Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 363 Rejection

France's Total is one of the top four energy companies in the world, especially in terms of liquefied natural gas, its scale can reach the second in the world.

In 1991, when it officially became its current name, its annual revenue reached $700 billion.

Its scale is not known to be much larger than that of Southern Industrial, let alone the Eastern Petroleum Service Company under Southern Industrial.This is a big oil giant that can compete globally with BP, Exxon, and Chevron.

Yao Yuan's personal wealth may be able to rank among the global rankings, but Southern Industrial is still at the level of a younger brother compared with large global companies.These enterprises disdain to cooperate with such a small company as Southern Industrial.

Camille's position in Total is not low. She took the initiative to seek cooperation with Nanfang Industrial, which made Yao Yuan suspect that they, like himself, were optimistic about Aliyev, not the up-and-coming Gaidar.

Yao Yuan said calmly, "Total is one of the largest oil companies in the world, and you are fully capable of bidding alone."

Camille was already prepared, and she said with a smile, "Your company's exploration capabilities are impressive. We have advanced technology and abundant funds, and you have sufficient manpower. The cooperation between the two parties is complementary."

Is it just because Southern Industrial has lower labor costs?

Yao Yuan didn't believe it.

He shook his head slightly and said, "Southern Industrial has no plans to jointly bid."

Camille froze for a moment, thought for a while, and said, "Mr. Yao, you should know that Southern Industrial has little chance of winning. You probably don't know that Exxon Petroleum Company has signed a cooperation agreement with Halliburton Oilfield Services." Agreement, they have decided to jointly bid."

This is the real reason, the situation of Total Petroleum is not optimistic.

With Exxon alone, maybe Total would not be so flustered, but with Halliburton, the world's largest oilfield service company, the situation is completely different.

"Why didn't you choose Whitford Company?" Yao Yuan smiled and lit a cigarette.

Whitford Oil Service can compete with Halliburton.

The joint bidding of oil companies and oil service companies means that they have formed a coverage from upstream to downstream. Needless to say, the capital and technology aspects have reached a higher level.

Camille said with a smile, "We think Southern Industrial is more suitable. Southern Industrial has performed very well in the Tyumen oil region. There is news from the Samer oil field that the modern oil sector has produced oil. Congratulations."

Yao Yuan himself did not know this news.

Yao Yuan's attitude was still firm, and he said with a smile, "Sorry, Nanfang Industrial has no joint bidding plan. However, if Total is interested in the Chinese market, we can talk about it."

"Oh? Where?" Camille frowned.

Yao Yuan said, "In terms of terminal services."

Camille shook his head slightly and said, "We have no plans to build a gas station in Huaxia for now, of course, maybe we can talk about it in the future."

Western oil companies are not talking about the current Chinese market. Energy is related to politics, and they are the most sensitive, even though everyone is very optimistic about the Chinese market.So many car factories want to enter the Chinese market, which is enough to explain the problem.

Most people are not optimistic about China's economy, but these big companies at the top of the food chain have the ability to judge and obtain information that ordinary people do not have. They even have a policy research team composed of former senior government officials.

No matter how bad the Chinese economy is, it will not help these giants, they have their own analysis and judgment.

Camille said, "Mr. Yao, you must know that Southern Industrial has almost no chance of winning the bid alone. BP Company invited the Deputy Foreign Minister. They offered a package of economic cooperation plans to the Azerbaijani government. Exxon Company even Needless to say, the Assistant Secretary of State has just concluded a visit to Azerbaijan."

After straightening his bangs, Camille switched legs and folded them up, making Lin Wei couldn't help turning his head away.

"Mr. Yao, we can give you 15.00% of the shares. If we can win three blocks, we can give you 20.00% of the shares." Camille said confidently.

She believed that such an offer would be difficult for Southern Industry to refuse.

A 15.00% stake means a profit of hundreds of millions of dollars. Naturally, she conducted an investigation on Nanfang Industrial and found that it is a very powerful private company in Huaxia. The annual revenue of its subsidiary Yuanda Electric has exceeded 3 million Huaxia coins.

Of course, strength is relative. In the eyes of Total, Southern Industrial is still a small company.

What Total really valued was that Southern Industrial was able to organize an exploration team of tens of thousands of people. After in-depth investigation, it was found that most of the exploration team came from major oil fields in Huaxia. This shows that Southern Industrial has very deep government relations in the country. .

Oil companies value government relations the most. It can be seen from the fact that bp company persuaded the deputy foreign minister to visit Azerbaijan, and that Exxon company has the ability to let the assistant secretary of state bypass Azerbaijan for a lightning visit.

However, to Camille's surprise, Yao Yuan still shook his head and refused, "Thank you for Total's kindness, but Southern Industrial does not have a joint bidding plan."

In the seven major oil regions, the major oil companies who knew that they could not take it all at once began to join forces in series, or signed agreements privately, or jointly bid.Total also has few options. However, when cooperating with a large company, it is difficult to negotiate a dominant or even controlling stake. If it cooperates with a monster like Southern Industrial, Total can obviously take the initiative.

Camille frowned and asked, "Mr. Yao, do you really have no intention of cooperating with Total?"

"Sorry." Yao Yuan smiled.

Camille's smile slowly disappeared, but soon, she recovered a decent smile, stood up and said, "Well, I hope to have a chance to cooperate in the future."

"There must be a chance. Yelena, send Miss Camille off for me." Yao Yuan didn't get up, but nodded with a smile.

Except for Ye Linna, everyone else supported Yao Yuan's decision.These people who followed Yao Yuan from scratch, without exception, had a strong heart.Now that the bet has been made, wait for the result. If you lose, you lose, and at worst, start all over again.

After officially becoming an employee of the chairman's office of Southern Industrial, Ye Linna spent a lot of time studying and gained some understanding of the oil industry. In her opinion, the joint bidding with Total will undoubtedly greatly increase the chances of winning.

But she knows her place, and these things are not for her to speak about.

Knowing that Aliyev would win, Yao Yuanming cooperated with Total to bid for the rights and interests that he had worked so hard to obtain.

Of course you can't do such a stupid thing.

In Camille's eyes, Yao Yuan is undoubtedly an egomaniac, or she thinks that Yao Yuan doesn't care whether he wins the championship at all...

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