Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 410 Yao Li's Office Politics

When she came to the unit early this morning, Yao Li noticed that the atmosphere in the office was very strange.

She has been working for almost five years after graduating from technical secondary school, and she is already used to office politics. She immediately thought of a news that came out more than a month ago.

The deputy chief of the personnel department has retired, and the vacancy has been decided to be filled by qualified administrative cadres.The Nangang City Library is a national first-class library, covering an area of ​​more than 6000 square meters, and it is a military-civilian co-construction unit. Its intelligence analysis department is permanently stationed by military intelligence personnel.

Compared with other prefectures and cities, Nangang City is relatively well-off in finance, but its volume itself is large, with many administrative personnel and large administrative budget expenditures. Even so, it is necessary to ensure that the city library has no less than 100 million funds every year.

Therefore, in the eyes of local people, the city library is by no means Qingshui Yamen.

Therefore, although the Municipal Library is a deputy department-level unit, the director is highly assigned to the department, and is a cadre at the same level as the director of the Cultural Bureau of the higher-level unit.

According to the curator's administrative level, the following cadre levels are allocated sequentially.

The deputy chief of the personnel department where Yao Li works is a proper department-level cadre, and the old section chief is a deputy department-level cadre. To retire, the chances of the deputy section chief being righted are very high!

Originally, Yao Li was not eligible to participate in the competition, she was just an ordinary staff member.However, when the city adjusted Yao Zhenhua's position in the West Sea Sugar Factory, Yao Li's sub-specialist grade was taken care of by the way.

Thus, Yao Li suddenly became the youngest of all eligible candidates, and she was still a five-year technical secondary school student.

Five-year technical secondary school students are a relatively special training method in the 90s. Excellent students are selected directly from elementary schools for five consecutive years of professional training. They graduate one year earlier than ordinary high school students, but they are students with professional skills.

This is an earlier vocational training model, and it is also the most valuable type of student in the 90s. The college students who graduated from ordinary universities are incomparable with others, because after you graduate from university, they are usually cadres at the sub-department level and full-department level. .

It is not surprising that Yao Li's sub-department level came. Her working years and work performance have already reached the limit. The key is that the establishment quota is limited. strangeness.

How many people retire is also a sub-discipline.

Yao Li's personnel department is the administrative department with the largest number of eligible people, and accounting and personnel are the two core departments in the administrative management department. It is basically certain that the candidates for the deputy chief of the personnel department will be in these two departments. produced in.

The ones with the greatest chances are naturally the cadres of the personnel department.

Who doesn't like to have a chance to be promoted, who doesn't care?

Like Yao Li, although she didn't jump up and down, she subconsciously worked harder.When she moved to a new house in her hometown, she told her family about it. Comrade Yao Zhenhua told her to keep a peaceful mind and work hard no matter whether she could be a deputy section chief or not. Being a deputy section chief means more responsibility and more hard work.

After adjusting her mentality, Yao Li felt a lot more relaxed.

However, when I entered the office today, I found that everyone was looking at her with pity. Only one of the competitors, Liu Ying, gave her a look of contempt with her chin raised.

Usually everyone is talking and laughing, you bring some fruit from home, I bring some snacks, eat and chat while working, the day passes by in a flash.

Since the deputy section chief stepped back, the atmosphere in the office has changed, each one is more positive than the other, and they can't wait to run when they are working.

But today was different. Except for Liu Ying, the other qualified competitors were as listless as a deflated ball, and there was a gloomy look between their brows and eyes in the early morning.

The melon-eating colleagues who are not qualified seem to be the victors of this open and secret struggle. While mocking their faces, they are more like the masters of this big office.

They looked at the losers as if they were saying: You see, you are all satisfied, and you are dumbfounded to let you squeeze your heads and climb up one by one.

They looked at Liu Ying as if they were saying: The new deputy section chief, so what if you become the new deputy section chief, you just want to curry favor with me, or see if I will let you down.

Liu Ying carried a bag of fruit in her hand and sent them from office to office. She has not officially taken up the post, but she seems to regard herself as the deputy section chief, and said with a smile, "The weather is very hot recently. Eat some fruit in the morning to replenish water. That’s what the experts on Hong Kong’s Jade Channel say.”

Turning around and seeing Yao Li, she came over and handed one over, "Yao Li is here."

Taking advantage of the situation, he glanced at the watch on his wrist and said casually, "Next time, try to come earlier and clean up the office or something."

Yao Li subconsciously raised her wrist and looked at her delicate watch. There are still 08 minutes before the 30:15 work time, which is already very early.Except for a few people who competed for the deputy section chief to go to work half an hour earlier during this period, the rest of the people hardly got to work on time, and there was definitely not enough people before nine o'clock.

In fact, Yao Li is the one who comes first every day.

Yao Li knew what was going on, and smiled lightly, "Got it, Miss Ying."

Yao Li walked to her desk, put down her bag, and put the apple on the table, suddenly saw a large part of the apple was black, she was taken aback, shook her head helplessly, picked it up and put it aside .

The colleague Yang Xiaoli next to her saw Liu Ying go out twisting her waist, and said in a low voice, "I have been the deputy section chief before I took office. Arranging this and that, I really think of myself as a leader."

The colleague Liu Ruhong in front was also a competitor, she turned her head and echoed with the corner of her mouth, "That's right, she usually keeps talking about this and that because of her own qualifications. As for herself, she can't wait to come back to work after lunch, and go home to serve her when her buttocks are not hot after lunch break." I went to the commissary. This kind of person can actually be a leader, the leader is really blind."

Liu Ruhong looked at Yao Li sincerely, and said, "To be honest, she's not even half as good as you. You see, in addition to accounting, our accounting department also analyzes and sorts out foreign economic intelligence. Just look, Who usually does foreign economic intelligence analysis and sorting out, only you, you have done all the work of the entire department, and she, Liu Ying, can't wait to come here one day to do some work. Xiaoli, don't you think so?"

"That's right. Anyway, I haven't seen her commute to and from get off work on time. Hey, who makes her old, and her husband is a cadre of the Personnel Bureau. What does the Personnel Bureau do? It's in charge of us." Yang Xiaoli adjusted her glasses , also fight against injustice.

Yao Li raised her hand and stroked her hair, and said with a smile, "The leader must have leadership considerations."

Yang Xiaoli noticed Yao Li's wrist, took a closer look, and said in surprise, "Yao Li, you bought a watch? It's so delicate."

If you are from the north, you must think that Yang Xiaoli is cursing.

Yao Li looked sideways, said oh, and started to move the work materials from one side as usual, tidying up, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, unable to hide her pride, "My brother and girlfriend went to Hong Kong some time ago, she Bought it for me."

"I bought it in Hong Kong. Let me have a look." Yang Xiaoli got up and walked over, holding Yao Li's left wrist and lifting it to her eyes, her eyes behind the glasses were wide open, she was amazed, "It's so beautiful, so delicate Ah, it must be expensive, right?"

Liu Ruhong also stood up and came over, "Hey, this watch is really good, much better looking than the sea-gull women's watch."

"It must be a good product from Hong Kong, how much did you pay for it?" Yang Xiaoli said naturally.

Yao Yuan really didn't ask, this is the first real gift from her sister-in-law, and in her heart, it cannot be measured by monetary value.

She thought about it, compared it with the Seagull female watch, and said, "It should cost more than 1000 yuan, I didn't ask."

Yao Yuan fainted: Sister, this is the most expensive Vacheron Constantin women's watch, priced at more than 100 million US dollars!

A watch equivalent to nearly [-] million Huaxia coins, and the total investment of the city library at the beginning was only [-] million Huaxia coins. This was the first gift that Teacher Lin Shuting gave to the eldest sister-in-law.

"It's more than 1000!" Yang Xiaoli tutted, "It's four months' salary, your brother and wife are really willing to do it, and they are so kind to you."

At this time, Liu Ying walked in hurriedly, and said with a smile, "How do you know how much it costs if you don't ask, it's just a watch, there's no need to look around, let's work, let's work."

She pointed at Yao Li with her chin, "Yao Li, the circulation department needs someone to help sort out the periodicals on the third floor, and they will all be moved to the first floor. One person will be assigned from each department. You can go."

"Okay, I'll go there now." Yao Li packed up her things and left without saying a word.

Yang Xiaoli whispered to Liu Ruhong, "Knowing that Yao Li is wearing a new watch, I deliberately asked her to move things, so I can't even read the watch after this job."

"You have to go alone, or you go? Your newly bought skirt will be dirty." Liu Ruhong looked at the floral skirt Yang Xiaoli was wearing today.

Yang Xiaoli snorted coldly, "Just go."

Then go outside.

Liu Ying called her to stop, "Xiaoli, what are you doing?"

"Do you have to make a report when you go to the toilet, Deputy Section Chief Liu?" Yang Xiaoli turned her head and said unceremoniously.

Liu Ying choked for a moment, her expression remained unchanged, "Go and come back quickly, I have a lot of work today."

Yang Xiaoli walked away with a flick of her sleeves, and trotted a few steps to catch up with Yao Li.

"What are you doing here?" Yao Li asked strangely.

Yang Xiaoli took Yao Li's arm, jumped up and down a few times, and said, "I can't understand that old aunt's face, she is clearly targeting you."

"Don't think about it too much, someone has to do the work anyway." Yao Li said, raised her left wrist to light it up, but the watch was gone, and she patted her pocket again, indicating that she had put the watch in her pocket.

Yang Xiaoli said, "As long as you have a good temper, if I were you, I would definitely not make it easier for her. Unfortunately, I am only an employee, and you are all cadres."

"So you have to work harder and try to get promoted. You are one year younger than me, I remember." Yao Li said, "Okay, don't go, go back and do your own work. The new deputy chief took office, and today the leader I’m probably going to come and have a look.”

Yang Xiaoli nodded helplessly, and suddenly said eagerly, "Lend me the watch."

Yao Li shook her head, "No."

"Why, just wear it for one day, and return it to you after get off work in the afternoon, don't be so stingy." Yang Xiaoli begged.

Yao Li explained, "This is the first gift my sister-in-law gave me. In our hometown, it is considered a gift for my in-laws before entering the family. It is not easy to lend it to others."

"Oh, I know, I know, you don't wear it now anyway, I, I'll just wear it all morning, okay, I'll give it back to you at lunch, I haven't worn a Hong Kong watch before." Yang Xiaoli pouted and begged, shaking Yao Li's arm.

Yao Li was helpless, and finally took out the watch and handed it to Yang Xiaoli, "It's only a morning, be careful not to damage it, it's not about money, you know I don't need money."

"I know, I know, your brother is the big boss." Yang Xiaoli was elated, but she didn't know how to wear it.

Yao Li helped her put it on.

The more Yang Xiaoli watched it, the more she liked it, so she asked casually, "By the way, what kind of business does your younger brother do? He went to college and started a business at the same time. It's amazing."

"It's a trade, I don't know very well." Yao Li said perfunctorily, "Okay, let's go back."

Yang Xiaoli left happily. She could look down at her watch five times a minute. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it. It became more and more comfortable to wear. She almost knocked someone into her arms several times, and bumped into a corner several times.

If she knew that the watch on her wrist sold for 1000 million, she would probably be scared to death on the spot.

The circulation department is responsible for the circulation of books, newspapers and periodicals. It is both mental and physical work. Because of this, as long as there is an opportunity, people in it want to transfer out. People in other departments do not want to transfer there. It is an unpopular department .

As for the personnel department, which has a quota of only five people, a full twelve people are stuffed in, which is a serious overstaffing.

On the contrary, Yao Li likes work in the circulation department. She likes to read books. The circulation department is one of the most convenient departments for reading books, and as time goes by, she will be involved in more and more extensive fields.Moving books and arranging bookshelves, which are regarded as heavy physical labor by others, are nothing in Yao Li's eyes.

Since the fourth grade of elementary school, when her parents were at work, she watched her younger brother cook while watching. She did almost all the housework. In junior high school, she shouldered the heavy responsibility of family and housework.

She doesn't like the intriguing office work. In a small office, sometimes three or four people can be assigned. The time spent fighting openly and secretly is much longer than doing serious work, even if it is often just to fight over who will be on duty first and who will be on duty later. day……

But Yao Li also understands that personnel matters are politics. On the surface, the fight is for trivial matters, but in essence, the fight is for dominance and the right to speak.

There was nothing she could do. When she was transferred from the county, the Personnel Bureau made it clear that she would be assigned to work in the Personnel Department. Even if she wanted to be transferred to another department, her superiors would not agree.

I can only continue to endure the working atmosphere of office politics. The only thing to be thankful for is that there is at least a colleague like Yang Xiaoli who is relatively simple-minded.

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