Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 346 An Exploration Team

The boss's style of knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and preferring to go to the tigers is something new company leaders like Gao Jian are not used to.

Especially for professionals, they often think that they are professionals, while the boss at best only has an understanding of the industry, and the boss should fully respect the professional opinions of professionals.

However, when it comes to Yao Yuan, no one is more professional than him, and no one knows the future development direction of the industry better than him.

After a long time, everyone gets used to this method—the boss guides the way, and the subordinates just rush forward. The details can be done better, but the direction pointed out by the boss must never be questioned.

Xia Honghua is more aware of the huge profits here than Gao Jian.

From production to transportation, to sales terminals, and then to users, this is a complete chain, and this chain has been completed and is completely in the hands of Yao Yuan.

For Huaxia United Bank, the interest on the loaned money is nothing. In this chain, it acts as a booster, which means sacrificing oneself to achieve others.

In fact, Huaxia United Bank's profits are terrible.

Not to mention whether bad debts will be generated on a large scale, even if only half of the principal can be recovered, compared with the total profit of Huaxia United Bank, it is only a drop in the bucket.

Another group of customers of Huaxia United Bank is the core.

Borrow a large amount of rubles from the National Bank of Russia and lend to domestic enterprises that need to purchase equipment in Russia. The enterprise has completed the equipment purchase, improved productivity, and created more profits. When the repayment period is reached, it will be repaid with the equivalent Huaxia currency. Collateral was confiscated.

For Huaxia United Bank, this is a sure-fire business.No matter how the ruble depreciates, Huaxia United Bank will repay the loan to the National Bank of Russia as soon as possible, but the ruble lent is calculated according to the exchange rate on the date of signing the contract.

That is to say, Huaxia United Bank will earn as much as the ruble depreciates, and the more it lends out, the more it will earn.In this way, the National Bank of Russia has suffered a loss, but that is the fact.

Total Westernization, one-size-fits-all privatization, everyone wants to extract wool from the country, even if someone stands up to oppose it, they will be drowned out by voices demanding freedom and democracy.

Imagine that the American economic consultant hired by the Yeltsin government suggested calculating the value of the assets of the whole country and distributing them equally to every Russian.

This is Russia in 1992, Moscow that cried until there were no tears in 1992.

Vasily and Anna were lucky, and people in their situation were lucky, the lucky among the great misfortunes.

They can make their family's life better by selling Chinese goods, and they can also save some hard currency for emergencies.

But the vast majority of Muscovites still feel the biting chill of winter, even though spring has arrived.

The once proud middle class watched the depreciation of the ruble in their hands and in the bank. Yesterday, ten rubles could buy a loaf of bread, and today they may be able to buy half a loaf of bread, provided that there is still bread when they line up at the counter. And the store is willing to sell half a loaf.

The wealth of Russia's middle class has evaporated by 80.00% in just two years.

Quite like the depression at the end of the Republic of China.

One month after Huaxia United Bank opened, it had [-] business outlets in Moscow, and more than a dozen business outlets in several surrounding cities.

The explosive development speed made Huaxia United Bank stand out. After coordination, Huaxia United Bank signed a cooperation agreement with several European banks and American banks, which also meant that Huaxia United Bank was tacitly joined in this gluttonous feast.

As for the reason, it can be seen from Gao Jian's happy expression.

Still in the gazebo in the courtyard of the embassy, ​​Gao Jian reported enthusiastically, saying, "Boss, you are really amazing. 80.00% of the customers who borrow from us choose to deposit their money. As of last night after get off work , All of our deposits in Russia have exceeded 10 billion Huaxia currency. According to our current total assets, we should be able to rank among the top [-] banks outside Russia."

Yao Yuan was also quite surprised. He expected that he would definitely save, but he didn't expect that there would be so much.

Gao Jian continued to report, "The non-performing loan ratio is not lower than expected, and it is very, very low. It seems that the Russians still trust Huaxia United Bank."

Xia Honghua said with a smile, "Our Huaxia goods are in short supply, and their business is getting bigger and bigger. Of course, they will not ruin their credit for that little money. Huaxia United Bank is the only one that provides personal credit loans in Russia. We are the exclusive business."

"A few days ago, I participated in a reception held by the State Bank of Russia. All the participants were heads of foreign banks in Russia. One of the questions they asked the most was what kind of risk assessment is the basis for launching the personal credit loan business." Gao Jian He said with a smile, "I told them that it is based on our ability to put 30 tons of consumer goods into the Russian market every month."

After a pause, he said, "According to your instructions, I extended an olive branch to them, and there are quite a few banks that are interested in cooperating."

Yao Yuan shook his head slightly, "It doesn't make much sense to cooperate with small banks. Big banks look down on these three melons and two dates. What they look at are Russia's huge heavy assets and oil energy."

"Boss, this is not three melons and two dates." Gao Jian smiled wryly and shook his head, "We have done preliminary calculations, and it is estimated that by the end of the year, the profit of Huaxia United Bank will reach 100 billion Huaxia coins."

That's nearly $10 billion.

And this is only what Gao Jian knows.

In one sentence, it can be explained that Huaxia United Bank makes money faster than money printing factories.

After Gao Jian left, Xia Honghua took out a red-headed document and handed it to Yao Yuan, "The superior has approved and agreed with our suggestion. The provinces have begun to organize factories, basically following the order-based production model you proposed."

"The good news is that the business can be expanded to Eastern Europe. Maybe we can enter the European market with hard work." Yao Yuan said with a smile after reading the red-headed documents.

Xia Honghua said, "A large amount of advance payment has been returned to the country, and the pressure on the triangular debt problem has been greatly reduced. The leading group for cleaning up the triangular debt has spoken highly of our work. Oh, by the way, Fangxiang Machinery Factory is your company, right?"

Yao Yuan froze for a moment, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"No." Xia Honghua quickly waved his hands, "Did there be some disputes with Huashi Machinery Factory a while ago?"

Yao Yuan understood immediately, and said, "Small friction, it's resolved."

Xia Honghua said, "When I reported to the country, I mentioned that you intend to engage in petrochemicals. The Huashi Machinery Factory's triangular debt problem is relatively serious. The leader of the leading group for cleaning up the triangular debt believes that Huashi Machinery Factory can be merged into Xiangfang Machinery Factory. A little bit of hard work on your part.”

Yao Yuan never thought about the matter of planting melons and reaping beans. He never thought that it would happen to him today.

He said dumbfoundingly, "Xiangxiang Machinery Factory is actually a vehicle manufacturing factory, and it doesn't make much sense for Huashi Machinery Factory to come here."

Xia Honghua said, "I understand your situation. You definitely don't just want to produce vehicles. Otherwise, how do you explain that heavy machinery production line? That production line can produce 80.00% of industrial machine tools, including of course the machine tools used in petrochemical equipment manufacturing."

Yao Yuan was not surprised to be checked out by others.

Now that the words have been spoken, Yao Yuan stopped hiding and said, "Then I will take it. I will buy it at the actual price. I can't take it for nothing."

"I know you will say that." Xia Honghua understood Yao Yuan's character, nodded and agreed, and asked, "Is there anything else I can help with?"

Yao Yuan knew that this was not Xia Honghua's meaning, but the meaning of the superiors. This is the reward for meritorious deeds, and the shop will disappear after passing this village, so he didn't intend to be polite.

"I really need help with something."

Yao Yuan took out a map and spread it out, pointing his fingers at Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, "Yesterday, the Azerbaijani government announced to the world the bidding for the exploration right of the Baku oilfield, and the deadline is June 6."

"You want to participate in the bidding?" Xia Honghua was taken aback, and quickly asked, "What about Moscow? Didn't you decide to participate in the bidding for the exploration services of the Tyumen Oilfield?"

Yao Yuan said, "There is no conflict. There is still more than one month to go. I am sure to complete the bidding for the exploration service of the Tyumen Oilfield within half a month. The remaining month is just to prepare for the bidding for the exploration rights of the Baku Oilfield."

"The problem now is, I'm registered as an oil service company, but I don't have a survey crew," he said.

Xia Honghua didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Xiao Yao, oil exploration and development can't be completed in a month or two. In many cases, a year or two is not a long time, and the investment is huge. If one or two billion dollars is thrown in, you won't even see oil blossoms. It's nothing more than normal. This matter can't be too childish."

Yao Yuan said, "What you are talking about is a routine situation, but if I can determine the location of the oil layer relatively accurately and have a large-scale exploration team operating at the same time, it is entirely possible to shorten the time to one month or even half a month."

"How big is it?" Xia Honghua asked.

Xia Honghua knows how powerful the crowd tactics are under the nationwide system.

Yao Yuan spat out a few words, "One hundred exploration teams."

"More than 1 people!" Xia Honghua's eyes almost popped out.

Yao Yuan nodded very positively, "I can handle a maximum of [-] exploration teams operating at the same time. Therefore, the Planning Commission needs to come forward to coordinate with the Petroleum Corporation and ask them for support. Of course, I will pay for it."

Xia Honghua stared at Yao Yuan for a long time, and asked, "Xiao Yao, are you kidding me?"

"With an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, I don't dare to joke." Yao Yuan laughed.

Regardless of the low-efficiency impression that central enterprises usually give people, when it comes to executing orders from superiors, its efficiency can only be compared with that of the military.It is often carried out with determination at all costs. All previous catastrophes and national-level project conferences have strongly proved this point.

With one order, not to mention 1 people, even 10 people will come at once.

As soon as the red flag was raised, teams from all over the country flocked.

[The author has something to say]

It's a surprise, another update, I wish brothers a happy New Year's Eve!

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