Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 361 Interview

Azerbaijan is a country on the Caspian Sea, and its capital, Baku, is on the Absheron Peninsula.

The Boeing-747 leased from Cathay Pacific landed at Baku International Airport, the capital of Azerbaijan. This is an airport with a very regional style and is very beautiful.

Baku is the city of oil. During the Soviet Union, it supplied one-third of the oil in the entire Soviet Union.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Azerbaijan, like other republics, is also experiencing the chaos of regime change.

Acting President Gaidar announced a global tender for the development of the shallow Caspian Sea oil area, which immediately caused a sensation in the world's oil industry.The reason why Gaidar dared to do this was because he was very confident in winning the election, otherwise the payback period of several years of development time would not be accepted by profit-seeking politicians.

In this bidding, Azerbaijan took out seven oil areas at one time, with different areas and preliminary reserves.

After landing, Yao Yuan and his party went to the hotel to settle down first.

The hotel is an officially designated hotel in Azerbaijan, and oil companies participating in the bidding must stay here.Azerbaijan's idea is very simple, to allow major oil companies to have full access to full competition, which is beneficial to increase bidding prices.

Yao Yuan didn't stop, but drove south along the west bank of the Caspian Sea to Astara.It's a city near the Iranian border, along the same Caspian coastline as Baku, but on a much smaller scale.

It should be said that Nanfang Industrial Co., Ltd. was the latest one to formally sign up for the bidding, but Yao Yuan made the preparations to Azerbaijan years ago.Lusen and the others have already opened an office in Baku and opened up some local relationships.

Among them, the coastal town of Astara is the top priority.

Yao Yuan only brought Lin Xiaohu, Jiang Yong, and Lu Sen. Lin Wei and the others stayed at the hotel to start preparations. In fact, there was nothing to prepare. If the bid was not fixed for a day, other work would not be easy to carry out.

What price to offer is the key to the key.

Around this key point, the major oil companies showed their talents, and even the intelligence agencies of their own countries were dispatched to assist.Those oil giants are often able to influence their own governments to gain priority through diplomacy and economic cooperation projects between the two countries.

The competition for energy among countries has never been done by gentlemen, but a competition between national armed violence and comprehensive national strength.

Of course, Southern Industrial's resources in this area cannot be compared with those of the oil giants.

The bulletproof Mercedes-Benz drove along the road into the urban area of ​​Astara, and made a detour to the suburbs. In front of it was a desolate and ordinary residential area.

Lu Sen, who was driving, stopped the car, pointed across the street, and said, "The third bungalow is Aliyev's residence. This is his hometown."

Yao Yuan nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Xiaohu come with me, you wait in the car."

"Ayuan, I'll go in with you." Jiang Yong said suddenly.

Lin Xiaohu also sensed that the atmosphere here was not right, and said, "Let Brother Yong accompany you, I will wait in the car."

"Okay." Yao Yuan didn't object.

After getting off the car, Yao Yuan took a big black combination box from the trunk, which was very heavy.After Jiang Yong checked the pistol, he inserted it back into the quick holster under his left rib.
The oil giants all revolve around Gaidar in the city of Baku, and Gaidar holds receptions every now and then to carry out various political wooing activities, and he is in the limelight.

But Yao Yuan set his sights on the ordinary one-story house in the small town of Astara.

No one believes that Gaidar, who is backed by many consortiums, will lose the election. The Western oil giants are betting on Gaidar as a matter of course.

No one pays attention to Aliyev, who is like a country savage.

However, Yao Yuan knew that Aliyev, who served as the Minister of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan during the Soviet period, was the final winner.

At this moment, Aliyev has no confidence in winning the election. He himself does not believe that he can go to the final step and win the presidency.

Without financial support, Aliyev could not even hold a reception, so he simply left Baku and returned to his hometown, and the Buddha nature ran for office.

Who would have thought that Aliyev not only won the election, but also served as president for 20 consecutive years...

Knocked on the door, waited for a long time, a man in his 30s opened the door, looked at Yao Yuan vigilantly, "Who are you?"

The dignified presidential candidate doesn't even have a bodyguard.

Yao Yuan read the information, and the man in front of him was Aliyev's son, Aliyev Jr.

"I am the chairman of Nanfang Industrial. My name is Yao Yuan. I sent someone to contact Mr. Aliyev before, and I came here to visit today." Yao Yuan said with a smile.

Little Aliyev recalled it for a while and asked, "Huaxia people?"

"Yes." Yao Yuan nodded slightly again.

Little Aliyev came out, looked around, and motioned for Yao Yuan to go in.Only after entering the door did he find that there were bodyguards. Jiang Yong's gun was confiscated and left outside.

Little Aliyev took Yao Yuan in.

Very quiet yard, Aliyev apparently got the news, sat there waiting.

"Mr. Aliyev, I am Yao Yuan." Yao Yuan put down the lockbox.

Aliyev was in good spirits and looked like a very kind little old man, without the gloomy feeling of the Minister of Internal Affairs at all.He nodded and said, "Mr. Yao is very young."

Yao Yuan smiled and opened the password box directly.

It was a box full of money, dollar bills.

"Mr. Aliyev, considering that you need to use cash, I brought 500 million US dollars, and I decided to fully support you." Yao Yuan said straight to the point.

The little Aliyev stared straight at the green dollars, completely unexpected that Chinese people are so rich.

When Lu Sen sent someone to contact in the name of Southern Industry, Aliyev and his son didn't take this company from Huaxia seriously. In their view, Huaxia was too poor, and all of them were state-owned enterprises. May provide campaign finance support.

Yao Yuan understood Aliyev's confusion, and he said with a smile, "Southern Industrial is a private company, and all actions represent only the company. Mr. Aliyev, I will fully support you, and there is no upper limit on the support funds."

After all, Aliyev had been the Minister of Internal Affairs for many years, and he was much more stable than Aliyev Jr.

He said in a deep voice, "I don't have an advantage, aren't you worried that the money will be wasted?"

"I believe in you." Yao Yuan answered very briefly.

Before the two sides have established a sufficient foundation of trust, it is empty to talk about anything, only to talk about interests.

After a while of silence, Aliyev asked, "What do you want?"

"Exploration rights in the Baku shallow sea oil area." Yao Yuan was very straightforward.

Aliyev was silent again.

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