Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 490 Yao Yuan's Ultimate Move

"I'm Yao Yuan from Dongfang Petroleum."

Yao Yuan stretched out his hand and spoke in proficient English.

Senior officials in the UAE generally study abroad in Europe, and the UK is the main destination. They can all speak fluent English, and Ruiz is no exception.

"Dongfang Petroleum, is it the Azerbaijan State Oil Company's Dongfang Petroleum?" Ruiz shook hands with Yao Yuan.

Yao Yuan said, "Yes, Mr. Minister."

"Hello, Mr. Yao." Ruiz was very polite, but he didn't intend to invite Yao Yuan to sit in his home. Obviously, although the company's name was recognizable, Ruiz didn't care.

The world knows that Dongfang Petroleum originated from its becoming the second largest shareholder of Azerbaijan National Oil Company and is the operator.Yao Yuan thinks this is a good thing. Huaxia companies are generally treated coldly and discriminated against overseas, and it is easier to act with this layer of cloak.

Seeing Ruiz standing still, Yao Yuan immediately said bluntly, "Mr. Minister, I may have a solution to His Highness Khalifa's biggest problem at present. Do you have the honor to meet His Highness the Crown Prince?"

Ruiz was taken aback, stared at Yao Yuan for a while, and asked, "What can I do?"

"Sorry, I have to see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." Yao Yuan politely but resolutely refused.

Ruiz looked at Yao Yuan again, nodded expressionlessly, turned around and walked in without saying anything.

Yao Yuan smiled, turned around and walked back to his villa.

After entering the house, Ruiz said to the assistant, "Go and check this Chinese man."

The assistant led the way.

That afternoon, the assistant came back with a message, "He is indeed the owner here. The villa was originally owned by a member of the royal family. It was later sold to a shipping boss in England. Six months ago, the shipping boss Bankrupt, this villa was transferred to a financial company in Abu Dhabi through auction, and this financial company belongs to a Hong Kong company, Mr. Minister, it is basically certain that this Hong Kong company belongs to this Mr. Yao."

He paused and said, "Also, this Hong Kong company bought several oil tankers from the bankrupt British shipping company, mainly for the Abu Dhabi-Hong Kong route. We judge that Dongfang Petroleum may have already cooperated with us. The oil trade was launched."

Ruiz took the information investigated by the assistant and looked at it carefully, waved the assistant to step back, and slowly flipped through the information and began to think.

After returning to the villa, Qin Zhenjun was already waiting in the living room.

Yao Yuan took out the plan he was going to submit to Khalifa and handed it to Qin Zhenjun for review.

After reading a few pages, Qin Zhenjun raised his head and looked at Yao Yuan in shock. Seeing Yao Yuan calmly sitting down to make tea, he immediately continued to read down seriously.

After reading it twice, Qin Zhenjun confirmed that Yao Yuan did not take the wrong plan, and said in an unbelievable tone, "Xiao Yao, it's too risky to do this. Although I am a technical person, I also know what is going on in the domestic natural gas market. You Doing so is tantamount to filling in the profits of Dongfang Petroleum for the next five years.”

Other than Yu Yongan, Qin Zhenjun is the only one who dares to call Yao Yuan Xiao Yao among the executives of the Spring Breeze Department.Yu Yongan was about the same age as Yao Yuan's father, and he was one of the first old people to cooperate with Yao Yuan. As for Qin Zhenjun, it was because of his age on the one hand, and on the other hand, because he was an authority on technology and had the straightforward EQ of a technology expert. .

Yao Yuan said helplessly, "Uncle Qin, I can't help it. Take a look at these materials, ExxonMobil, France's Total, Shell, Xindaihua, bp, they can all produce A series of economic cooperation plans and aid programs come, and I can’t come up with them.”

"Why can't we get it out? Isn't Azerbaijan doing the same thing? We also support them in infrastructure construction and the organization of domestic construction engineering companies. We have a cost advantage, and they will definitely be interested." Qin Zhenjun said.

Yao Yuan had to explain, "The situation is different. The UAE's oil is mainly concentrated in Abu Dhabi. You can see that Abu Dhabi is only a little big, and in terms of infrastructure construction, they are superstitious about Western companies. The most important thing is , We have won the bet in Azerbaijan, the risk is greater, it is just good luck."

"Not to mention agricultural cooperation and trade in agricultural products, they are not rare at all. To put it bluntly, the UAE relies on selling oil for a living, and they don't pay attention to anything that has nothing to do with oil."

Qin Zhenjun was stunned, he really hadn't considered the difference in this aspect.

The land area and population of Azerbaijan and the United Arab Emirates are similar, but the national conditions, geographical location, geopolitics, etc. are completely different.At any rate, Azerbaijan is a republic of the former Soviet Union, and it was originally a socialist country. At least there are some affections.

Not to mention that the UAE doesn't give China face, even if Saudi Arabia, which bought Dongfeng brand second kicker from China, gives priority to the West when it comes to oil and energy cooperation.

After Qin Zhenjun calmed down, he said dejectedly, "That can't be done like this..."

"Uncle Qin, you should give me confidence instead of hitting me. How is the preliminary exploration?" Yao Yuan asked.

Qin Zhenjun held back his anger and said, "You should have organized the exploration earlier. When we entered the field, they were almost closed. Alas, there must be oil in the Shidan area. In fact, the entire Abu Dhabi block can produce oil. The key is It is difficult to determine the reserves. If you give me another month, I should be able to issue a preliminary reserve exploration report."

"That's enough." Yao Yuan said indifferently, "As long as there is oil, there is hope. When I was in the Tyumen Oilfield, I said that oil, whether it is bidding or exploration and production, is a gamble. The bet wins Everyone is happy, if you lose the bet, start over from scratch.”

He said, "Why would Total prefer to lose the initiative and a large part of its profits to squeeze into the Baku oilfield in Azerbaijan? Because they suffered heavy losses in the North Sea exploration a few years ago, not our North Sea, but the Atlantic side." The North Sea. BP was lucky enough to drill two high-yield deep-sea oil wells, and made tens of millions of dollars in stocks alone."

"But...but..." Qin Zhenjun still objected, but couldn't find a reason.

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "Uncle Qin, there is a saying in southern Fujian that you will win if you fight hard, and you will have no chance to win if you don't fight hard."

Qin Zhenjun shook his head helplessly, "Then what should I do?"

"Get the exploration team ready, transfer the Dongfang No. 3 platform to start commissioning work, and be ready to enter the site for exploration at any time." Yao Yuan said.

Qin Zhenjun said with a wry smile, "It costs a lot of money to go back and forth."

"It won't be wasted, trust me." Yao Yuan said confidently.

He doesn't have much confidence, but he has to show confidence in front of others. If he shows timidity, the people below will be even less confident.

Dongfang No. 3 is an offshore drilling platform with independent property rights developed by Xiangfang Shipyard on the basis of the second-generation offshore drilling platform transferred from Halliburton. From the perspective of technical standards, it can be regarded as the second-generation and a half-generation offshore drilling platform, which is considered relatively in the world. advanced.

Fangfang Shipyard is building Dongfang 5, which is a third-generation offshore drilling platform. If it goes well, it will be put into use after the Spring Festival of 1993.At the same time, Dongfang No. 4 is also under construction, which is the sister platform of Dongfang No. 3. Like Dongfang No. 3, it is prepared for the Shidan Oilfield.

It can be seen that Yao Yuan has already made full preparations for participating in the bid for the Shidan Oilfield.

Qin Zhenjun said disappointedly, "You said you had a unique move, but I thought it was some kind..."

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