Xia Honghua hesitated for a long time, and then said to Yao Yuan, "Formosa Plastics has delayed again, you guessed it right."

The last time we met, Yao Yuan talked about his own analysis and gave a clear conclusion. Now that it was verified, Xia Honghua was so helpless.

At the time, the state leaders personally met Wang Qing, the head of the Formosa Plastics Group, and set the tone in person, fully respecting Wang Qing's request for strict confidentiality, and did not release a single word for two years. patience.

But what they got in exchange was delay and the tightening of cooperation conditions step by step.

Yao Yuan obviously wouldn't be surprised, he said in a deep voice, "What's the opinion from above?"

Xia Honghua nodded slightly, "The Haicang Project has great political significance."

The mainland stepped back step by step.

Yao Yuan said, "If the concessions can be exchanged for Formosa Plastics Group to sign a cooperation agreement, it is not a bad idea, but I am worried that Formosa Plastics Group does not want to invest in petrochemical projects in the mainland from the beginning to the end. Their goal is to get approval for the six light projects on the island."

"We have also collected relevant information, but the above believes that Wang Qing can make up his mind to invest in the mainland through fighting for it. The petrochemical base of 70 billion US dollars can drive the output value of hundreds of billions of Huaxia coins upstream and downstream. No matter how you look at it It's not something we can give up easily." Xia Honghua and Yao Yuan had more contacts, and of course his vision was also affected, so what he said was relatively tactful, and in terms of the Haicang plan, he supported the decision to continue the discussion, but for Concession with reservations.

Because the Haicang Project attracted the attention of the country's leaders from the very beginning, and precisely because Wang Qing proposed [-]% export sales, this is a timely help for the mainland, which is extremely short of foreign exchange.

It will not affect the mainland's own petrochemical industry, and it can earn foreign exchange, which is perfect.

However, two months later, Wang Qinghui suddenly proposed to switch from [-]% export sales to [-]% domestic sales.

This is definitely a fatal blow to the mainland's petrochemical industry.

Yao Yuan said in a deep voice, "Last year, the mainland invested 3 million U.S. dollars in advance. Formosa Plastics Group should not have invested a penny so far, right? [-] hectares of land have already been allocated in place, and the supporting dedicated railway line has also been built. , One-third of the three links and one leveling were completed."

He shook his head slightly and said, "If the Formosa Plastics Group really intends to invest, why is it still hesitating until now? Just relying on a memorandum-style agreement is not binding on them."

Xia Honghua didn't find it strange that Yao Yuan could grasp this information. The relationship between him and the military was very good, and the infrastructure work of the Haicang base was all in charge of the Xinxing Group because of the need for confidentiality. Li Yan, the general manager of the Xinxing Group, was Yao Yuan. good friend...

15000 hectares are equal to 150 square kilometers, and the Baojun Automobile production base covers an area of ​​about 25 square kilometers, which is equivalent to 6 Baojun Automobile production bases.

The most powerful thing is that if it is not enough, 10 square kilometers of land can be allocated to make this petrochemical zone the largest in the world.

Even, for this project, the upper management issued a special policy, only for the petrochemical zone.

Whether in the past or in the future, the state will no longer issue targeted preferential policies for a certain enterprise or economic zone.

Yao Yuan wants to wrestle with Formosa Plastics Group, and also hopes to get this kind of good policy that is once in a lifetime.

However, judging from the current situation, his petrochemical base cannot be compared with the Haicang Project in the eyes of the upper echelon, and it is not just a matter of investment scale.The upper echelon hopes to use the Haicang Project to attract a large number of Taiwanese businessmen to return to invest. This work has more political significance than attracting hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign investment.

"Negotiations are still going on. For a project with an investment of 70 billion US dollars, it is not surprising to talk for a few years. Considering the relationship between the two sides of the strait, it is not impossible to extend this time." Xia Honghua said.

Yao Yuan was very helpless. He knew that it would be difficult for him to influence the direction of Haicang's plan, but he was very unconvinced, and he couldn't just sit back and watch the country invest so much manpower and material resources in the end.

"Lao Xia, tell me the truth, if I increase the investment to 70 billion US dollars, can the higher-ups give me the policy benefits of the Haicang plan, can they put the Haicang plan aside and talk about it slowly? It is a very powerful move for you to negotiate with the Formosa Plastics Group." Yao Yuan asked in a deep voice.

Xia Honghua shook his head slowly, "No. Xiao Yao, I know you will definitely contribute 70 billion US dollars, but the Haicang Project is not simply a matter of economic cooperation."

Yao Yuan got angry, spread his hands, stared into Xia Honghua's eyes, and asked, "If it's not economic cooperation, what is it?"

Xia Honghua looked directly at Yao Yuan, and suddenly read another meaning from Yao Yuan's eyes, and slowly fell into deep thought.

Yao Yuan continued, "You want foreign capital, okay, I have a lot of companies overseas, how about French Ward, companies in developed countries in Europe, how big are they, I invest US dollars, I invest 35 billion a year, and I complete all investments in two years .”

With a wry smile, Xia Honghua said, "If I can make the decision, I will definitely agree, but this is not as simple as you think. You don't know, the Formosa Plastics Group promised to organize thousands of Taiwanese companies to enter and build factories after the completion of the petrochemical zone. The motivating benefits are huge.”

Yao Yuan's temper has come up. After these days, he thought he had entered the realm of returning to basics and losing the impulsiveness of young people. Only now did he realize that the critical point has only increased.

He raised his neck slightly, and said, "I will organize a thousand European and American companies to set up factories for you. BASF, one of the largest chemical companies in the world, I will invite them to set up factories. Give you 1000 billion US dollars of foreign investment, okay?"

"No, I have already said that I am at best a person who does specific things. I have neither the right to make decisions nor the right to make suggestions. What can I say, the key is that I can tell you responsibly that no matter what you do, the Haicang Project It won't be placed after your petrochemical base." Xia Honghua said helplessly.

He also wanted to say that he hoped that Yao Yuan would bring back some foreign investment no matter whether the petrochemical base could be completed or not, but he couldn't say that.

Xia Honghua could only comfort him, "The large investment in the petrochemical base has a long payback period. If you really want to do it, you should reduce the scale and win the support of the province. If you have an annual output of 20 or 30 tons of ethylene, the probability of approval is still high." Relatively large ones. If you sell [-]% to the outside world, I can assure you that you will definitely be approved, but it is impossible to get the same policy treatment as the Haicang Project.”

He thought Yao Yuan would be frustrated, but he saw that Yao Yuan seemed to be aroused to be competitive, and he didn't know where the confidence came from. He smiled and said, "The higher-ups may not shift the focus to my petrochemical base. , It’s all a matter of man-made. Lao Xia, I will officially inform you that no matter whether you support it or not, I will definitely build a petrochemical base, and the annual production will not change. The first phase will be put into production of 30 tons, and the second phase will be put into production of 40 tons. Three years It will be completed within 50 tons of production expansion, and the refining project will not be 1000 million tons, and another 1000 million tons of production expansion will be reserved, with a total investment of 100 billion US dollars to start."

He said with a wicked smile, "If necessary, I will invite foreign petroleum and petrochemical companies to participate, and invite more foreign-funded upstream and downstream factories to settle in."

In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the Haicang plan, the state has decided to stop the plans of more than a dozen light oil cracking plants in various provinces across the country. Yao Yuan also wants to compete with Formosa Plastics in the important basic raw material industry for people's livelihood!

Formosa Plastics requires [-]% export sales to be [-]% domestic sales, which means that once the Haicang base is put into production, it will quickly occupy the entire mainland market, which will definitely be a disaster for other petrochemical companies in the mainland.

It is definitely not a bad thing that the Haicang plan in history died prematurely.

Yao Yuan knew that the Haicang project would definitely fail because Wang Qing could not withstand the pressure of the authorities.

But Yao Yuan can't just sit back and watch the country waste such precious years, let alone let the country, which is already seriously short of foreign exchange, invest 3 million U.S. dollars into this doomed empty base.

Yao Yuan stared into Xia Honghua's eyes and said, "You won't give me an approval because my investment is too large, my production volume is too high, and my technology content is too high?"

Xia Honghua stared at Yao Yuan seriously for a long time. This expression and eyes were too familiar. In the Qiumen Oilfield, when Nanfang Industrial and Hyundai Petroleum, and the New Daily Chemical Consortium were engaged in racing exploration, Yao Yuan looked like this. The consortium formed by such a large two companies was defeated.

"Xiao Yao, you, are you serious?" Xia Honghua asked in a deep voice.

Yao Yuan said without hesitation, "I am too serious about the investment of tens of billions of dollars."

Xia Honghua said in a deep voice, "Xiao Yao, even if you ask Xinxing Group for help, the possibility of the project passing the approval is very low. As you know, Xinxing Group is responsible for the preliminary works of the Haicang Project. This is the requirement of the higher authorities. They There will be no changes on issues of principle."

The full name of Xinxing Group is Xinxing Group Corporation. It is not a company that only engages in construction projects. It has hundreds of mines and a large number of subordinate enterprises, and its asset scale is much larger than that of many central enterprises.

Anyway, Li Yan is at the deputy provincial and ministerial level, and the chairman above is a proper deputy regional leader.

Yao Yuan shook his head and said, "I'm not looking for anyone, I'll do it myself. If it doesn't work in China, I'll go abroad to build it. The petrochemical base is a key project in Southern Industry's five-year development plan, and it must be built."

"Xiao Yao, there is something to discuss, don't be angry." Xia Honghua said hastily.

Formosa Plastics Group and Wang Qing are too far away, but Yao Yuan in front of him is a person who has made great efforts for the country's economic construction. He is a young man. If he really invests all his assets abroad in a fit of anger, it will be a loss to the country, a big loss!

However, Yao Yuan said very seriously, "Director Xia, I want to do something for the economic construction of the motherland, and I want to contribute to the industrial modernization of China. If you don't support me, how can I contribute and where will I come from?" Contribute?"

"I can't sit still with such a big business, I have to find new profit growth poles!"

Xia Honghua looked at Yao Yuan and remained silent...

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