Agreeing that Formosa Plastics Group's [-]% export sales will be converted to [-]% domestic sales means that the petrochemical industry in mainland China will be exclusively used by Formosa Plastics Group, which means that all ethylene plants under construction by the Petroleum Corporation will be shut down, and the market will be given to Taiwan. Plastic Group.

The mainland made a huge concession to the Formosa Plastics Group, because one of the basis of the previous negotiations between the two sides was to export [-]% of the products, which is very attractive to the mainland, which is extremely short of foreign exchange.

This is also the main willingness of the mainland to spare no effort to squeeze out [-] million U.S. dollars to vigorously promote the construction of the Haicang base in the face of a shortage of foreign exchange.

Now, this basic condition has disappeared, and everyone thinks that the mainland will not agree, because if it agrees, it will deal a fatal blow to the mainland's own petrochemical industry, especially the ethylene industry.

However, the result was unexpected, and the mainland agreed.

At this moment, Yao Yuan's anger soared to the top of his head, and his views on Mr. Li and others changed greatly. He believed that they were too short-sighted, only saw the immediate benefits, and damaged the long-term development of the industry.

At this moment, Mr. Li said, "We agree with your proposal of [-]% domestic sales, Chairman Wang, can we sign the contract?"

Mr. Li asked in person.

Yao Yuan suddenly came to his senses, calmed down quickly, and at the same time realized that he had wrongly blamed Mr. Li and the others.

The significance of the Haicang base is not only that it can earn foreign exchange, but also that it can attract thousands of Taiwanese companies to invest and build factories, which plays a great demonstration role. At the same time, judging from the current situation on both sides of the strait, the political significance is very huge .

Mr. Li and others probably couldn't imagine how much ethylene production China would need in the future.

By 2022, the national ethylene production will reach nearly 3000 million tons!

The Haicang Base is designed to have an annual output of 80 tons, which will be able to meet the needs of the whole country in the next few years. However, with the passage of time, this output is not even enough for the consumption of a province in Guangdong Province...

Does Mr. Li have as strong confidence in China's economic development as Yao Yuan?

Yao Yuan is skeptical, because the current Chinese people are confused about the future. Everyone is groping forward in the dark. There are rivers, rocks and whirlpools under their feet. No one knows where they will step on next.

Under such circumstances, Mr. Li still decided to make concessions to the Formosa Plastics Group, and the result was obvious—the Haicang Base could attract thousands of Taiwanese companies to build factories and invest. ethylene industry to promote.

Leaders in this era are difficult, very, very difficult. It is too difficult to seek living space in the cracks and find ways to improve the quality of life.

Thinking of this, Yao Yuan felt relieved.

After listening to Mr. Li's words, Wang Qing just smiled and did not speak immediately. At this time, everyone in the conference room realized that the various problems and difficulties raised by Formosa Plastics Group before might be excuses, and they might not have the sincerity to build this Haicang Base.

However, even if Wang Qing had ten guts, he wouldn't dare to tease a senior leader like Mr. Li!

In fact, they all underestimated Wang Qing's courage. The leader of the Baodao authorities had to take the initiative to go to his house to seek an interview with the legendary figure. time, so as to seek benefits.

Facts have also proved that his wrist is very powerful. Unfortunately, he made a mistake in using this wrist on the Haicang base. He made a mistake in using it on the fact that the Chinese people are eager to develop the economy and are willing to work hand in hand with the compatriots on the other side. of sincerity.

Wang Qing said, "Mr. Li, we will hold a meeting immediately after we go back to finalize the matter of the Haicang base."

As soon as this sentence came out, Xia Honghua couldn't stand it anymore.

He said with a cold face, "Chairman Wang, you want preferential policies. We have specially set up the Haicang Economic Zone to formulate policies. If you want a site, we allocated [-] hectares of land in the first phase. Enter the site for construction of seven connections and one leveling.”

Xia Honghua stared at Wang Qing, perhaps because of Yao Yuan's views, or because he was really annoyed by the attitude of Formosa Plastics Group. Chairman Wang, you proposed it on your own initiative. It has been almost two years since we talked, and all the funds we promised to invest have been in place, but we have not seen your actions for a long time. Now you have nothing more than a memorandum and an oral agreement. substantive action."

"Today's meeting was proposed by you, Chairman Wang. We talked about it before the meeting. We hope that the contract can be signed at this meeting. Chairman Wang, you also agreed. But you suddenly proposed to convert [-]% export sales to [-]% domestic sales."

Having said this, Xia Honghua stopped.

Wang Qing hurriedly seized the opportunity to explain, "Director Xia, I just said about the changes in the economic situation. I was also caught off guard. I hope you can understand."

Xia Honghua quickly said, "We can understand, so we agree with your proposal of [-]% domestic sales. Chairman Wang, this problem has been resolved."

It's time to sign the contract.

Everyone thought so, but Yao Yuan figured it out. Wang Qing never thought about investing in the Haicang Base from the beginning to the end!

The Haicang base proposed by the Formosa Plastics Group is an out-and-out tool to put pressure on the Baodao authorities!

Wang Qing is a sinner through the ages, because in order for Formosa Plastics Group's six-light plan in Baodao to be successfully approved, and for Formosa Plastics Group to survive the environmental protection barrier, he proposed the Haicang base to the mainland and invested 100 million yuan with a plan. The $[-] million petrochemical base will replace the six-light project, in order to put pressure on the Taiwan authorities.

Just now, Yao Yuan had been thinking about Wang Qing, who should be overjoyed, why did Mr. Li smile with a hint of difficulty after Mr. Li agreed to [-]% domestic sales?

The reason for his willingness is that Wang Qing doesn’t want to sign the contract at all. For him, as long as the Haicang Base keeps talking, he can keep putting pressure on the authorities of Baodao. Once it is brought up, the mainland will most likely study and discuss it for a long time, because he is sure that the mainland will not give up the Haicang project easily.

What he never imagined was that the mainland could show such boldness in introducing foreign investment to vigorously develop the foreign economy.

In less than half an hour, his proposal of [-]% domestic sales was approved.

It completely exceeded Wang Qing's expectations, so his smile contained surprise, nervousness, and embarrassment, which was very complicated.

After reaching this conclusion, Yao Yuan basically guessed what Wang Qing would say next.

No matter what, he will definitely find excuses to continue delaying.

Yao Yuan will not sit back and watch the Formosa Plastics Group continue to act.

Under Xia Honghua's questioning again, Wang Qing had no choice but to say, "Formosa Plastics Group is sincere, but for such a large project, we need to hold a specific internal meeting to discuss it."

"The Formosa Plastics Group proposed the idea of ​​the Haicang Petrochemical Base two years ago. After talking for so long, Chairman Wang personally explained the plan. The plan is very detailed and even meets the standard of the general design plan. , In my opinion, Formosa Plastics Group is fully prepared.”

Following the sound, everyone looked over and saw a young man standing up from the corner, getting up and walking slowly towards this side.

It's not who Yao Yuan is.

Yao Yuan said as he walked, after the few words just now, both Wang Qing and Wang Xiang couldn't help but nodded, thinking that they had encountered friendly troops.

Yao Yuan continued, "I'm also in business, and I'm quite familiar with the relevant situation. Under such circumstances, Chairman Wang should not come unprepared, unless..."

He suddenly drew out his voice, looked at the skinny Wang Qing, and gave him a fatal blow, "Unless Chairman Wang never thought about investing in the Haicang Base from the beginning to the end."

If Xia Honghua's words were to force Wang Qing to express his opinion, then Yao Yuan's words were like putting a sword on Wang Qing's neck.

"This is..." Wang Qing is an old Jianghu after all, his face didn't change, but he looked at Yao Yuan with a smile on his face.

Xia Honghua said, "Mr. Yao Yuanyao, the largest shareholder of Dongfang Petroleum and Natural Gas Group Co., Ltd."

That is, the big boss of Dongfang Petroleum and Natural Gas Group Co., Ltd.

In addition to Yao Yuan's shares, Dongfang Petroleum and Natural Gas Group Co., Ltd. has [-]% of the shares distributed to executives and employees. The employees' committee holds the employees' shares on behalf of them and is the second largest shareholder.

In fact, Yao Yuan's shares are held by Chunfeng Group, not Yao Yuan himself. Xia Honghua's introduction is just for simplicity, and he doesn't need to spend too much time explaining the complicated relationship between Yao Yuan, Chunfeng Group and Dongfang Petroleum.

Wang Qing knew Dongfang Petroleum, otherwise Wang Xiang would not have chatted with Yao Yuan so abruptly.

He nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Boss Xiaoyao, our Formosa Plastics Group is very sincere."

At this time, Mr. Li pointed to Yao Yuan and said, "Xiao Yao, since you have spoken, let's talk about your opinion."

Obviously, Mr. Li had emotions towards Wang Qing's back-and-forth.

Yao Yuan nodded and said, "The Haicang project has been discussed for almost two years. At present, except for the mainland's investment of [-] million U.S. dollars and the entry of Xinxing Group for preliminary construction, Formosa Plastics Group has not made any substantive actions."

Wang Xiang couldn't help but said, "We have already invested 3000 million US dollars."

Yao Yuan snorted softly and said with a smile, "For a project with a total investment of 100 billion US dollars, 3000 million US dollars is not even pocket money."

Wang Xiang immediately concluded that if he borrowed 100 billion US dollars from the bank, the annual interest alone would cost tens of millions of US dollars, and investing 3000 million US dollars is really nothing.

Now that he had spoken, Yao Yuan made up his mind. He would not stop until he finished speaking, and he would not stop until the true face of the Formosa Plastics Group was exposed. stand up.

He really didn't regard Dongfang Petroleum's petrochemical base as a competitor of Haicang base, because he knew that in the near future, the annual output of the two bases would not be able to meet one-tenth of the demand of the national market.

Yao Yuan said, "Chairman Wang, Dongfang Petroleum is willing to spend 50 billion U.S. dollars to cooperate with Formosa Plastics Group to build the Haicang base. The construction of the Haicang base is inseparable from the Petroleum Corporation. I suggest that the Petroleum Corporation contribute one billion Huaxia coins. Occupying 50% of the shares in the Haicang base, Dongfang Petroleum and Formosa Plastics each contributed 40.00 billion US dollars, each accounting for [-]% of the shares.”

As soon as he said this, the glasses of the bosses of the Petroleum Corporation lit up.

Even people who don't understand mathematics can calculate the money clearly.

The CEO of PetroChina first said, "Boss Yao's suggestion is very good, and I think it is the most in line with the actual situation. Since the ethylene plant we are working on has stopped production, we can use these equipment to put it into the Haicang base. Such a waste."

The CEO of Sinopec said, "I also agree with Mr. Yao's opinion. After all, the Haicang base is built in our mainland. Chairman Wang, we have no problem with you taking most of them away. You should take them too, but we are not allowed to participate at all. , and your products must be sold [-]% domestically, which is inappropriate."

According to the original conditions, the Formosa Plastics Group had to independently build the Haicang base, and all products were exported. The Petroleum Corporation had no objection, because it would not affect the mainland market.

Now the situation has changed dramatically. If all the products are to be sold in the mainland market, that is to steal the job of the Petroleum Corporation. It is no wonder that the Petroleum Corporation has no objections!

Just because there are more important reasons, they have to agree.

The plan proposed by Yao Yuan not only took care of the difficulties of the Formosa Plastics Group, but also allowed the Petroleum Corporation to obtain part of the benefits. It was a plan for all three parties to win.

Yao Yuan knew that Wang Qing had never thought of such a plan, because he didn't want to build the Haicang base at all, so everyone could clearly see Wang Qing's uneasy expression. Obviously, the situation of today's meeting exceeded his expectations.

Since he had no intention of investing and it was only used as a tool project to put pressure on the authorities of Baodao, Wang Qing certainly did not consider various possibilities.

At this time, Yao Yuan didn't need to make it clear, and Wang Qing didn't need to admit it personally. All the participants including Mr. Li understood that Formosa Plastics Group didn't have the slightest sincerity in the Haicang base project.

After noticing that Mr. Li's expression had gradually cooled down, Yao Yuan said in a timely manner, "Mr. Li, leaders, Dongfang Petroleum is building a petrochemical base. We have already started site leveling and completed the purchase of equipment. The bridge is also being declared."

After a pause, Yao Yuan said, "Dongfang Petroleum and Petrochemical Base is designed to have an annual output of 70 tons, and there is room for expansion to 100 million tons. We can promise to export [-]% of the ethylene produced. Mr. Li, I don't want any preferential policies, just Ask the state to approve our construction, I just want a birth certificate."

Sincere words.

In order to prove his words, Yao Yuan quickly returned to his seat, took out a stack of documents from his briefcase, and handed them to Mr. Li's secretary. Mr. Li's secretary took them and put them in front of Mr. Li.

Yao Yuan said, "This is the relevant document for purchasing equipment. Both sets of ethylene production equipment belong to BASF. The first set has an annual output of 8 tons, and the second set has an annual output of 12 tons. We will complete the annual output of 20 tons in the early stage. It is expected to reach the maximum production capacity in two years."

Xia Honghua quickly helped to read the documents. He didn't know about these documents before, but Yao Yuan had already moved forward with his work.

Mr. Li asked, "How much does your petrochemical base plan to invest?"

No matter how senior a leader is, he can't get away from the circle of asking about the amount of investment, which is also a characteristic of the times.

"100 billion U.S. dollars." Yao Yuan said.

Wang Qing's face suddenly changed.

Their investment amount is the same, their annual output is the same, and they have already purchased equipment. If the two petrochemical bases are compared here, it is clear at a glance who is higher and who is lower.

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