"I want to find you another job, what do you think?" Yao Yuan asked.

Obviously my brother-in-law is only 20 years old, but the whole family has never regarded him as a 20-year-old boy. He is as stable and mature as a dog, and he is better than many middle-aged people.

Not to mention the status that money brings.

The whole family didn't know how much money Yao Yuan had.

Lin Weifeng hesitated for a moment, then said awkwardly, "Ayuan, did your mother tell you something? You don't need to pay attention to her."

The father-in-law did say something, and it was conveyed through Lin Shuting.

Yao Yuan understood very well that a son is always more important than a girl. When Lin Weifeng was in trouble, his mother-in-law wanted Lin Shuting to marry a cadre from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and she did not hesitate to force her to die, just to solve Lin Weifeng's crisis.

Not to mention hatred, there are too many such things in the local patriarchal environment.

With such a strict family planning policy, why do many people commit crimes against the wind and continue to give birth? A considerable number of people want to have a son, and some people simply want to have more children and make money by having children. Only after having children can they get rich and have more brothers. Only then will you not be bullied.

These are also the reasons why people in the system continue to live at the risk of being dismissed.

Thanks to Lin Shuting's younger sister, if she were an older sister, she would be doomed to live for her younger brother in this life.

Fortunately for Yao Yuan, although his father and mother came from the countryside, they don't have such a heavy patriarchal concept, otherwise Yao Li would never have the opportunity to study in a technical secondary school.

The mother-in-law sees her son-in-law's business getting bigger and bigger, so she can't stop thinking about it. The daughter's life is getting better and better, so she should help her son.

Even though Lin Weifeng's Pioneer Electric is getting more and more popular, but he is not afraid of anything but comparisons. Compared with Yao Yuan's business, the mother-in-law feels unbalanced.She talked to Lin Shuting several times, and every time Lin Shuting came home, she would say it, which made Lin Shuting unwilling to go home afterwards.

Yao Yuan was more considerate of a person, he guessed something from the clues, and forced Lin Shuting to say it before she said it.

It must be admitted that Lin Weifeng's personality is roughly the same as Lin Shuting's. Both brother and sister are arrogant masters.

However, for Yao Yuan, almost everything is just a word.

He smiled and said, "How can you ignore what my mother-in-law said, brother Feng, tell me your opinion, do you want to come and help me with something?"

He had an idea, and planned to let Lin Weifeng manage a fourth-tier company, that is, the grass-roots company of the Chunfeng company, with tens of millions of assets.

Chunfeng Asset Management Group Co., Ltd. divides all the companies under its management into four levels. The highest level is a group company, and the lowest level is a grassroots business company. Usually, the total assets are only tens of millions of Huaxia coins.

Second-tier companies and third-tier companies all have assets worth hundreds of millions.

This set of grading system is based on the reference of large central enterprises.

"If you come to help me do things, you have several options. You can go to work in the headquarters company, take charge of a department first, and then look at it later. I read the salary system, and you can earn 30 million a year. You can also work as a person in charge in a grassroots company. , the salary is about the same, but there are dividends.” Yao Yuan said.

Lin Weifeng smiled wryly and shook his head, and said, "Ayuan, I still want to start my own business. Just leave it alone, you have helped me too much, and Pioneer Electronics would have closed down long ago if it hadn't been for your help."

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "Then you can't stay in a shop for the rest of your life, can you?"

Lin Weifeng hesitated for a moment, and said, "Actually, I've wanted to close it a long time ago. It's not that I don't make money, but I always feel bad about doing business."

As strong as Lin Shuting, his demands are revealed, and Lin Shuting's strength is hidden in his heart, just like the characters of the siblings, one extroverted and the other introverted.

Moreover, from the point of view that Lin Weifeng has no hesitation in suspending his job and leaving his salary to start a business abroad, he is full of adventurous spirit.

The point is that Yao Yuan saw that Lin Weifeng actually wanted to get rid of his own influence, he wanted to prove himself, not rely on his brother-in-law to get rich.

Yao Yuan thought for a while and said, "Okay, tell me what you think, and I can give you some advice."

Lin Weifeng took a drag on his cigarette and said, "I want to open a department store."

"Oh?" Yao Yuan was surprised.

After resigning from a department store, seeing that the department store was squeezed to the point of no business and began to decline, under such circumstances, he proposed to set up a department store. This kind of person is either stupid or wise.

Obviously, Lin Weifeng is not a stupid person.

Lin Weifeng said, "I have studied it carefully during this period of time. I have also worked in department stores for these years, and I know the disadvantages of department stores. In fact, the model of Broad Wanjia Supermarket inspired me. Department stores are not making money, they are The management method is wrong, and the business philosophy cannot follow the trend.”

"Supermarkets are different. I have also studied foreign supermarkets. Supermarkets are supermarkets. They cover everything. You can buy almost everything you want. There is also an electrical appliance counter in Yuanda Wanjia Supermarket. I heard that it cooperates with Yuanda Electric Appliances."

"But this kind of supermarket also has its weaknesses. The weakness is its strength, which is its size. For example, if Yuanda Wanjia supermarket opens in the county, it will definitely not have much business, because the population of the county is so small that it cannot be filled at all."

"I was wondering if it is possible to set up a small-scale department store, which is also a chain, with an area of ​​tens of square meters or hundreds of square meters. It does not need to be complete, as long as it is the most consumed part of daily life. For example, toiletries, kitchen seasonings, Non-staple food, and so on, are generally not expensive, and people often don’t go to a big supermarket for such a small thing.”

"My idea is that it is opened downstairs for residents, and customers can buy it after taking a walk downstairs, which is convenient and fast."

Yao Yuan was a little dumbfounded, isn't this a chain convenience store?

Twenty years later, there will be more than a dozen small shops in large communities, all of which are small shops with a size of tens of square meters. They sell small commodities and are open 20 hours a day. Moisturized.

What it relies on is the convenience of "go downstairs and take a walk and buy things".

Yao Yuan found out that his big brother-in-law had an unusual mind, and his ideas were very advanced!

In fact, convenience stores did not appear only 20 years later, but have already appeared now, that is, those self-employed small stores and canteens, but adopted a unified chain operation model, unified brand, unified supply, and unified price.

The most commendable thing is that Pioneer Electric now has nearly [-] profits in its accounts every month, and my uncle is also a person who takes advantage of a million a year. Putting it on most people, it is definitely not a small business like a "chain store". Business.

But the uncle thought so, which shows that he is pragmatic and far-sighted.

After Lin Weifeng finished speaking, he looked at Yao Yuan apprehensively, for fear of being denied.You know, Yuanda Electric Appliances and Yuanda Wanjia Supermarkets were all established by Yao Yuan. They are all large chain stores, and their branches have all opened in the capital.

He was afraid that his so-called new idea would be a trick of others.

No idea, Yao Yuan said affirmatively, "It's a very good idea, I agree with it, and I support you to do it."

Lin Weifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

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