If it wasn't for too much pressure, Ruiz would not have run to the Dongfang No. [-] drilling platform overnight.

As soon as he came, all the pressure was concentrated on Yao Yuan.Yao Yuan knew very well that if he didn't come over in person, Su Jianmin and Qin Zhenjun would not be able to withstand the pressure.

The drilling platform shook violently, and the drilling rig stopped.

Everyone in the bridge control center stopped talking and looked at the operation deck through the windshield.

Gu Peiqiang didn't know that a distinguished guest was coming, so he held the walkie-talkie and reported loudly, "Mr. Qin! We may have encountered a rock formation, should we continue to drill down?"

The drill bit is useless, and if you want to continue, it means constantly replacing the drill bit.The general rock layer cannot stop the drill bit, that is to say, the rock layer encountered is very hard.

Qin Zhenjun was silent.

The most expensive part of the entire rig is the drill bit.

Yao Yuan picked up the walkie-talkie and asked, "Captain Gu, what's your opinion?"

Gu Peiqiang was taken aback for a moment, and recognized Yao Yuan's voice.

The first thing Yao Yuan did when he got on the platform was to express condolences to the operators, first of all to the drilling team.

Gu Peiqiang thought for a while and said firmly, "Mr. Yao, I think we should continue to drill down. The current depth is 1300 meters, and the water depth here is 1100 meters."

After pondering for a while, Yao Yuan asked Qin Zhenjun, "Uncle Qin, what do you think?"

Qin Zhenjun is very calm, the more critical the moment is, the more calm he is. This is a rare professional quality of his generation.

He didn't answer, but turned his head and asked, "How many more drills?"

The person in charge of logistics immediately replied, "The supply ship sent three over in the evening, but there should be more in the base."

Qin Zhenjun said to Yao Yuan, "A Yuan, I insist on continuing to drill and ask the base to send the drill bit over."

"Okay." Yao Yuan agreed, and personally ordered Gu Peiqiang, "Captain Gu, continue drilling."

"Understood, continue to drill!" Gu Peiqiang gave an order, and the workers quickly replaced the drill bit.

Although Cornell and the others couldn't understand Chinese, judging from the situation at the scene, they probably guessed what happened, and many people had faint smiles on their lips.

Ruiz asked in a low voice, "Are there any problems?"

"I have encountered a relatively solid rock layer, which can be overcome." Yao Yuan said with a smile.

His heart is not as relaxed as it appears on the surface.If that's a layer of rock hundreds of meters thick, then everything else is pointless, wasting precious drill bits.

Ruiz also understood, and patted Yao Yuan's shoulder lightly to show encouragement.

Not long after the drilling continued, the commuter ship delivered all the drill bits in the base warehouse, but in fact there were only two, plus three on the platform, five drill bits.

The drill bit is very strong and very durable.

Dongfang Petroleum is stocked according to normal consumption.

The jitter of the drilling platform became greater, and everyone could feel the hard-to-hard contest between the drill bit and the hard rock.Hour after hour passed in a dull atmosphere.The representatives of several oil companies were exhausted, so Su Jianmin took them to the rest room to rest, and arranged for someone to bring them food and drink.

However, Hans and Frank ate a few casual bites and returned to the bridge control center.

Compared with the others, their demands are the strongest.Exxon Mobil and Shell have not obtained good oil fields in recent years.Two years ago, Shell and the Thai government signed an agreement to develop offshore oil fields, but they have not found high-yield oil fields and spent a lot of money.

Shidan Oilfield is the last super large oilfield in this century. Everyone believes that high-yield oilfields will be found here, and the reserves are also very huge.

After losing the bidding, Frank was severely reprimanded by the headquarters. He had to keep staring here, hoping that Dongfang Petroleum failed to find oil within the stipulated time or the capital chain was broken.

Whatever the case may be, it's a great opportunity for Shell.

It should be pointed out that three years ago, Shell signed a contract with Guangdong Province to build an oil refinery in Guangdong Province, which was regarded as a precursor for Shell to enter the Huaxia oil development market.

In the bridge control center, Lin Wei, who is in charge of the Dongfang No. 1400 drilling platform, asked for instructions through the walkie-talkie, "Ayuan, we have drilled to [-] meters on the No. [-] drilling platform, and nothing has been found. Do you want to continue?"

Dongfang No. [-] is an old platform, used to buy Halliburton’s second-hand goods. Spring Breeze Academy of Sciences used it for dismantling and research, and made a set of improvement plans to change it to the current appearance. More than half of the technology is Spring Breeze Academy’s own. .

Because it is too old, and the drilling depth is only 1500 meters, everyone does not expect good news from Dongfang No. [-].

The 100 meters left and right are not far behind. Yao Yuan said, "Keep drilling until you can't go down."

"Understood." Accompanied by the sound of electromagnetic interference, Lin Wei's voice was very dull.

Again, whether the Shidan Oilfield can be successfully developed is not just a matter of economic interests, it is related to the success or failure of Huaxia Petroleum Enterprises going overseas to enter near-deep sea oil and gas development.

Frank came over, "Mr. Yao, can we talk for a while?"

Yao Yuan looked back, walked to the side of the control center, nodded to Hans, and asked, "What's the matter, Mr. Frank?"

Frank smiled and said, "I heard that Dongfang Petroleum's exploration budget has been seriously overrun. I'm sorry, Mr. Yao, don't get me wrong. We have no other intentions. I wonder if there is such a chance for cooperation?"

Hans said, "Mr. Yao, ExxonMobil and Shell are very sincere and are willing to provide a sum of money and drilling power to support Dongfang Petroleum's continued exploration. There is no problem in finding oil reservoirs within the specified time."

Yao Yuan had already expected this.

He shook his head slightly and declined, "Dongfang Petroleum is not considering joint development for the time being. You know, we just purchased the services of Halliburton."

"Yes, I am very clear about this." Frank said in a deep voice, "But Mr. Yao, your funds may run out this month. In fact, Crown Prince Khalifa is under tremendous pressure. After finding oil, it is only the first time. One step, whether Dongfang Petroleum can produce oil according to the specified time node, I think it is very slim."

After a pause, Frank said, "Our two companies are willing to spend 3000 million US dollars and provide technical support to continue the follow-up development with Dongfang Petroleum. This is also a risk-sharing plan for Dongfang Petroleum."

Yao Yuan was no longer polite, and said with a smile, "Dongfang Petroleum can take any risk, and it will definitely be able to find oil within the specified time. In fact, I can make the black gold on the bottom of the sea gush out before dawn."

"You two, excuse me."

Yao Yuan returned to his position.

Frank and Hans frowned for a while, then shook their heads slightly and went to the lounge.

Su Jianmin came over and said in a low voice, "Mr. Yao, they have approached me several times, hoping to jointly develop it through capital injection. According to your previous explanation, I have refused."

"What you can't get at the negotiating table, don't try to get it on the battlefield." Yao Yuan said with a sneer.

Su Jianmin surged with strong confidence for no reason, and the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road. This time, it is not only a battle for Dongfang Petroleum in the near-deep offshore oil development, but also a battle of honor for the motherland.

Six hours passed, and it was past one o'clock in the morning. Except for the people from Dongfang Petroleum, the representatives of Western Petroleum Company who came to visit with various purposes all fell into a deep sleep.

At two o'clock in the morning, Ruiz, who was in a light sleep, was awakened by a shaking. He sat up from the folding bike and saw Halliburton's Jackson also woke up.

Rubbing his face, Ruiz grabbed his coat and walked to the bridge control center.

Jackson quickly followed.

"Mr. Yao, is there any news?" Ruiz asked as soon as he entered the door.

Yao Yuan said with a solemn expression, "The last drill bit broke."

"What? What is the depth of drilling?" Ruiz felt cold.

A total of five drill bits!

Yao Yuan said, "1720 meters."

Disappointment clearly appeared on Ruiz's face. No oil has been found at this depth, and it is meaningless to continue drilling down.

Although the water depth here is very strange, it is after all an inshore sea area, which is part of the continental shelf.

On the work deck, Gu Peiqiang looked at the drill bit that was brought up, feeling pain in his heart. Under the light, there were several finger-thick cracks on the drill bit, which showed how much resistance it had encountered.

Really drilled a few hundred meters of rock formations, the point is that the drill bit has not yet been seen!

Gu Peiqiang was heartbroken. He had studied the geological map, and he did not believe that this rock layer was impenetrable, and he would definitely be able to penetrate it again.

He tried his best to calm down, squatted down and shone the flashlight on the drill bit, and found that the surface of the drill bit was covered with a thin layer of mucus.He touched it with his hand, and it was very sticky and slippery. His heart moved, he put some in his mouth and tasted it, it tasted like asphalt.

Success or failure is often between this idea.

He couldn't care less, and asked for instructions loudly, "Mr. Yao! There is still a drill bit that can be used, and I request to continue drilling down! Give me another chance!"

Qin Zhenjun shook his head slowly, and said before Yao Yuan spoke, "Xiao Gu, that drill bit was removed earlier, and it no longer meets the standard for use."

"Mr. Qin, I dare say it was almost there. Mucus appeared on the drill bit, and it may have touched the oil layer. Give me another chance!" Gu Peiqiang demanded strongly.

Su Jianmin sighed slightly, "Even oil was drilled before, but the measurement shows that it is only a thin layer, and there is no exploitation value at all."

Several oil wells with a daily output of several tons have been found before, but such oil wells have no value for further development at all, and even the oil cost of the drilling platform is not enough.

Yao Yuan asked Qin Zhenjun, "Uncle Qin, what do you think?"

"Used drill bits can drill tens of meters at most." Qin Zhenjun said in a deep voice, "Let Xiaogu try again, and drill down tens of meters..."

He didn't go any further.

Yao Yuan ordered decisively, "Captain Gu, change the drill bit and drill until it is useless."

"Thank you Mr. Yao!"

Gu Peiqiang held back his breath, his eyes were red, and without saying a word, he started to remove the drill bit himself.The used drill bit was sent over by the workers, and everyone installed the blunt drill bit without saying a word...

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