Hearing this, Uncle Liu quickly turned down the volume of the TV set, and sat down beside Yao Yuan, saying in a low voice, "It is said that those who make missiles are not as good as those who sell tea eggs. The salary of an associate professor is more than 400 yuan a month." Money, only two yuan more than me."

"But look, young people don't want bicycles when they get married, they want motorcycles! Do you know how much motorcycles cost? The cheapest ones cost more than 8000 yuan, and the imported ones cost tens of thousands. You say how many years I have to live without food or drink to save money. Enough money to buy a motorcycle?"

After taking a heavy puff of his cigarette, Uncle Liu sighed.

Yao Yuan understood, and said, "Is your son getting married?"

"I said early in the morning that you are different from other students. We can chat together with you. Isn't it true that you have joined the work and have a date, and you are about to get married. We used to get married and have a new bed. Quilts, buy a bicycle if you have the conditions, and buy some new clothes if you don’t have the conditions, and live happily. But look now, motorcycles, color TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, some of them are not enough, and you have to wash them. A set of sofas."

Lao Liu sighed, shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Finding a daughter-in-law is similar to buying a daughter-in-law."

Yao Yuan deeply felt the same way, remembering the difficulty of getting married in later generations, he said, "House, car, wife and son. The order is becoming more and more fixed. You must have a house and a car first. Only after you have this material foundation can you find a wife to talk to. Uncle Liu, Times are advancing and society is changing.”

"Yeah, it's getting harder and harder to get married now, and I want to empty out my family. Xiao Yao, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I have been working for more than 20 years, and I have saved a total of 5 yuan. I can't give it all out. Let's marry your son, what will my wife and I do in the future?" Uncle Liu said with emotion.

Yao Yuan said, "You still have pension and medical insurance, so you don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life."

"That's what I said, but I don't dare to think about it now. So many factories that were once so good have closed down, not to mention pensions. Those laid-off workers don't even care about food and clothing." Lao Liu said with a sigh.

Yao Yuan fell silent.

He once thought that when he was capable, he would be able to contribute to the sugar factory so that the workers in the sugar factory would no longer have to starve because of being laid off.

As money bags get bigger and bigger, and as career development exceeds expectations, people's ideas and patterns are also changing.

Perhaps we should not limit our vision and pattern to the small Nangang.

"Xiao Yao, I heard that you are a wholesaler of electronic watches, and all their goods come from you. Is there such a thing?" Lao Liu asked suddenly.

Yao Yuan laughed, "Didn't you hear about it?"

Lao Liu smiled awkwardly, and said, "Xiao Qi told me, but don't worry, I haven't revealed it to anyone. Anyway, I know that you are a hidden big boss."

That is to say, knowing the wholesale of electronic watches is a matter of the year of the monkey, and it has become a dispensable business now. Zhang Yuanchao and Qi Nan have already handed it over to his subordinates.

Yao Yuan took the initiative to ask, "If you need help, please speak, Uncle Liu."

"I just want to buy some electronic watches, set up a stall in the urban area at night, and earn some money to subsidize it." Lao Liu was not without embarrassment.

As a college employee, it is really not a face-saving thing to have to go out to set up a stall to do a side job.Saying that making missiles is not as good as selling vegetable leaves and eggs refers not only to income, but also to changes in social status.

When you find that you have to put your head down to make money, you have to put your head down, or your income will not be enough to cope with the rising cost of living.

Yao Yuan said, "Electronic watches are not easy to sell now. The market is basically dominated by others, and the profits are not as high as before. You should go to Shuiwan Street. I have been there. There are more than a dozen stalls selling electronic watches." Home, the competition is fierce, I do not recommend you to sell electronic watches."

"I don't know what to do if I don't sell electronic watches." Lao Liu said with a sad face, got up and poured Yao Yuan a glass of warm water.

In fact, the electronic watch market in Nangang area has long been oversupplied.Don't even think about making a profit of more than ten yuan in the past. If you can make a profit of a few cents, you can grab it and sell it.

Yao Yuan took the water glass in his hand, nodded his thanks, and asked, "Uncle Liu, what does your son do?"

Speaking of his son, Lao Liu is not a little bit proud. He held his head high and said, "Working in BMW Machinery, BMW Machinery knows, a Sino-foreign joint venture, and the largest factory in our Nangang area. He graduated last year and applied for BMW before the Spring Festival. After the mechanical work, it is engaged in technical administration.”


Yao Yuan spat out.

Lao Liu quickly said, "Burnt mouth? It shouldn't be, it was mixed with cold water."

"No." Yao Yuan wiped his mouth, shook his head and said, "No, no, I didn't catch my breath. Uncle Liu, your son works at BMW Machinery? Which school did he graduate from?"

Lao Liu said proudly, "It is our Xigong University, which studies the theory of mechanical design."

"What does technical administration mean?" Yao Yuan asked after thinking about it.

BMW Machinery held a large-scale job fair before the Spring Festival, mainly for local fresh graduates and previous graduates, and the conditions were very favorable.

If it is not generous enough, it will be difficult to impress graduates who would otherwise be assigned to work in mechanical systems.Today's college students are still assigned after graduation, but the assigned jobs are getting worse and worse.But this is not a problem for Xigong University. It is originally a university owned by the Ministry of Machinery, and graduates have digestive tracts inside, and there is very little outflow.

So in order to recruit enough manpower, Yao Yuan personally contacted Professor Mo at that time, asked the school to come forward to help talk, and then branded it as a Sino-foreign joint venture, making it very high-end, and the salary was twice that of a state-owned enterprise. The above, so that we can barely recruit enough manpower.

Among them, the title of Sino-foreign joint venture is very important. If it is a private enterprise, let alone Lao Liu's son, Lao Liu will not agree.

It was not until January 1996, 1, that the state promulgated interim measures, and the policy of state distribution of college graduates was declared a thing of the past.

It was also at this time that colleges and universities across the country kicked off the prelude to a large-scale enrollment expansion, and the rumbling mass education of college students began.At the same time, it also announced the end of the elite education system. In the field of higher education, the country implements the principle of "lenient entry and strict exit", and gradually realizes that "as long as you want to receive higher education, you can basically achieve it." High-tech personnel need to work hard on their own.

People basically think that college students in the past have high gold content, but now college students are generally bronze, because the people who were able to enter the university in the past were basically one of the best, but now, there are also such people, but the base is large. They're not as conspicuous as they used to be.

Rare things are more expensive for a reason.

Seeing Lao Liu open the drawer and take out a notebook, turn to a certain page, and then read it out: "Technical administrative personnel refer to administrative personnel with professional technical knowledge. They are newly created positions by BMW Machinery. ..."

[The author has something to say]

The update will be delivered, and it will be added in the last few days of this month. I hope everyone will support it, vote for flowers or something...

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