Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 365 Halliburton's Invitation

In the early morning of July 7st, the Hilton Hotel where the designated oilman stayed was suddenly heavily guarded. Those who entered the hotel within a radius of 1 meters had to be inspected by the military and police. security checks.

This is due security measure.

Because after the results of the presidential election are announced, the new president will hold an economic meeting at the Hilton Hotel and announce a series of economic development policies. Among them, the introduction of foreign capital to develop the Baku oil field is the top priority, and the bid winner will be announced at the same time.

This is all planned by Gaidar long ago, and everything is proceeding according to his plan.

Petroleum traders can't sit still. Even the CEO can't sit still when it's a business worth tens of billions of dollars.Although there have been many diplomatic and public relations before, even the joint venture company formed by Exxon Petroleum and Halliburton does not have much confidence.

That's the beauty of doing energy business in an unstable country. Until the last moment, no one knows who will win.The winner left in embarrassment, and the loser came from behind. This kind of situation is not unheard of. The more uncertain the situation, the greater the chance of this happening.

The lounge on the top floor has long been a place for oil merchants to communicate. In order to ensure that these oil tycoons have a comfortable, quiet and private environment for you, the hotel has simply opened it for exclusive use, and temporarily does not accept other guests.

After breakfast, Yao Yuan also came to the lounge on the top floor, accompanied by Lin Wei who likes to be lively, Lin Xiaohu who never leaves, and Ye Linna who acts as an interpreter.

Jiang Yong stood guard at the door as usual.

This was Yao Yuan's first visit to the top lounge, at the invitation of Jason, Executive Vice President of Halliburton Asia.

Jason was chatting with a white-headed European man in his sixties. When he saw Yao Yuan, he raised his hand to beckon him. It was impossible to get up to greet him.In China, Yao Yuan is definitely worthy of the provincial and ministerial cadres standing up to greet him, but abroad, he is a small figure in front of this group of oil tycoons with billions of dollars in their hands.

"Mr. Yao, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Cage, the executive vice president of Exxon Petroleum Corporation. This is Mr. Yao Yuanyao, who developed the double-head oil extraction machine." Jason introduced with a smile.

Yao Yuan sat down and nodded, "Mr. Cage."

Cage looked at Yao Yuan curiously, and said, "Mr. Yao studied petroleum machinery? The idea of ​​the double-head oil extraction machine is very novel. It is hard to imagine that such a technology will appear in the backward and ignorant China."

Yao Yuan said with a faint smile, "Chinese culture has been around for 5000 years, and highly intelligent designs can be found everywhere. The technology of double-head oil extraction machines is not worth mentioning. Exxon Petroleum should invest more than one billion US dollars in technology research and development every year. right?"

Cage's complexion changed slightly, and only he knew how uncomfortable it was.Exxon Petroleum Company also conducts its own research and development of petroleum machinery. It has invested tens of millions of dollars in the research and development of oil extraction machines, but the results are not satisfactory.

Oil extraction machines are the most basic petroleum machinery and equipment. Exxon Petroleum Corporation has more than [-] oil extraction machines in use in oil fields around the world.

What is this concept?

The double-head oil extraction machine developed by Yao Yuan can save 33% of electricity, which alone can save tens of millions of electricity costs every year!

And the overall efficiency of the double-head oil extraction machine has increased by 40%!

It means that the same number of oil extraction machines can almost double the output of the oil field!

Halliburton is a technology-mad oilfield service company, and they spend more than one billion dollars on patent purchases and mergers and acquisitions every year.What they rarely do is buy the right to use patents, because they themselves are the oilfield services company with the largest number of patents.

Halliburton was able to develop a double-head oil extraction machine, but Yao Yuan took the lead and registered patents in dozens of countries.They couldn't get around it, so they had to buy the right to use the patent from Chunfeng Academy of Sciences and build their own factory to produce it. They had to pay Southern Industry $3000 for each one they produced.

This income alone can bring Yao Yuan an annual profit of tens of millions of dollars.

If it wasn't for this reason, Yao Yuan would really be a worthless little person.

Cage was not only curious about people who could earn tens of millions of dollars from Halliburton, but also admired them, but his discrimination against Huaxia made him naturally put on the airs of God.

Yao Yuan laughed and said, "Mr. Cage's ancestors were British, and he immigrated to the United States. He should know the history of the United States. I think the word ignorance is more suitable for a country with a history of only 200 years. Suitable for."

Cage's face changed completely, he got up and left with a cold snort.

With an embarrassed smile, Jason said, "Mr. Cage's thinking is indeed a bit old-fashioned."

It seems that the cooperation between Halliburton and Exxon is not as smooth and harmonious as it seems.

Jason asked straight to the point, "Which oil field does Southern Industrial plan to acquire?"

"All." Yao Yuan was also unambiguous.

Today, the purpose is no longer a secret, and even bids from various oil companies have been spread. As for whether it is true or false, it is a matter for the experts of the corporate strategic intelligence department.

Jason only took Yao Yuan as a joke, "Mr. Yao, I admire your talent in petroleum machinery design. Facts have proved many times that [-]% hard work is not as good as [-]% talent. However, after winning all seven oil fields, Southern Industrial Shouldn’t there be such funds?”

He knew that Southern Industrial had at least [-] million US dollars of funds available, and this amount of funds was enough to participate in the bidding for two oil fields.

Jason said, "According to Southern Industrial's strength, it is indeed possible to bid for two of the oil fields, but what about the capital investment after obtaining the exploration rights?"

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "Nanfang Industrial has no financial problems."

Jason didn't believe it at all. He shook his head with a smile and changed the subject, saying, "Halliburton plans to build a factory in Huaxia to produce double-head oil extraction machines. Are you interested?"

Sole foreign investment is not allowed to enter the petroleum equipment industry. In fact, many industries are not allowed. If foreign-funded enterprises want to build factories in China, they must form joint ventures with enterprises in mainland China.This is the purpose of Jason's meeting with Yao Yuan today, not to find out about the bidding.

Jason would be worried that other companies had seized the exploration rights of many oil fields, but he absolutely did not believe that Southern Industrial could win them. He would rather believe that time went backwards.

The increasingly high labor costs in the United States have made Halliburton's double-headed oil extraction machines less and less profitable, and they had to seek a more suitable country for industrial transfer.

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "Actually, you don't need to build your own factory to produce it yourself. It's better to hand over the production to Huaxia enterprises. You only need to do a good job in sales and after-sales service."

Jason became interested, "All ears."

Yao Yuan said, "Southern Industrial has a machinery factory that can produce almost all onshore petroleum machinery and equipment. Southern Industrial is willing to purchase two production lines of Halliburton."

"I only care about the price of the product." Jason said.

Yao Yuan said with a smile, "It's very cheap. A double-head oil extraction machine only costs 8000 US dollars."

Jason's eyeballs were about to pop out.

You know, they have to pay Southern Industrial a patent royalty of US$3000 to produce a double-head oil extraction machine, and Southern Industrial only needs to sell a double-head oil extraction machine to them for US$8000. This price is not high, but Extremely low!

You know, the comprehensive cost of Halliburton to produce a double-head oil extraction machine is more than 10000 US dollars!

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