Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 249 Crazy Exploration on the Edge of Death

Yao Yuan couldn't care less about verifying the technical data of the products that matched the production line. After Yuri brought seven or eight people over, he would hand over the matter to Yuri.

When Yuri knew that Yao Yuan had secretly taken over the two production lines, he had no doubts about Yao Yuan's strength.

Yao Yuan went to deal with the matter of Daewoo Heavy Industries in person. If this strong opponent really took aim at the five-axis linkage CNC machine tool, the matter would be much more difficult.

The 90s was the era when South Korea’s economy took off. After the accumulation in the 80s, their industrial development will enter the fast lane in the 90s. The shipbuilding industry once surpassed Japan and won the first place in the world.

Daewoo Heavy Industries has indeed started to go downhill, but the emaciated camels are bigger than horses. The South Korean government will definitely support them with all their strength, and even a thousand Yao Yuan can't compete with them.

Just today, when Yao Yuan was verifying the technical data of the production line at the Pilsen Machinery Factory, Kim Jae-hoon was having a meeting with Klaus.

In the Tuya Hotel in Pilsen, the two sides spent more than an hour ending the first meeting.

Yao Yuan arrived after receiving the news, and the meeting had ended for more than half an hour.

He sat in the car and looked at the Tuya Hotel across the street. Klaus obviously chatted with Kim Jae-hoon for more than half an hour after the meeting. The car drove a long way before turning around and returning to the hotel.

Klaus lived in the Tuya Hotel for a long time. In order to avoid suspicion, Yao Yuan had never been here, and he had never met Klaus. They communicated through telegrams.

Lu Sen winked at Yakov, who arranged for a car and two people to follow Kim Jae-hoon.

"Boss, leave it to me?" Lu Sen asked in a low voice.

Yao Yuan shook his head slightly, "Without Kim Jae-hoon, there would be Lee Jae-hoon, it won't solve the problem."

"Then what should we do? The old boy Klaus obviously eats at both ends, he can't believe it." Lu Sen said angrily, "We spent so much money, it was wasted."

Yao Yuan said in a deep voice, "There is only one reason. The price paid by the Koreans is higher than ours. It is very likely that it is much higher."

"Aren't they short of money?" Lu Sen asked puzzled.

Yao Yuan said, "It depends on where it will be used. Spending more than $100 million for a heavy-duty boring machine is beyond their budget, but it is a good deal to spend several million dollars betting on the environment of the Czech Republic in the next ten years."

Lu Sen was taken aback, then slowly shook his head, "I don't understand, what do you mean?"

Yao Yuan suddenly asked, "Asen, do you think Klaus is likely to be president?"

"Him?" Lu Sen was taken aback, thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Improbable, he is the bottom of all factions."

Nowadays, 90.00% of people don't believe that Klaus can have the last laugh, let alone Klaus sitting on the presidential throne for ten years!

Koreans don't have such eyes, Yao Yuan absolutely doesn't doubt this, they do it probably because they have no other choice.

At this moment, Yao Yuan calmed down instead.

He thought about it and said, "These Koreans have found the right way for blind cats and dead mice."

Lu Sen understood the meaning, and said in a low voice, "Boss, are you saying that Klaus has a high chance of winning?"

Yao Yuan didn't answer Lu Sen's question, and said thoughtfully, "It seems that I have to meet Klaus."

He took out a letter and handed it to Yakov in the driver's seat, "Give it to Klaus."

Yakov quickly got out of the car and crossed the road to negotiate with Klaus's bodyguards, and after a while he was able to enter the Tuya Hotel.

Jiang Yong got out of the car and changed to the driver's seat, ready to drive at any time.

Not long after, Yakov came out, followed by a Czech in his 40s.

Yao Yuan lowered the car window, and the Czech said politely, "Mr. Yao? I'm Mr. Claus's secretary. My name is Stary. Mr. Claus invites you to come over."

When Yao Yuan got out of the car, everyone got out of the car and escorted Yao Yuan to the Tuya Hotel, but was stopped at the hotel entrance.

Starry said, "Mr. Yao, you can only be alone."

Yakov stood in front of Yao Yuan, confronting the bodyguards blocking the door, and Jiang Yong stayed beside Yao Yuan, scanning the surroundings with cheetah-like eyes, ready to strike at any time.

Even if you don't understand Czech, everyone knows what it means.

Lu Sen would not let Yao Yuan go in alone, and his attitude was equally firm.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yao." Starry's attitude became more determined.

Yao Yuan signaled everyone to be calm, waved his hand lightly, and said, "Don't be so nervous, I'm not going to fight with them."

"Boss, you don't know that these Czechs are getting tough..." Lu Sen said anxiously.

Yao Yuan interrupted him, "I'll hit myself if I get so hard."

Lu Sen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, no matter what time he was still in the mood to joke.

If there is no Korean in front, there is naturally no safety issue in going alone. However, before knowing what the Korean and Klaus talked about, judging from the attitudes of both of them just now, Yao Yuan will definitely not get a good face if he goes in. , if Klaus is ruthless, it is not impossible to wipe out your body!

"Don't worry, it's fine." Yao Yuan said again, walking in.

Yakov suddenly said to Stary, "Mr. Stary, Mr. Yao is a guest of our KGB."

Starry was taken aback for a moment, then quickly smiled, "Please rest assured."

Then he took Yao Yuan in.

With a cold face, Lu Sen asked Yakov to lead people to surround the Tuya Hotel. This hotel is not big, and in fact it has long been Klaus's private residence.

As long as something happened, Lu Sen and the others would definitely rush in regardless of everything.

Jiang Yong was the most nervous. If something happened to Yao Yuan, he wouldn't go back. He had no face to see Jiang Dong's elders!

Yao Yuan thought that they made a fuss out of a molehill, and Klaus had no reason to harm him. In fact, he was already walking on the edge of the gate of hell, if it weren't for Yakov's words.

If he didn't come to his door, Klaus would act as if nothing had happened. Of course he would not admit that he accepted the funds from Yao Yuan, but after Yao Yuan came to him, it became a ticking time bomb for him.

All because of Yao Yuan's identity.

Yao Yuan considered the risks involved, but he believed that Klaus was now focusing on the campaign and had no time to care about other things.

Until he met Klaus, he said, "Mr. Klaus, I want to do a big business with you, a business with a profit of up to 10 billion US dollars."

Yao Yuan told the plan straight to the point and talked for half an hour.After finishing these words, Klaus completely extinguished the idea of ​​destroying Yao Yuan physically.

Klaus can't resist the $10 billion profit at his fingertips, and he won't be able to resist it in the future.You know, what Klaus lacks most at this time is funds, a lot of funds.

He doesn't have high hopes for a win, but he's definitely going to give it his all.

The plan proposed by Yao Yuan was based on the premise of sacrificing the Koreans and defrauding the Koreans of their funds. Klaus had to think carefully...

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