The half-mountain villa has been renovated a long time ago, and the smell that has dissipated for more than half a year has been released. All kinds of equipment have already been installed, but Yao Yuan has no time to come and look at it.

Now let's take a look at Lin Shuting's summer vacation.

Gu Xiaohua waited outside the gate of the villa early on. After waiting for more than three hours, he was sweating profusely without any complaints.

He is not what he used to be, he is in charge of Yao Yuan's entertainment company in Hong Kong, and he is personally filming, with strong financial support, he has become a first-line artist.

But he doesn't make tertiary films, because Mr. Yao thinks tertiary films are "drugs".

He also does not allow his artists to make tertiary films, nor can they shoot dewy photos, preferring to give up the huge Baodao market.The tertiary film market in Taiwan is very large, and many Hong Kong stars make tertiary films to supply the Taiwan market.

Yao Yuan asked him, "How is Zhou Xingxing?"

"The king of ticket kings, the combined box office of Monday and Monday is over [-] million Hong Kong dollars, and we have two of them, Zhou Xingxing and Fa Ge." Gu Xiaohua said proudly.

Yao Yuan was very satisfied, "Well done. Well, give Zhou Xingxing and Uncle Da full creative freedom, I still say the same thing, as long as their golden partners want to shoot, I fully support it."

"Yes, yes, I know Yao Sheng." Gu Xiaohua nodded hastily.

He didn't know why Mr. Yao valued Zhou Xingxing and Cao Dahua so much, but judging from the box office won by this pair of golden partners, Mr. Yao's eyes were undoubtedly very vicious.

"Also, like Li Lizhen, Wen Bixia, Chen Farong, Wang Zuxian, Zhou Huimin, Qiu Shuzhen, Zhang Min, Gigi Lai, Lan Jieying, etc., etc., these are all very potential, cultivate well, but there is only one thing, all the artists under the banner You can't shoot tertiary films." Yao Yuan emphasized.

Lin Shuting couldn't help but said, "Ayuan, you know a lot about female Hong Kong stars."

"You forgot the disaster relief performance last time, these are our own artists." Yao Yuan said.

Lin Shuting thought about it, and rarely put forward her own opinion, "You must not shoot unhealthy videos, which will have a bad impact."

Gu Xiaohua was flattered, and quickly nodded and bowed, "Yes, yes, Mrs. Yao, don't worry, I promise it won't happen!"

"Go and do your work." Yao Yuan waved Gu Xiaohua away.

Gu Xiaohua left happily.

Mrs. Yao never asked about Mr. Yao's business, but this time she personally issued an order, and it was for Gu Xiaohua. He was too excited.

The staff and security personnel are busy, and Gu Xiaohua's mother is in charge of the kitchen, which is reassuring.

After dinner, Yao Yuan and Lin Shuting held hands and took a walk on the beach of their home to digest food, blowing the slightly fishy sea breeze and feeling refreshed.

Yao Yuan asked, "Did your future parents-in-law tell you something?"

"I knew you guessed it." Lin Shuting said, "They just asked about graduation, let me ask where you will be assigned."

The graduation season will be in June next year, and time is really running out.

Yao Yuan said helplessly, "Since I'm already in business, I don't think about going to work anymore. What should I do? Such a big company is enough for me to be busy."

Lin Shuting said, "I have thought about it carefully. In fact, you are very busy now, but from another perspective, if you don't do these things, other people can do well. I remember you said that the establishment of Chunfeng Group is to let Detach yourself from specific affairs."

After a pause, she said, "But have you noticed that after the establishment of Chunfeng Group, instead of being idle, you have become even busier."

"Yeah, my experience is the same." Yao Yuan said.

Lin Shuting said, "So it's not the company's system problem, but your own problem. You still don't feel at ease about many things. If you don't let go, the system you formulated will not be able to be tested."

This is the case with the so-called bystanders.

The chairman and executive president of Southern Industrial is Xiao Jiabing, but in fact, Yao Yuan is the one who discusses almost all major events. Xiao Jiabing is becoming more and more like a puppet in charge of signing contracts.This actually restricted Xiao Jiabing's ability to play, and also made the management system he personally formulated survive in name only.

"It seems that I have to think about it." Yao Yuan said in a deep voice, "What do you think I should do?"

Lin Shuting shook her head slightly, "I don't understand business, but from a management point of view, the company is already so large, you should try to delegate power, keep the strategic direction and let this big ship move forward by itself. Some companies can It has existed for a hundred years, and most of them have a system that can withstand strong winds and waves. I think the system you formulated is fine, and it should be tested."

After thinking about it, Lin Shuting said, "Besides, if they have any doubts, they will definitely report to you. It's not like you don't care about it completely."

Those who do big things don't care about small things, this should be the realm Yao Yuan should pursue.

He said, "After returning from the UAE this time, some changes must be made. Daughter-in-law, I think you support me in my work?"

"What do you think? That's what I thought." Lin Shuting's chest was a little itchy from Yao Yuan's touch, and she patted his hand lightly, and said, "It's mainly the pressure in your family. You should know it better than me. If you If they don’t want to be state cadres, the sky is falling for them.”

Yao Yuan stopped making trouble, and hugged Lin Shuting in silence.

It's not an exaggeration at all, ever since Yao Yuan was admitted to a prestigious university and was the number one student in the county's college entrance examination, he has been an idol in ten miles and eight villages.

After graduation, you must eat imperial food, so that you can explain to your ancestors.

No matter how much money you earn from doing business, you can't compare to a real official position. This is the idea of ​​official standard in China for thousands of years.

If you are good at learning, you will be an official.

I have never heard of the saying that learning while being excellent leads to business.

In ancient times, there were three teachings and nine streams, and among the upper nine streams, "business" was at the bottom.The hawkers who walk around the streets have the least status and belong to the category that everyone can use.

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, when it comes to political affiliation, if you are a poor and lower-middle peasant or the child of a worker, you are considered an upright person, and if your family runs a business, you are a class that will be overthrown.

Everything is low-grade, but reading is high. Except for the era when intellectuals were labeled "stinky old nine", Chinese intellectuals are all upper-class people in society.

The Yao family had so much money that they lost their conception. The Yao family had only one son, Yao Yuan. All the hopes of Mr. Yao and Yao Zhenhua and his wife were placed on Yao Yuan, and they hoped that he would become a state cadre who would eat the royal salary after graduation.

If Yao Yuan can't let them do what they want, he will be promoted as unfilial at every turn.

Reborn and reborn, isn't everything you do for your family to live a good life, isn't it for your motherland not to be bullied?

As long as you go with this ideal, it doesn't matter what you do.

Yao Yuan made up his mind, and said, "I'll think about it after I come back from the UAE."

"That's right. I don't think there's anything wrong with controlling the business remotely while going to work." Lin Shuting laughed.

Seeing Lin Shuting's teary red lips, Yao Yuan kissed her. If there were no guards in the dark, he would have had a passion on the beach.

Even if this person achieves too much, he may not be able to be happy all the time!

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