Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 481 The Pit Digged for Xinrihua

Suddenly, Lin Weiquan understood. He looked at Yao Yuan in astonishment, and said quickly, "Transfer fee, investment in exploration and production, and production share. Hyundai Petroleum invested 20 billion U.S. dollars in these three areas last year. Most of this is paid to us, according to the agreement, we will give us production share in the next ten years, plus they will continue to invest in production expansion and exploration of new wells..."

"My God, Ah Yuan, if this is the case, Hyundai Petroleum can't afford such a loss if they sell themselves. It is estimated that they will lose 100 billion U.S. dollars!"

Yao Yuan smiled slightly, "There may be more, and Hyundai Group may be in trouble."

"Damn, you're too bad." Lin Wei gasped.

Lin Xiaohu finally understood at this time, "In other words, Hyundai Petroleum is actually working for us?"

"Basically, because they won't get anything in the end." Yao Yuan said.

Lin Xiaohu reacted faster than Lin Wei. He said, "Alipov will nationalize the country's oil and gas resources. Is that what he means?"

"Very likely." Yao Yuan said in a deep voice, "Alipov actually has a complex of public ownership of the economy. Now Russia's privatization has made a mess. It has set a negative example. Alipov will definitely feel something."

Lin Xiaohu took a deep breath and said, "That is to say, our goal is still to pass through the oil pipeline, and the development of Turkmenistan oil and gas fields is just a cover to lure Xinrihua to increase investment. In the end, we can even compete with Xinrihua Negotiations, we want pipeline transit permits, they want oil and gas fields.”

"Xiaohu is basically right." Yao Yuan said.

Lin Wei thought of a question and said, "However, since Alipov will nationalize the national oil and gas fields for unified development, how can he cooperate with Xinrihua?"

"Someone paid to develop it, and the government issued a bill to nationalize it. What a wonderful thing. Alipov will not let go of such a good opportunity." Yao Yuan said.

Lin Wei said, "But, this is against professionalism. Besides, there is a contract, so Alipov won't act recklessly, right?"

"Fei Wei, you overestimate the integrity of politicians. Of course, the Turkmenistans will give money, but the money is not enough for bank interest. It can be said that Xinrihua only needs to invest in Turkmenistan oil and gas fields according to the scale we have given. , and the countdown to their doom begins."

Yao Yuan glanced at the new daily chemical information collected, and said, "According to their amount of funds, it is not enough to support such a large-scale investment. They have no other choice, such as additional investment from shareholders, financing or loans from the bank. "

"Then Xinrihua is the second Hyundai Petroleum." Lin Wei couldn't help grinning, but asked again, "However, we don't seem to have any other benefits besides getting permission for the oil pipeline to cross the border."

Yao Yuan said, "Fei Wei, let me ask you, what are the risks for us as the oil pipeline passes through Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan?"

"Constrained by others, what's the matter, these countries will find an excuse to close the pipeline at any time." Lin Wei said without thinking.

Yao Yuan nodded in approval, "Yes, it means that the initiative is in the hands of others. This requires a strong motherland behind it. As long as they are afraid, they will not use the oil pipeline as a threat. In addition, we also Find a way to minimize the risk. How do you think it should be done?"

Lin Wei said, "Bringing these countries in and ensuring the smooth flow of the oil pipeline is in their economic interests, so that they will take the initiative to maintain the normality of the pipeline."

"That's right, let them do the maintenance of the pipelines in their territory, pay them transit fees according to the amount of oil transported, and even let them share the right to use the pipelines. Everyone's interests are aligned, and the risk of being controlled by others is also reduced. .” Yao Yuan said.

Lin Wei nodded slowly, "So you first requested that 3000 million tons of crude oil be transported per year after completion, instead of 1500 million tons, because you took into account the share that will be used by transit countries in the future."

"Yes. The Baku Oilfield can provide up to 1500 million tons of oil per year, and the remaining 1500 million tons of capacity are actually reserved for the four countries of Stan." Yao Yuan said.

For Dongfang Petroleum, as long as there is oil delivered to Karamay, it doesn't matter where the oil comes from. This is in the interests of Dongfang Petroleum.

Even if Yao Yuan does not build this pipeline, the oil pipeline from Kazakhstan to Huaxia will be built sooner or later. Central Asia has always been a stable energy provider for China.

Yao Yuan's basic consideration is the reason why the Pakistani-Korean oil pipeline passes through these four stan countries.

As for why Tajikistan was avoided, it was because of the country's diplomatic relations.The country has a long undetermined border with China, and the situation in the country has been unstable for a long time, although the relationship between the country and China is getting closer.

The transnational oil pipeline involves the issue of territorial sovereignty. Yao Yuan didn't want to cause this trouble. In addition, Tajikistan's oil and gas resource reserves are average, the natural environment is harsh, and mining is very difficult, so Yao Yuan eliminated it.Among the five stan countries, only Tajikistan has not been able to get the bonus of oil pipeline transit.

Don't underestimate the transit of oil pipelines, the annual toll alone is a huge income.The daily maintenance of the pipeline is usually solved in the country where it is located, which can drive the development of an industry.For example, the gas pipeline from Russia to Europe via Ukraine, Ukraine even relied on the tolls of this gas pipeline for a while, which shows how considerable its income is.

"The next step is to cooperate with the public opinion. Tell Camille to work harder. We must make Xinrihua feel a sense of crisis, make them anxious, and let them borrow money everywhere. The more the better." Yao Yuan smiled slightly.

Lin Xiaohu asked, "What about Sherdar?"

"It's nothing more than an intelligence broker who wants to get money to emigrate, but we need to work hard to let him bring more confidential information to Xinrihua." Yao Yuan said.

Lin Xiaohu said, "It's a shame to spend more than 100 million dollars on him."

"Think of it as a meeting gift for Alipov. He has gone too far, he has lost his professional ethics, and he can't escape." Yao Yuan has the winning ticket in his hands.

Lin Xiaohu nodded and said, "There is news from the United States that the people on Wall Street have found out what happened in the Tokyo stock market. Yakov is worried that they will attack you."

"As expected, it's not easy to make money." Yao Yuan said with emotion, "Wall Street is playing tricks on the Tokyo stock market. We rushed out halfway and cut off their billions of dollars in profits. It's no wonder they aren't crazy."

"Try not to go out during this time." Lin Xiaohu reminded.

Yao Yuan would not joke about his own life, so he nodded in agreement.

But the development of things often does not depend on personal will.

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