Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 382 Distress

"Speaking of which, A Yuan, you don't really plan to invest in road construction, do you? The provincial capital is four to five hundred kilometers away from Nangang, so the investment is quite large." After Lin Wei woke up completely, he roughly calculated the accounts, When I found out that it cost a lot of money, I immediately became serious.

On the flat road, Yao Yuan accelerated slightly, and said, "Referring to the Guangfo Expressway, the cost per kilometer is about 1000 million yuan. If it is calculated based on 50 kilometers, it is 50 billion yuan. Well, it is quite expensive. All road sections If we start working at the same time, we will have to spend [-] billion in a short period of time, no problem, right?"

"There is a problem, of course there is a problem. The landlord's family has no food left." Lin Wei objected without even thinking about it. Five billion, unless you sell foreign exchange."

Yao Yuan shook his head and said, "Foreign exchange cannot be sold, and it will be of great use to keep me. Let's think of a way, let's pay a part, let the province settle the part, and set up a joint venture company."

"That's fine. If that's the case, we'll also get a loan from the bank." Lin Wei thought for a while, nodded slightly, and agreed.

"Let's take a loan, let's do it with Spring Breeze Investment, and you are fully responsible." Yao Yuan said.

Lin Wei was not very happy, and said, "I'm just now free, can you let me take a breather?"

"It's nothing, you'll be responsible for the general aspects, and let your subordinates do other things." Yao Yuan said with a smile, "Let me tell you, after the completion of this expressway, it will definitely become the core asset of Chunfeng Investment."

The Guangfo Expressway is only 17 kilometers away, but it supported 25% of the company's profits. At its peak, the annual revenue exceeded 4 million.

Yao Yuan suddenly felt that investing in transportation infrastructure was also a good direction.

Chatting all the way, the time passed quickly.In the past period of time, Yao Yuan was flying around, and finally seized the opportunity to drive, so naturally he didn't feel tired at all.

He prefers to run on this kind of road in an off-road vehicle, but he has to consider Lin Shuting's feelings, so he can only drive the Mercedes-Benz s560 with a more comfortable suspension.

When we entered the border of Nangang, it was already past three o'clock in the morning. There was no good road, and no matter how good the car was, it was useless. With more than 60 kilometers away from the city, the time on the road had already been spent for more than seven hours. , This made Yao Yuan more determined to build a highway leading to the provincial capital.

"Uncle Zhiping probably hasn't closed the door yet, maybe he can catch up with something to eat." Yao Yuan turned the steering wheel from the national highway into the provincial highway. He said it was a provincial highway, but it was actually just a very narrow non-standard two-lane dirt road. Be very careful.

You can save some time by going this route though.

Lin Wei said, "Uncle Zhiping knows we'll be back tonight and has been waiting."

"Well, let's hurry up then."

As soon as Yao Yuan stepped on the accelerator, he saw a tree trunk lying across the road in front of him, and subconsciously stepped on the brakes to the end, barely stopping before being crushed.If it is an off-road vehicle, it will be run over if it is run over, but if it is not a car, it will definitely cause an accident.

Before the people in the car came back to their senses, they saw the Pajero at the back slamming the accelerator to overtake, blocking the side of the Mercedes-Benz S560.

Lin Xiaohu and Jiang Yong quickly jumped down, Lin Xiaohu yelled: "Don't get out of the car!"

Yao Yuan quickly reacted, "Get down!"

As he spoke, he pulled Lin Shuting over and pressed him under him, and Lin Wei squatted down quickly.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of gunshots, accompanied by the sound of the windshield and car windows being hit.Fortunately, the first generation of Mercedes-Benz S560 has used explosion-proof glass, otherwise the debris will definitely hurt the people in the car.

Fierce gunfire rang out for a while, then stopped.

The people in the car haven't even come to their senses about what happened.

Lin Wei's lips trembled, and he said, "These bandit road tyrants are too cruel, they shoot without saying a word!"

Obviously, they encountered highway robbery.

After a while, Lin Xiaohu ran over, "Ayuan, it's safe, you all get down and change to the Pajero, I will drive the Mercedes-Benz."

Yao Yuan quickly opened the car door, he will never be brave, professional things are done by professionals, if he is brave, he just adds to the chaos, just listen to the arrangements honestly.

"Fei Wei get out of the car! Let's go!" Yao Yuan shouted to Lin Wei in the back seat.

Lin Wei hurriedly got out of the car with the combination box that he was carrying with him. Inside were important official seals and the like. Without these things, he would not be able to move a penny.

"Let's go now, there must be someone else." Jiang Yong glanced around coldly, and said in a deep voice.

Yao Yuan noticed a little light not far away, obviously a village.The robbers lying not far away obviously came from there. They were farming during the day and came out at night to earn extra money, but what they did was killing people and stealing money.

Such things were not exaggerated at all in the early 90s!

A group of people left the scene quickly.

The Mercedes-Benz S560 is very solid. After Lin Xiaohu kicked off the front windshield that was shattered into a spider web, he drove straight away, followed by the Pajero driven by Jiang Yong, stepped up the accelerator and drove away at lightning speed.

Not long after, a large group of people rushed to the scene with shoulder poles, hoes, shovels, firecrackers, etc. shouting, leaving them with a few downed people...

Lin Shuting was still in shock, but she acted calmly. She frowned and asked, "The Robber Road Hog?"

"Yeah." Yao Yuan put his arms around her and patted the back of her hand lightly, "Last year, Awei and Xiaohu went to the provincial capital to pick up goods for the first time, and they met on the way back."

Lin Wei said suddenly, "It was that place just now. It was too scary at the time. They all had guns. If it wasn't for Xiaohu's decisiveness, we probably would have explained everything that time."

He gritted his teeth and said, "This group of people is too hateful. The last time the police reported this situation, I didn't expect that this group of people is still there after more than a year."

However, Yao Yuan knew that until around 2000, the situation of these peasants during the day and at night would even exist on the roads in the Pearl River Delta region.Freezing three feet does not happen overnight. There is a lot of work to be done in terms of law and order and the rule of law.

When the group returned to the Sihai Hotel, Gong Zhiping had been waiting, and was shocked when he saw that the body of the Mercedes-Benz S560 was covered with bullet marks and the glass was almost broken.

After Lin Wei described it, without further ado, Gong Zhiping immediately called the Public Security Bureau to call the police, and then cooked himself a supper for Yao Yuan and others.

Sihai Hotel has now opened eight branches in Guangdong Province. Yao Yuan’s positioning for Sihai Hotel is to develop into a comprehensive enterprise group in the catering industry in the future. It focuses on low-end catering services, not high-end hotel business.

Gong Zhiping, a former laid-off worker and street stall owner, has transformed into the owner of Sihai Restaurant.

All this was because of Yao Yuan, so Gong Zhiping was very nervous and took Yao Yuan's robbery very seriously.After finishing supper, he drove directly to the Public Security Bureau.As a result, until Yao Yuan and the others returned to Villa No. 7 of the Seaside Hotel after supper, they still couldn't find the person in charge, and the millionaire Gong Zhiping was so angry.

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