Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 267 30 tons of crude oil suddenly appeared

Yao Yuan is brewing a huge plan, which is related to the layout of energy. The entry point has been selected, and there is a relatively complete plan for such operations in the early stage, but the subsequent series of actions depend on him alone or his conglomerate, almost impossible to complete.

There must be support at the national level.

He knew that although Zhong Weiguo and Xia Honghua were not very high-ranking, they were definitely responsible for specific execution in their respective departments, and it was absolutely useful to come here as representatives.

Without this matter, Yao Yuan's energy plan would be gradually implemented step by step, and he could do as many things as he had the ability to do.

Now that there is such an opportunity, Yao Yuan has no reason not to seize it.

Moreover, it is a great thing for the country!

Yao Yuan said in a deep voice, "Director Xia, I intend to buy several oil fields abroad. You know, in the field of energy, without the support of the state, it is difficult for companies to carry out related operations overseas."

"Oil field?" Xia Honghua froze for a moment, completely unexpected.

They held a meeting and studied it. For example, Yao Yuan may want some support policies. Real silver’s 20 billion US dollars in exchange for some support policies is not too much. Even after learning that Yao Yuan has an electrical appliance sales company, they considered giving some support to government procurement. All in all Try to come up with something tangible to give back.

It never occurred to Yao Yuan to propose the purchase of overseas oil fields.

Is such a thing a private enterprise dare to think about?

However, when Xia Honghua suddenly thought of the 20 billion US dollars, he realized that what he was doing was a big business, and he really didn't like those three melons and two dates.

However, Xia Honghua was still puzzled.

He said, "Boss Yao, I don't quite understand."

The National Petroleum Corporation also intends to develop overseas, but it is completely blindsided, and there is no good way at the national level.The current international environment that Huaxia is facing is not optimistic. Some things, if they have a national background, it is difficult to move forward. They are targeting Huaxia.

Yao Yuan said, "Whether it's technology or capital, I can't compete with the big oil companies in Western countries. To break through, I can only find ways from other aspects. It is hard to say the specific plan, but one thing is that ministries and commissions need to come forward to coordinate Organizing a huge infrastructure construction force is our only advantage."

"You mean a big battle? That's no problem, but I must know the specific situation." Xia Honghua said.

This is the advantage of the whole-nation system. If one order is issued, the forces of all parts of the country will be concentrated to do one thing.The Daqing oilfield battle that we are familiar with was launched in this way. As long as the country is determined to do something, there is nothing that cannot be done, and it can be done very quickly.

Yao Yuan said, “I want to make promises to the owner, such as completing a batch of infrastructure projects within a certain period of time, which cannot be achieved by major Western oil companies. This is the only way to win in the competition. So I need to count The support of ten construction, road and bridge, railway construction, hydropower and other infrastructure engineering companies, of course, is not gratuitous."

This is a good thing, a great thing, it is equivalent to giving business to dozens of infrastructure engineering companies.

Xia Honghua smiled and said, "Of course there is no problem, Mr. Yao, this matter is no problem. Apart from this matter, is there anything else that needs help?"

Yao Yuan shook his head with a smile, and said, "I'm satisfied with the ministries and commissions providing convenience for our overseas business activities, and I can't bring trouble to the country."

"The country supports various forms of economic development and supports enterprises to go global. Mr. Yao, you must not be polite." Xia Honghua said with a smile, and then asked, "It's just that I don't quite understand that my country is an oil exporting country. , Is it going to be sold back to the domestic market or to the overseas market?”

There are plenty of people who think the same way.

Before 1993, China had always been an oil exporter. Exporting oil was the main means of earning foreign exchange, and oil resources were at a stage of limited exploitation capacity. Most people would never have imagined that by next year, China would become a net oil importer.

Because the vast majority of people never imagined that in just a few years, the domestic economy suddenly took off, and suddenly it was discovered that there was not enough oil.

What Xia Honghua is worried about is that Yao Yuan won oil fields overseas, and the oil will be sold back to China, which in turn will affect the Petroleum Corporation.

If he knew that starting from next year, China would urgently need a large amount of oil and chemical products, he would not have such worries.

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "Director Xia, if the country requires, I can sell all of them overseas."

Xia Honghua smiled, and suddenly thought of something, and said casually, "If you just want oil, you really don't need to bid for overseas oil fields. Russia has a batch of crude oil for sale."

"A batch of crude oil for sale?" Yao Yuan was taken aback, and quickly asked, "From the Qiumen Oilfield?"

"Boss Yao, do you know about this?" Xia Honghua said.

Yao Yuan said, "I have heard of it, but I don't know that there is crude oil for sale."

Xia Honghua said, "The Tyumen Oilfield will bid again, but the crude oil to be sold does not belong to the Tyumen Oilfield, and the local government wants to sell it for cash."

Yao Yuan asked, "How many?"

"30 tons." Xia Honghua said, frowning, "President Yao, do you really want to buy crude oil?"

Yao Yuan had nothing to hide, "Yes, Director Xia, please tell me the details."

Xia Honghua gave a detailed introduction to the situation.

The Tyumen oil field is the second largest oil field in Russia. Yao Yuan didn't dare to think about it at all, because it was the meal of the western oil giants, and his amount of funds was not enough, nor did he have enough influence.

However, according to what Xia Honghua said, although it is impossible to get a foothold in the Tyumen Oilfield, it is still feasible to buy the 30 tons of crude oil reserves while several international oil giants are competing.

However, Xia Honghua expressed doubts about this, because the domestic oil production capacity was excessive, and Yao Yuan's business behavior of importing oil would definitely lose money.

Yao Yuan didn't explain too much, but under Xia Honghua's coordination, he asked Yu Yongan to connect with the local person in charge.Yu Yongan is very optimistic about Yao Yuan's entry into the energy industry. His vision is farther than that of many mainland businessmen. Behind the vigorous development of the mainland market, there must be a huge amount of energy.

On the other hand, the international oil price is at a relatively low stage, only 16.55 US dollars per barrel. In the second half of 1992, the international oil price will have an overall rising process, and the peak value will exceed 30 US dollars per barrel, even if you do nothing , Yao Yuan can also earn a lot of money.

He left a sum of money in the oil futures market and a team to continue investing, which was based on his understanding of the trend of international crude oil prices in the coming year.

It is obvious that money that can be made is not made in vain.

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