Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 356 Dramatic Changes

Klimova brought a negotiating team from Moscow to the Huaxia Camp, and she couldn't even wait for Yao Yuan to return to Tyumen City, which shows how anxious Seaker is.

This is already the fifth day since Klimova put forward the conditions. In the past five days, no oilfield service company is willing to accept their cooperation conditions, and without exception, they have been accepted by Halliburton and Witford. The giant was frightened.

Yesterday, Kim Jae-hyun, who was notified by the group headquarters, flew from Moscow to Tyumen City, arrived at Huaxia Camp at night, and had already negotiated the cooperation content with Yao Yuan.

At this time, Kim Jae-hyun is almost like a puppet, because all the terms come from the group headquarters, and his task is to implement them.

Naturally, he didn't know about the secret matters such as the negotiations on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, so he didn't know what the situation was. However, judging from the reaction of the group headquarters, it was obvious that he had reached some kind of tacit agreement with Nanfang Industrial, as well as some secret cooperation protocol.

If Kim Jae-hyun was Yao Yuan's opponent before, then he is more like a subordinate now.

After the negotiation started, Yao Yuan first put the proposed cooperation plan on the table, without using Russian translation, and said directly in proficient Russian, "Miss Klimova, this is the basic cooperation condition proposed by us, you only have to agree If all the conditions mentioned in the plan are met, there will be a basis for the next negotiation to continue, please consider it.”

Klimova didn't speak, and opened the cooperation plan written in Chinese, Russian, and Korean and read it carefully.

It's harsh, but you have to accept it.

Without the slightest hesitation, she said, "The transfer agreement between you and Hyundai Petroleum Company has nothing to do with us, but Hyundai Petroleum Company requested to establish a joint venture company with us to develop the Samer Oilfield. things in between."

"Of course, this is Mr. Kim Jae-hyun, the vice president of Hyundai Oil Company. He fully represents Hyundai Oil Company." Yao Yuan said with a smile. Contract money in U.S. dollars."

Klimova remained silent, taking the share of the Sammer oil field, which almost exhausted their funds. The remaining US$8000 million in their hands seems to be quite a lot, but it is a drop in the bucket to complete the exploitation alone.

For a super oilfield like Samer, the US$300 million contract fee requested by Dongfang Petroleum Service Company is not excessive. It is clearly written in the plan that the annual production will be increased to 8000 million tons within one month. If not, you can only get [-] million US dollars.

After discussing with her own negotiators, Klimova put forward new conditions, "If you can increase your annual output to 500 million tons within a month, we can increase your share to 30.00% five, The deadline remains the same."

Yao Yuan shook his head without even thinking about it. Knowing that the oil price will plummet at the end of the year, he would not accept such a condition anyway.

Klimova frowned and asked, "This is a better reward for you."

The second half of the sentence should be: It is also the best solution to meet our shortage of funds.

There will be more money when the oil is produced, otherwise there will be no harvest.

"I said before that we have no intention of participating in the share. Now we propose to accept the oil share for eight years to replace the future mining service fee. It is already a great concession. Miss Klimova, if the modern oil company does not meet your requirements, you can find another partner." Yao Yuan said.

Kim Jae-hyun has been listening, and when he heard this, he quickly threw a bombshell, saying, "Miss Klimova, we have prepared 5 million US dollars in cash, part of which will be used to pay for the last [-] million dollars accepted by Dongfang Petroleum Service Company." One-year sharing contract, the other part is used to inject into the joint venture company to make up for the previous [-] million contract money. However, we do not require a controlling stake in the joint venture company, and only participate in the operating share.”

It seems that this is a win-win situation for Hyundai Petroleum Company and Seacor Company, provided that everything goes on the normal track.

It's a big deal, even a giant like Halliburton doesn't have the courage to spend 5 million US dollars in cash at once.

Klimova understood that Eastern Petroleum Services had clearly reached an agreement with Hyundai Oil.

To obtain this financing, Seacor Company must accept the conditions proposed by the Eastern Petroleum Services Company.After Dongfang Petroleum Service Company reaches an annual output of 300 million tons in the oil field, the service fee will be automatically converted into a sharing method, that is, the joint venture company of Secor and Hyundai Petroleum will pay at a price of 30.00% per barrel. According to the current international oil price, That's about $1.5 million over eight years.

With the continuous growth of production and the rise of oil prices in the next few years, after deducting factors such as inflation, Dongfang Petroleum Service Company's revenue from the Summer Oilfield alone will exceed US$20 billion in the next eight years.

And it's $20 billion with almost no risk.

Because throughout the 90s, oil prices remained below $30 a barrel, which was a rare period of stability, although there were several sharp falls during the period.

Relatively stable oil prices mean stable income that can be expected, especially suitable for Russian oil fields where the situation will change drastically in eight years.

For Secor and Hyundai Petroleum, when the oilfield enters the stable production period, it needs to continuously invest profits in expanding production, and this money is the money to be paid to oilfield service providers.When the profits start to be reaped, it's time for Emperor Pu to come to power.

Therefore, there is a saying in the oil industry that the oil field is the master, the oil service is the big money, and the oil construction is the grandson.In other words, the oil field is the VIP, the oil service is the technician, and the oil construction is the tea delivery.

If you want more services, you get more money.

The position of Dongfang Oilfield Service Company is more powerful. It is clearly written in the plan. Oilfield service providers don’t care whether your oil can be sold or how much you sell it for. When it’s time to pay, they have to follow the production and sharing ratio. to pay.

This is why Yao Yuan told Xia Honghua that to participate in the development of the Samer Oilfield, he needs to continuously invest 20 billion U.S. dollars in the first five years. It is unthinkable that the start-up capital is not several hundred million U.S. dollars.

For Huaxia Petroleum Corporation, let alone hundreds of millions of dollars, tens of millions of dollars will not be available, and it will not be approved to spend if it is available.

Once again Klimova pored over the proposal, and this time, instead of consulting with the negotiating team, she suggested adjournment.

Yao Yuan is kind and kind, please move to the restaurant for dinner.

Klimova hid aside and made phone calls for more than half an hour.

After the meal, the negotiations continued.

Yao Yuan was taken aback by Klimova's first words. She said, "If the mining rights are transferred to you, what price can you offer?"

Everyone on Yao Yuan's side was stunned, including Kim Jae-hyun's side.

Why is there no Seacor Company in the information about the Sammer Oilfield in later generations?Perhaps it is not only related to their inability to increase production, but also related to the owners of their mining rights.

One thing that is certain is that the people behind Klimova are in a state of worrying about gains and losses. On the one hand, they hope to find an oil service company that can compete with Halliburton, and on the other hand, they are afraid of failure due to the strength of their opponents and Halliburton. I just wanted to transfer the mining rights to cash out and take a sum of money to leave.

In oil exploration, exploration rights and mining rights mean the same thing. Obtaining the exploration rights will automatically obtain the mining rights. Therefore, the mining rights mentioned by Klimova are actually exploration rights.In actual operation, there are also two kinds of rights separated, but usually as a right to get the biggest benefit.

Exploration alone cannot be exploited. I am afraid that no oil company is willing to pay tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

Yao Yuan calmed down quickly, smelled the danger, and shook his head decisively, "I repeat, Dongfang Petroleum Service Company has no plans to acquire oilfields for the time being, and we only provide oilfield services."

Suddenly, Kim Jae-hyun asked, "Miss Klimova, if you transfer the exploration rights, how much do you want? Maybe our Hyundai Group will be interested."

Obtaining oil fields overseas is always pursued by South Korea and Japan, because they have no oil resources in their country, and all their consumption must be imported. As the most important energy source, oil resources can generate too much influence, especially It is a super large oil field like Summer.

Kim Jae-hyun is almost certain that if he causes Hyundai Group to take part of the mining rights of the Samer Oilfield in the hands of Seakel Company, it will be a certainty that he will be promoted from the position of vice president of Hyundai Petroleum to the position of president. A modern oil company with a super large oil field will become a world-class oil company!

Thinking of the bright future, Kim Jae-hyun even blushed a little with excitement.

As soon as his words came out, Yao Yuan looked over with an unbelievable gaze, looking at him like a fool, but in the eyes of Kim Jae-hyun, Yao Yuan's gaze was shocked, envious, and jealous.

He suddenly felt a strong pleasure, and even Klimova's eyes, which slowly turned around, seemed to have an ambiguous and adoring look.

"Buy it, a billion dollars," Klimova said.

Expensive, very expensive.

Exploration rights worth hundreds of millions of dollars have only appeared in the bidding for the Suwar Oilfield in Saudi Arabia, and this is the only time.After obtaining the exploration rights and starting to produce oil, several times the investment is required, and the additional conditions paid in order to obtain the exploration rights are actually far more significant than the bid amount, which requires continuous investment.

Undoubtedly, Seacor has calculated future earnings into it.

Klimova said, "We believe that Dongfang Petroleum Services can successfully increase its production to an annual revenue of over 20 million yuan, and our exploration right is for [-] years. Mr. Jin, this deal is a good deal."

Kim Jae-hyun quickly calmed down, and he suddenly had an idea, in this case, why not ditch Dongfang Petroleum Service Company and directly discuss cooperation with Seakel Company?

He didn't take into account the threats to Seacor from several other entities that also own a share of the Sumer field, which would pass on to Modern Oil as the exploration rights shifted.

Seeing Jin Jae-hyun's small eyeballs spinning around, Yao Yuan could guess what he was thinking, and couldn't help folding his arms as if watching a play.

Originally, I just wanted Han Bangzi to jump into a puddle, but I didn't expect Han Bangzi to jump into the crater. How can there be no reason not to watch the show?

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