Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 472 Guards

"Do you think oil prices will go up?" Aliyev asked.

Yao Yuan said, "Oil resources are not renewable. In the long run, the current oil price is seriously underestimated. As you know, it was an abnormal phenomenon that oil prices did not rise but fell during the Gulf War. In order to keep oil prices stable after the start of the war, US President Bush, It took half a year to make diplomatic preparations, persuade Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing countries to increase production, and at the same time use strategic reserves."

“But this is a special case. Apart from the Middle East oil producers, high oil prices are in the interests of other oil producers and certainly in the interest of Azerbaijan.”

The international oil price trend was stable throughout the 90s, and continued to rise after entering the 21st century, reaching a historical peak of 2008 US dollars per barrel during the economic crisis in 147.

In all fairness, the long-term price of $35 per barrel is beneficial to the current Azerbaijani government, and Yao Yuan can make more money, but this is not a matter of profit, but a matter of national energy security.

Yao Yuan had to persuade Aliyev to abandon the western plan and continue to support the eastern plan to Karamay.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Mr. President, if you prefer a long-term pricing plan, Southern Industrial can also adopt this approach. You know, I have already started construction of a petrochemical base, and I need enough crude oil to ensure future production."

"Vassily, can we build a petrochemical base in Baku?" Aliyev is economical, and he can make a good profit from selling crude oil, and even better from selling petrochemical products.

But Yao Yuan shook his head and said, "The geographical location is not suitable. Azerbaijan has no outlet to the sea, so it is very limited to go by land. For Azerbaijan, selling crude oil through oil pipelines is the most suitable way, and it is also the fastest way to obtain foreign exchange. The way."

After a pause, Yao Yuan said, "Azerbaijan National Petroleum Corporation can enter the overseas petrochemical industry through capital operation. I have communicated with Mr. Aliyev Jr. in this regard, and he also agrees."

Aliyev pondered and said, "But a long-term interest-free loan of 1000 billion yen is very important to Azerbaijan, and we are short of development funds."

Yao Yuan already has a countermeasure against this. He said, “These are two different things. Xinrihua needs oil, not necessarily through pipelines. We can transport it by land to Mersin Port, and then transport the crude oil to Japan by tanker. .”

Aliyev understood and nodded slightly, "It makes sense."

"Secondly, you can sign a ten-year contract, which can lock in profits. The 20-year period is too long, which is not good for us. All in all, I think that the interest-free loan provided by the Japanese government is one thing, and the cooperation needs of Xindai Chemical Co., Ltd. Another matter." Yao Yuan said.

"However, the western front plan proposed by Xinrihua is a premise. Without this premise, there would be no interest-free loans." Aliyev said.

Yao Yuan spread his hands and said, "So what? First of all, 1000 billion yen is not too much. Secondly, half of it is non-cash, which is actually not as big as it sounds. Besides, Azerbaijan's infrastructure construction is all Huaxia companies. Responsible, the money was ultimately used to pay the Huaxia Company."

Aliyev suddenly asked, "Can Huaxia provide interest-free loans?"

"Mr. President, I am a private entrepreneur, and I am not in charge of national affairs." Yao Yuan smiled, "But you also know that I have a bank. Azerbaijan needs construction funds. I can let the bank take the lead in financing, of course not It is interest-free, and the advantage is that there are no additional conditions. I think that the interest-free loan proposed by the Japanese government must have other additional conditions besides Nichika’s Western Front Project, right?”

Aliyev was silent, because Yao Yuan guessed right.

Attached with political interests, this is the main factor of Aliyev's hesitation.

But now he also wants to understand that Yao Yuan is more important than the two.

So he said, "Vassily, the eastern route plan remains unchanged. If the Baku oilfield can only supply one oil pipeline, the eastern route pipeline will be laid first, but I have conditions."

Yao Yuan nodded, "Say it."

Aliyev said, "You're only given one year, how about it?"

"One year..." Yao Yuan hesitated.

Passing through several countries, I am afraid that the negotiations may not be completed in just one year.

Seeing Yao Yuan's embarrassment, Aliyev also knew the difficulty. He thought about it and said, "Two years, the official start of construction in two years, is it okay? If the construction cannot start as scheduled, I will have to reconsider. "

Yao Yuan didn't hesitate anymore, and said, "Okay, then two years."

After talking about big things, Aliyev mentioned a small thing. He said, "I heard that you have a lot of research on the stock market, and I want to hand over a sum of idle funds to you, which is about 500 million U.S. dollars."

Yao Yuan understood, nodded with a smile, "Leave it to me, don't worry."

After leaving the presidential palace, Lin Xiaohu and the others let out a heavy sigh of relief.

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "If something happens, there is nothing we can do about it."

Jiang Yong did not agree with Yao Yuan's point of view, but he did not refute.

Back at the villa, Jiang Yong dragged Lin Xiaohu to discuss countermeasures.Aliyev's sudden action this time made Jiang Yong realize that there were loopholes in Yao Yuan's foreign guards.

Lin Xiaohu called Yakov and Lu Sen over, and the four had a meeting to discuss.

Lu Sen pondered and said, "I transferred some people from Moscow, all of whom are experts in the former internal affairs department. However, weapons are a big problem, which can only be solved by establishing a local supply point. Yakov, you are responsible for this. Especially the countries that Mr. Yao is about to go to."

Yakov said, "Okay, do you need to transfer some white special forces from Europe?"

"Yes." Lin Xiaohu nodded slightly.

Jiang Yong said, "The number of guards needs to be increased. Xiaohu and I are still in charge of the inside, and the people transferred from you, Lu Sen and Yakov, are in charge of the outside."

"it is good."

As for the guards, Jiang Yong's words were orders, and it was about Yao Yuan's personal safety, so no one dared to take it lightly.

Lin Xiaohu said in a deep voice, "A Yuan said that Wall Street regards him as a thorn in his side, and those people can do whatever they want. Don't worry too much in China. Now that you are abroad, you must pay attention. Just make sure nothing goes wrong."

"The people I transferred were from the Presidential Guard, and they are very experienced," Russen said.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, people in the system lost their way of life, especially the military system that relied on finances for support, especially the middle and lower ranks. Many people could not even eat, and the skills they learned were basically unable to make a living in society.

As a result, the number of mercenaries in Europe has risen rapidly, most of which belong to the former Soviet army, and the Soviet special forces and KGB are the most popular.

Lu Sen naturally recruited some people, and Yakov was recruited through him, and now he is the head of the overseas branch of the protocol department.Every time Yao Yuan travels abroad, Yakov stops in front, arrives at the destination in advance and makes preparations.

Excluding the background, Yao Yuan's security force and quality of bodyguards are no worse than that of the President of the United States.

Even so, Lin Xiaohu and Jiang Yong are still worried, after all, there is no strong state support behind them.When China becomes strong, even if Yao Yuan travels alone, no one will dare to harm him, because revenge from a powerful country must be considered.

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