Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 439 The World's Tallest Building

Temptation is not one point or two points.

The shipbuilding industry in Mingzhu City has been developed for more than 100 years. It already existed in the late Qing Dynasty, but Nangang area did not have any shipbuilding industry from the beginning to the end. A small shipyard for hundreds of tons of ships.

Yu Ming's words are very correct. The shipbuilding industry chain in Mingzhu City is very complete. If it is placed in Mingzhu City, it can save a lot of money in terms of cost alone.

This alone is enough to make all shipbuilders abandon other options.

But Yao Yuan's concern comes from the shipbuilding industry chain in Mingzhu City, because all the key nodes are controlled by CSSC.

Xiangfang Shipbuilding is bound to become a competitor with Jiangnan Shipbuilding. When they get stuck in raw materials and parts, you will have a hard time.

This is Yao Yuan's main desire to put the shipbuilding base and the steel base together. Together with the petrochemical base, the three major bases can already form a closed-loop production chain on the East Coast Island. Even if the supply from the outside world is cut off, the East Coast Industrial Island can also Continue to operate with its own industrial chain.

However, Yu Ming's arrival gave Yao Yuan another choice—since he must become a competitor, why didn't he tie up the interests of each other in advance?

After thinking it over, Yao Yuan said, "Mayor Yu, if the cooperation with China State Shipbuilding Corporation can be facilitated, it would be a good idea for Southern Industrial to put the shipbuilding base in Mingzhu City."

"What kind of cooperation method?" Yu Ming asked.

Yao Yuan laughed, "They lack money and technology, but I have money and technology, and there are many ways to cooperate."

Yu Ming nodded slowly to express his understanding, thought for a while, and expressed his attitude, "Mr. Yao, I will promote this matter. Mingzhu City is engaged in large-scale development, and the intensity is stronger than that of Shenzhen City. The old man explained that the pace of Zhushi City is still slow It can be bigger, don’t be afraid of going wrong, but not afraid to go.”

"Following the instructions of the old man, the whole city is now full of energy. Nanfang Industrial is the fastest growing enterprise in my country, and our Mingzhu City is the most economically dynamic city in the country. I think the two sides must have the possibility of in-depth cooperation. "

I can't do it for nothing, you have to show it.

Yao Yuan didn't care that the initiative of the talks was transferred to Yu Ming, he knew what projects would most excite the local government officials.

He looked at Lin Wei, Lin Wei rubbed his nose as if he didn't see it.

Yao Yuan scolded Lin Wei in his heart, and said to Ming, "Mayor Yu, how about a tall building?"

"How tall?" Yu Ming frowned, interested.

Yao Yuan smiled, "What height do you think is appropriate?"

Yu Ming thought for a while and said, "It should be higher than the Mayflower Hotel in Nangang. Mingzhu City is a municipality directly under the Central Government after all."

Yao Yuan smiled and shook his head.

When Yu Ming was disappointed, Yao Yuan said, "Pearl City is the Pearl of the Orient. It was the largest city in East Asia more than 100 years ago. If you want to build it, you can build a landmark high-rise building. In the next ten or even 20 years, it can be a super high-rise building that is the landmark of Mingzhu City. "

Yu Ming went from hell to heaven in an instant, and his upper body subconsciously leaned forward, "How many floors?"

Yao Yuan thought for a while, and said, "How about the 88th floor? We in Guangdong Province prefer the number 8. 88 means Fafa, and those who make a fortune."

Yu Ming took a small breath and calculated, "The 88th floor, that's...that's..."

"About 400 meters." The secretary-general whispered.

Yu Ming took a deep breath.

Yao Yuan said, "To be precise, it is more than 400 meters, the tallest building in the country."

Yu Ming gasped again, the fatal temptation was hard to resist.

Yao Yuan added, "It's also the third tallest building in the world."

"No. [-] in the world?" Yu Ming quickly recovered and asked.

Yao Yuan nodded affirmatively, "If there is no accident, it must be the third tallest in the world."

"Okay, okay, the third best in the world, the third best in the world." Yu Ming smiled openly, and laughed straight away. After all, he is a deputy ministerial leader, so he won't lose his mind.

He reacted quickly and said, "Then the headquarters of Chunfeng Group will be located in this tall building?"

The third tallest building in the world, the headquarters group company must be placed on it, so as to demonstrate the majesty and powerful strength of the headquarters group, and it is also a long-term living advertisement.

Unexpectedly, Yao Yuan shook his head and said, "Chunfeng Group will stay in Nangang. This is my hometown. I have a nostalgia for my hometown, and I don't want to run outside. As for whether other companies under the company will move their headquarters to the world of Mingzhu?" On the third tallest building, it is decided by other companies. Mayor Yu, to be honest, I have already separated from the management of specific affairs, and the affairs of each company are decided by them."

Yu Ming will not understand the meaning of these words for a while, and only thinks that Yao Yuan is prevaricating. However, it is one thing to put the headquarters in Mingzhu City, but it is another thing to build the third tallest building in the world.

So, Yu Ming asked, "Mr. Yao, what is the building you are talking about?"

"It can be done at any time. It can be regarded as my contribution to the development of Pudong." Yao Yuan said.

Yu Ming became even more excited. The development of Pudong is a national strategy, but it has been proposed for some years. What Pudong was like before is still what it is now. Of course, three levels and one connection have been completed in some areas, but most of the places are barren. The city spent a lot of effort in attracting investment due to the stinky tidal flats, but as soon as the merchants saw the situation on the other side, they "would rather have a bed in Puxi than a room in Pudong".

The Mingzhu Municipal Government is applying to the state for policies. Regarding the policies of Pudong New Area, the city is also studying and discussing to come up with a plan. Otherwise, it will not attract investment!

Yao Yuan, who is aware of these trends, will naturally not let go of the staking. In fact, even if Yu Ming does not come, this matter is still to be done. It is already on the schedule of a group company. It is just following Yao Yuan's highest instructions. It will be fully launched next year.

Yu Ming gradually became excited and asked, "Mr. Yao, are you planning to build the third tallest building in the world in Pudong?"

"Yes, it's at the corner of the Huangpu River." Yao Yuan held his hand.

The secretary-general couldn't help reminding, "Mr. Yao, there are tidal flats there, and it may not be suitable for building tall buildings. If it is really going to be built, there may be a lot of basic work to be done."

Yao Yuan waved his hand generously and said, "It doesn't matter. The good geology is left to other people. I will gnaw at the tough bones. We are a big company, so we should have a sense of social responsibility and contribute to the development of Pudong New Area. The area that may be required is compared. Great, and hope the city government will support it.”

"There are lots of land, you can pick whatever you want in Pudong and Puxi, Lao Chen, didn't you bring a map, take it out for Mr. Yao to have a look." Yu Ming also showed a vigorous and resolute style.

The secretary-general quickly took out a map of Mingzhu City, and a staff member immediately moved a table and put it in the middle.

Yu Ming waved his hand lightly, showed the boldness of his host, pointed to the map and said, "Mr. Yao, you can pick whatever you want. For the third tallest building in the world, you can say anything."

No matter how big the project is, it can't compare to the third tallest building in the world...

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