Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 335 For Hua Technology

"Do you want Yuanda Electric to participate in the financing?"

After understanding the reason behind the incident, Yao Yuan pondered for a moment and asked.

Liu Meixiang only felt that the smile on his face was a little stiff. He nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Yao. Yuanda Electric is a well-known household appliance chain store in China with strong strength. If we can participate in the financing of Hong Kong Meixiang Come, there is a very good future for both parties. The computer industry is the industry of the future, and the future of Hong Kong Meixiang will definitely be very, very good."

Yao Yuan doubts whether Liu Meixiang really has respect for mainland enterprises, but Yao Yuan agrees with Liu Meixiang's judgment on the computer industry.

In terms of national justice, Liu Meixiang did not do well enough, but in the industry, no one can deny his ability, even though Meixiang Company sells computers under the guise of a technology company.

It cannot be denied that the Meixiang Company in the future will be a very profitable company. As for where the money goes, it is not something Yao Yuan can control or care about in his previous life.

Now there is such an opportunity to change it, to keep the money belonging to Huaxia people in Huaxia, Yao Yuan will do it without hesitation.

Making money from Chinese people to subsidize foreigners is no longer a purely commercial matter.

Yao Yuan waved his hand and said, "If you just want to raise money, there is no need. Mr. Lin Wei hopes to invest in Hong Kong Meixiang Company as an angel investor. This is the best way."

There is actually no essential difference between being controlled by Lin Wei and being controlled by any of his own companies, and even if there is, it is negligible.

On the contrary, in the hands of Lin Wei himself, if he fights a technology trade war with the beautiful country in the future, it may still play the role of a surprise soldier.

Liu Mei wanted to hesitate.

He didn't want to introduce an angel investor with a larger shareholding ratio than him, to be precise, a natural person.He firmly believes that the computer industry will soon usher in an explosive stage, and it is best to have a large part of the original shares of Hong Kong Meixiang Company in his own hands.

Lin Wei has already held 18.00% of the shares in the secondary market. If he participates in the second round of financing, with Lin Wei's financial resources and the funds currently needed by Hong Kong Meixiang, the proportion of original shares that Lin Wei will eventually hold is very likely to be Surpassing Liu Meixiang, becoming the largest shareholder, controlling shareholder, and an absolute controlling shareholder.

Seeing Liu Meixiang's expression, Yao Yuan smiled and said, "Mr. Liu, why don't you go back and think about it?"

"Okay, okay." Liu Meixiang was about to get up, but suddenly stopped, sat down again hesitantly, and explained with a slight sigh, "Hong Kong Meixiang is a new company. At this stage, the company's strategy If the decision is not good and there will be major changes, if Yuanda Electric is willing to become our strategic partner, I believe it will be a win-win situation.”

The implication is that he is unwilling to give up the controlling right, even if he introduces the strategic investment of Yuanda Electric Appliances, he will not give up the controlling right.

Yao Yuan nodded in understanding, and looked at Lin Wei, "Then you should respect Mr. Liu's opinion, forget it."

"Okay, I'm more optimistic about the technology sector, and I'll find other companies to practice with later." Lin Wei said with a smile, indifferent.

Liu Meixiang's smile froze.

Lin Xiaohu started to see off the guests.

Liu Mei wanted to leave worrying about gains and losses.

At this time, Lin Wei walked over to say hello to Lin Shuting, talked for 2 minutes, then came back briskly, and said happily, "A Yuan, let's go out, Teacher Lin agreed."

Yao Yuan said helplessly, "I knew your real purpose was to ask me to hang out."

"I have studied the situation of Meixiang in Hong Kong. It is difficult for them to raise large sums of money, and they will come to me later. It doesn't matter if they don't. I will invest in other technology companies." Lin Wei said, suppressing his voice, and said, "Gu Xiaohua and the others are going to have a party tonight. There are many Hong Kong stars. I want to go and see them."

"You can go if you want, I won't go." Yao Yuan refused without hesitation.

Lin Wei was taken aback, "Don't you want to see them in real life? Your favorite Bean band will also be here, and they will sing live today."

"No." Yao Yuan said, "If you want to go, go."

Lin Wei hesitated, and said, "Then if you're not going, where are you going? Teacher Lin said you're going out tonight."

"Go back to Shenzhen to do something." Yao Yuan said.

Lin Wei sighed regretfully and said, "Then I will go to Shenzhen City with you."

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "You don't have to run around with me, go to the party of the media company, relax these two days, and go to Moscow the day after tomorrow."

"Really? Then, then I won't follow you." Lin Wei said dubiously.

Yao Yuan said with certainty, "Really, go play with you."

Only then did Lin Wei feel happy, and immediately called Yu Yongan and asked Yu Yongan to take him to the inauguration party of Jindu Media Company.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Yao Yuan, Lin Xiaohu, and Jiang Yong appeared at the Shenzhen Bay Hotel across the river from Yuen Long, Hong Kong.

Opened in 1985, Shenzhen Bay Hotel is the first choice for foreign dignitaries, overseas Chinese businessmen and foreign businessmen to temporarily live in Shenzhen. Because it is closer to the border, Yao Yuan chose to live here instead of Zhuyuan Hotel or Shanghai Hotel.

At this time, the relevant facilities around the Shenzhen Bay Hotel have been improved a lot. Compared with the barrenness when it first opened, it has begun to take the shape of a prosperous area.

I found a food stall restaurant nearby and ordered some fresh seafood. Yao Yuan sat down to feast on it. He was full of praise for the pure natural seafood of this era.

"Get some nonsense." Yao Yuan said.

Lin Xiaohu got up and said, "There is Moutai from Lao Yu in the car."

He took two bottles and poured them up, and Jiang Yong drank plain water as usual.Yao Yuan took his cup over and poured out the water in it, filled him with a gurgle, and said, "Brother Yong, drink some too, there is no need to stretch the nerve cord too close in the interior."

Jiang Yong nodded. If he was abroad, he would never touch alcohol, because it would affect the reaction speed of his body functions.

Yao Yuan pointed to the fried large yellow croaker and said, "In a few years, a ton of this fish can sell for 400 million yuan, and most of the time, you can't eat it even if you want it."

"This is a yellow croaker, nothing unusual." Lin Xiaohu said.

Jiang Yong said, "My family used to be in the town. When I was young, my family was poor. I often bought a bunch of yellow croakers and ate them all day, because yellow croakers are cheap, and they cost a few cents a catty."

In this day and age, eating meat every once in a while is called a good life.

Yao Yuan said with a smile, "It will be difficult to eat natural yellow croakers when the yellow croakers near the sea are almost eaten, and the reproduction of yellow croakers is affected by overfishing."

Yellow croaker is one of the important economic fish in our country. Yao Yuan was deeply impressed by this kind of fish because of the great disparity in its status on the dining table. In 2020, let alone eating it, it is rare to see it.

Peeling shrimp, peeling crabs, eating fish and drinking wine, the feeling couldn't be better.

Not long after, Meng Weiguo arrived, and what surprised Yao Yuan was that Meng Weiguo came here on a bicycle.It is twenty kilometers from where his company is located.

"Mr. Yao." Meng Weiguo had been a soldier, and his military temperament was obvious. He had a natural smile on his face, and his back was straight. He was a different kind of person from the comprador Liu Meixiang.

"President Meng, please sit down." Yao Yuan not only got up, but also went up to shake hands with Meng Weiguo.

If you want to evaluate the greatest great enterprise in the 21st century, Weihua Technology Co., Ltd. founded by Meng Weiguo is well-deserved.

When the beautiful country raised the big stick of sanctions, many Chinese technology companies at the top of the pyramid bowed their heads and retreated, succumbing to the tyranny of the beautiful country.

When the people of the country were angry and disappointed, Weihua Technology Co., Ltd. faced the sanctions of the beautiful country and went up to it, and it was tough!

The sudden explosion of 30 years of technological accumulation has inspired the people of the country and terrified the beautiful country!

At that time, the whole world suddenly discovered that such a technology company had already gone ahead, mastered the exclusive communication technology, and formulated the standard of the new generation of communication technology!

You must know that formulating industry standards has always been the specialty of technology companies in Western countries!

Single-handedly challenging the beautiful country with the power of one company directly gave the country's decision-makers the confidence and confidence to fight back resolutely. This is the greatness of Weihua Technology Co., Ltd.

Liu Meixiang will not spend 30 years to hide its strength and bide its time, and Meixiang Company will not invest a large amount of money in technology research and development.

Yao Yuan really had too many reasons to express his admiration for Meng Weiguo.

After asking Meng Weiguo to sit down, Yao Yuan said, "Mr. Meng, you must have not finished your meal. Eat first, let's talk after we have filled our stomachs."

"Okay." Meng Weiguo didn't pretend at all, picked up the fried rice noodles with his chopsticks and started to eat.

In less than 10 minutes, Meng Weiguo put down his chopsticks and waited for Yao Yuan to speak.

Yao Yuan poured him a glass of wine and said, "It is correct for Weihua to choose to develop rural digital switching solutions first, avoiding the edge of communication giants such as Ericsson, Nokia, and Panasonic. It has been verified that rural areas surround cities. the right strategy.”

Meng Weiguo was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Yao Yuan to know so much about the situation of Weihua Company.

To be precise, this is the second meeting between the two. The first time was when Yao Yuan went to Weihua Company, which at this time was just a small dilapidated building.

Last time, the two had a simple communication. Yao Yuan expressed his idea of ​​investing in Weihua, and Meng Weiguo also expressed his attitude of conditional cooperation.

However, Meng Weiguo never introduced the situation of Weihua Company to Yao Yuan, so it can only show that Yao Yuan investigated Weihua Company through other channels.

Naturally, it is reasonable. Of course, investors must understand the situation before making a decision on whether to invest or not. Meng Weiguo understands this.

In fact, if Liu Meixiang and Hong Kong Meixiang Company hadn't popped up, Yao Yuan planned to wait until he returned from his second trip to Moscow before considering entering into the two major sectors of electronic communication technology and Internet technology.

In Yao Yuan's memory, Weihua's development in the Russian market will be very good in the future. Around 2000, the largest revenue came from the Russian market.

If the foundation of the Russian market can be laid in advance, the future development of Weihua will definitely be better. <The laptop computer launched by the company and the appearance of Liu Meixiang made Yao Yuan realize that the time to enter the field of electronic communication should be sooner rather than later.

That's why he made an appointment overnight with Meng Weiguo to discuss cooperation matters.

[The author has something to say]

Explosion is a gradual process, and the brothers can also see that the writing of this article is not fast, and it will take a lot of time to revise after writing a chapter. I will try my best to ensure that the average daily update for the next week is no less than [-] words.

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