Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 371 A Yuan Raises the Butcher Knife

The key question is, where is the explosive point?

It is impossible for Yao Yuan to remember all the details, and if he can't find the breaking point, he can only blindly wait for the Tokyo index to fall.

He suddenly asked, "What can cause the Tokyo Index to drop immediately?"

Su Wangting thought about it blankly, and subconsciously replied, "War, or...the collapse of the index bank, or the collapse of multiple banks."

Yao Yuan's eyes lit up slowly, he smiled, and said, "Mobilize all the funds to bet on the Tokyo Index, and withdraw funds from the futures market to increase the leverage."

"All?" The corners of Su Wangting's mouth twitched slightly.

"Well, all of them." Yao Yuan nodded with certainty.

Su Wangting and Yu Yong'an looked at each other, and said in unison, Mr. Yao might as well not come.

"How much leverage?" Su Wangting asked again.

Yao Yuan thought for a while and asked, "How much money do you have?"

"More than 7 million US dollars." Su Wangting replied.

Yao Yuan closed his eyes and thought for a while, then said, "Ten times first, and it can be up to fifty times."

In other words, if you lose [-]%, you will be forced to close your position.

It's not Su Wangting a few months ago. Everyone knows Yao Yuan's character. What everyone has to do now is to finish the work quickly after the market opens.

Lin Xiaohu walked in and said in a low voice, "Jason and Camille are here and have been searching for this place."

"Oh? They're pretty well informed." Yao Yuan wasn't very surprised. With the intelligence network of these oil giants running, it was easy to figure out his whereabouts.

Yao Yuan pointed to Lin Wei, "Fei Wei, you stay here, I'll meet them."

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on it, don't worry." Lin Wei was full of confidence. When he was in Hong Kong, he manipulated Hong Kong's ideals, which made Lin Wei call himself a stock god.

Yelena has invited Jason and Camille to the reception room next to them.

Seeing Yao Yuan coming in, Jason and Camille got up quickly with smiles all over their faces.

"Yao, my friend, your plane flies so fast." Jason greeted him with open arms exaggeratedly.

Yao Yuan raised his hand to block him and said with a smile, "Mr. Jason, we haven't gotten to know each other enough to hug each other, have we? Miss Mikaal, it would be great if you could give me a warm hug."

Camille smiled, walked over and hugged Yao Yuan tightly, and said in Yao Yuan's ear, "You are such a handsome and handsome man."

Immediately, he kissed Yao Yuan lightly on the face.

To Camille's surprise, Yao Yuan didn't respond in the slightest. He pushed her away calmly, turned around and sat down, and said, "Please sit down, both of you. I must have something urgent to come to Tokyo after traveling thousands of miles away. Don't delay me." It's your time, please say."

"Mr. Yao, you came to Tokyo to seek financing? You know that Halliburton is very willing to cooperate with you further, including financing." Jason said straight to the point.

Yao Yuan said honestly, "Southern Industrial has no financial problems. I came here this time for the Tokyo stock market. The Tokyo stock market will soon fall sharply. I invested some money to be bearish. Are you interested in investing some money to play?"

"Mr. Yao is shorting the yen?" Jason was taken aback.

Yao Yuan nodded, "I've been doing it all the time, but starting today, I'm bearish on the Tokyo Index. That's right, I'm not optimistic about Japan's economy."

"The Japanese economy is developing strongly. Mr. Yao, what is your basis for this?" Camille was also very surprised.

Yao Yuan shook his head, "Personal intuition."

Jason was moved and asked, "How much money did you invest?"

"7 million dollars." Yao Yuan said with a smile.


The two were dumbfounded, and threw 7 million US dollars into the stock market for fun?

This amount of funds can determine the life and death of any stock!

This is going all out!

The world's largest oilfield service company like Halliburton can't gamble US$7 million in the stock market, and their annual profit is not US$7 million.

20 years later, Halliburton's annual profit only exceeded 15 billion US dollars, and 20 billion US dollars 15 years later, and 90 billion US dollars in the 15s are two concepts. The purchasing power of the latter and the value contained in it are of far greater significance In the former, not just because of inflation.

Jason suddenly discovered that Yao Yuan was an out-and-out gambler, was it the right choice to seek cooperation with such a person?

He was lost in thought.

Camille's thinking is very simple. The rule she believes in is that businessmen follow their interests.

He has just become the second largest shareholder of Azerbaijan State Oil Company with a blockbuster, and it is narrow to define Yao Yuan only as a gambler.No oil company thinks that it can win the exploration rights of all the oil fields in Baku in one fell swoop, but Southern Industrial did not win all of them, but became the owner in one fell swoop.

With such a case before, could it be said that Yao Yuan would really joke about $7 million?

Camille rolled her eyes, and she said, "Mr. Yao, you must have got some news, right? The market is generally optimistic, but something big must happen, right?"

Yao Yuan smiled, "It is indeed my intuition. In fact, studying Japan's economic development in the past 20 years, especially after the signing of the Plaza Accord, and considering the Japanese government's countermeasures, I personally think that a hard landing of the Japanese economy will end in failure."

"Of course, the stock market can happen at any time."

Camille suddenly said, "Mr. Yao, I personally believe in your judgment. You are a person who is very sure of what you do. Unfortunately, I don't have much money. If Mr. Yao is willing to help, I would also like to contribute 200 million US dollars I follow you bearish on the Tokyo index."

"No problem." Yao Yuan nodded towards Yelena, and Yelena went to inform.

Being able to come up with 200 million US dollars at once shows that Camille is quite powerful. Although his position in the French Total Petroleum Company is not high, it is full of gold.

Jason reacted quickly.

Camille believes in Yao Yuan's judgment?

He believes in hell.

The purpose of Camille's doing this is to shorten the relationship with Yao Yuan, and the price is 200 million US dollars.This money is not much at all, and what is certain is that as long as Camille wins the cooperation contract, the company will definitely compensate her with more than 200 million US dollars.

In fact, Jason is very clear that Camille's so-called personal $200 million is most likely from the company's public relations funds.

As the top oil company in the world, France's Total spends tens of millions of dollars in public relations every year, and Halliburton does the same.Before that, they had spent millions of dollars on Gaidar.

What difference does it make to spend another $200 million?

Either win a contract of hundreds of millions of dollars, or lose all the investment in the early stage. There is no third situation, and there is no compromise plan. This is the cruel competition of oil.

After trying to understand the joints, Jason said quickly, "I am very confident in your judgment, Mr. Yao, and I will personally take a gamble with you with 300 million dollars."

Yao Yuan smiled and remained silent.

Jason didn't give Camille a chance to speak, and continued, "Mr. Yao, Halliburton has decided to transfer two double-head oil extraction machine production lines to Southern Industrial for free, and at the same time entrust Southern Industrial to produce no less than [-] double-head oil extraction machines per year. machine, and the other conditions are fully implemented according to what you proposed before. I have brought the contract here, please read it."

Camille's smile was a little stiff. The meeting gift was really generous, but she didn't have the same authority as Jason, so she couldn't do much.

Yao Yuan no longer whetted their appetites, and signaled Jason to put aside the matter of the double-head oil extraction unit, and said straight to the point, "I have communicated with the chairman of the Azerbaijan State Oil Company, and he agreed in principle to introduce foreign-funded enterprises to jointly develop the shallow sea in Baku. oilfield."

Jason and Camille couldn't help but sit up straight, like students listening to a teacher.

Yao Yuan said, "In terms of cooperation methods, Mr. Aliyev Jr. made it clear that Azerbaijan State Oil Company will no longer introduce new shareholders. Therefore, for Baku shallow sea oilfields, we will come up with three major projects: exploration and production, refining, and natural gas extraction. block business and cooperate with foreign-funded enterprises.”

He looked at Camille, "I am inclined to cooperate with France's Total Petroleum Company in the natural gas exploration business. Well, oil companies such as Exxon and BP are also candidates."

He looked at Jason and said, "Halliburton is a great technology-based oilfield service company. We decided to fully cooperate with your company in the development of shallow offshore oilfields in Baku. You are the only ones."

Jason almost jumped up with excitement.

Joint bidding with Exxon Petroleum Company, even if they are all successful, can only win the exploration and production services of some oil fields, but now, Yao Yuan gave him all, and the only one.

Yao Yuan said with a smile, "Conditionally, Halliburton needs to share the second-generation and third-generation offshore platform technology with Dongfang Petroleum Service Company, and provide all dynamic positioning technologies."

Camille almost burst out laughing.

In today's world, offshore oil and gas exploration is the future, and development from land to sea is already a trend.And Halliburton, which has the most advanced offshore exploration and mining technology, is undoubtedly at the forefront.The dynamic positioning technology mentioned by Yao Yuan is the core technology of the fourth-generation offshore drilling platform, which is currently only mastered by Halliburton.

Jason's face turned red and blue, and he just looked at Yao Yuan like this, unable to say a word for a long time.

Yao Yuan ignored him, and turned to Camille and said, "Total needs to share technologies including crude oil refining, natural gas storage and transportation with Dongfang Petroleum Service Company. This is the prerequisite for your company to get the contract."

Camille couldn't stop laughing either.

France's Total Petroleum Company is unique in refining and natural gas, which is why Yao Yuan chose this company for cooperation.

Nanfang Industrial has pipeline construction franchises in many cities in the Pearl River Delta region. It is inevitable to start pipeline gas construction, so the gas source problem must be solved. Natural gas in the 90s was an unappreciated energy source, and it was often burned in vain. However, this clean energy will show its advantages in the context of global energy conservation and emission reduction.

Storage and transportation of natural gas is the most critical link.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, Yao Yuan asked Hyundai Heavy Industries to share the LNG ship manufacturing technology, with the purpose of solving the problem of natural gas transportation by sea.

Starting from supporting Aliyev, Yao Yuan has thought through every step before and after.After gaining the initiative, which companies to cooperate with and what the conditions are have all been determined.From seeking lng ship manufacturing technology to offering conditions to France's Total Petroleum Company, it is very obvious that a complete chain has been formed.

The conditions offered by Halliburton are based on the domestic offshore oil development technology. At present, the domestic shallow sea oil field development technology is available. The drilling platform technology is barely the first generation, but it has developed to the fourth generation internationally. The difference is not one or two points.

If the new generation of Dongfang Petroleum Service Company develops the first-generation, second-generation, and third-generation offshore drilling platform technologies step by step, firstly, the time does not allow it, and secondly, it is of little significance.

Only by figuring out the technologies of the first two generations and directly launching the development of the fourth-generation drilling platform can we catch up.

Yao Yuan made a condition, got up and said, "Don't worry, you two stay here first, think slowly, I'll excuse you first."

Jason and Camille stood up with complicated emotions and watched Yao Yuan leave.

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