest history and the largest population. It is also a relatively backward village.

From the potholed county road to the mechanical farming road, after driving for two kilometers, I arrived at Yaojia Village.

The reason for choosing a Pajero SUV, rather than a sedan that is more comfortable to drive and sit in, is precisely because of the poor road conditions that can be seen everywhere in the Southport area.

The infrastructure in the urban area is undergoing major construction, and it is not bad at present, but after leaving the urban area, it is rare to see paved roads such as cement roads, and most of them are dirt roads rammed with loess. Except for national highways.

Running on such a road with an off-road vehicle is perfect, and it is not easy to get motion sickness.

Facts have proved that the choice is very correct, neither the parents nor the old sister responded. Yao Yuan remembered that the three of them were very motion sick when they first started riding in the car in their previous life.

Yao Zhenhua also has a younger brother who works as a security guard at the city fishery company. The key point is that Yao Zhenhua has three older sisters and five younger sisters...

Grandfather’s generation upholds the principle that if you can live, you will have more children. People in that era have just experienced war and are in a stage of lack of young adults. The country’s development cannot be separated from the optimization of population structure, and young adults are the main force of national construction. force.

With the teacher's order, the people of the whole country have more children and more children.

Thus, Mr. Yao gave birth to ten children in one go.

In the generation of Yao Zhenhua, the state called for fewer and better births, and the whole country planned a game of chess—only one birth is good, and both men and women are the same. Similar slogans can be seen everywhere.

This is probably the characteristic of this era.

Under such circumstances, Yao Yuan's birth and enrollment were difficult.

Yao Zhenhua did not put Yao Yuan under the household registration of his relatives in the countryside like others did. Instead, he paid enough fines to complete Yao Yuan's household registration so that Yao Yuan could go to sugar factory children's primary school and middle school in the county.

In the past ten years, more than half of the salary of Yao Zhenhua and his wife was spent on fines. They had to pay 3000 yuan every year. Yao Yuan remembered paying 40 yuan one year.He lived for more than [-] years in his previous life, and he still didn't understand what the fine was.

It can be said that for Yao Yuan, Yao Zhenhua and his wife almost risked their lives.

Now, his son is promising, and after becoming the number one student in the county's college entrance examination, the family planning department has never come to look for him. In August, the whole family went back to the village to hold a solid banquet, and felt proud for a while.

Now, his son has started a business again and made a lot of money to drive a small car. Yao Zhenhua and his wife feel that the hard work of the past few years has been rewarded, and they are very excited.

The old man of the Yao family is a bit powerful. He was a guerrilla captain during the war, and later served as the secretary of the production brigade for more than 40 years. After retiring for more than ten years, he was often called to meetings. The old couple have been taking care of more than 20 mu of land, mainly planting sugar cane, just like other families.

There are three houses, all of which are "gate"-shaped farm yards. From childhood to adulthood, they mainly live in the new yard completed when Yao Zhenhua got married.

It is said that the yard is new, and it is also twenty years old, but it is relatively spacious.

Yao Hongjun and his wife were very excited and kept busy early in the morning, but the slaughter of chickens and ducks had to wait for Yao Zhenhua to come back.

Killing chickens and ducks is a symbol of status, and generally requires the person in charge of the family to do it, as is the custom in the countryside.

After Yao Zhenhua got married, the job would belong to him.

It was Zhang Guifang's job to handle the spoon, and it belonged to her from the day she got married.

As soon as they got home, Yao Zhenhua and his wife rolled up their sleeves and got busy. Yao Li helped and Yao Wang (grandmother) helped.

Grandma's name has never been mentioned, neither Yao Li nor Yao Yuan.

Yao Yuan remembered that it was his grandma who had to make a tombstone after his death, and his father told him that his grandma's name was Wang Xiulin.

He took out the bowls and chopsticks and started washing them by the press well.

Grandma hurried over and pulled Yao Yuan away, saying, "Go and sit in the room, go quickly."

The eldest grandson is resolutely not allowed to work. The eldest grandson is a great intellectual, and his hands are engaged in science and culture, not rough work.Moreover, their generation has a very heavy patriarchal concept, and Yao Yuan is the only male in their generation, so he enjoys the supreme treatment in this big family.

Yao Yuan remembers when she was in primary school, Yaogu was in high school at that time, she had a very nice pen, Yao Yuan wanted it, but Yaogu was willing to give it to her, Yao Yuan cried, and when Old Master Yao found out, he severely reprimanded Yaogu After a pause, the pen belonged to Yao Yuan.

However, Yao Yuan wrote on the wall with a pen, and Aunt Yao was heartbroken.

It was a Hero brand pen for ten yuan apiece, which she had bought in the county department store with the change she had saved for a semester.

Yao Yuan was particularly impressed by this incident. When he became sensible, Yaogu Yuan married out of town and would not see each other for many years.

In addition, Yao Yuan's family was in deep trouble at that time, and his father's sisters and sisters, except Lao Jiu, stood by and watched, which made Yao Yuan very disappointed with these relatives. , The contacts with other sisters and sisters are basically cut off.

This scripture at home is especially difficult to read.

If we have to investigate the root of the problem, it has something to do with Mr. Yao's patriarchal thinking, and grandma Yao Wang's intentional provocation of the relationship between daughter-in-law and daughter, son and daughter, especially the latter.

Until Yao Wang's death, Yao Yuan's mother, Zhang Guifang, was still bitter about her mother-in-law's behavior, especially after she got older, Zhang Guifang was full of resentment whenever she mentioned the past.

What happened here was more serious than what Yao Yuan knew.

But it also let Yao Yuan know who grandma is. For example, grandma just went out quietly, and after she came back, her attitude towards Yao Zhenhua's family became much more enthusiastic.

Cars can't come in, so they can only park on the side of the road behind the house.

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