Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 615 Serious Error in Data

The atmosphere in the bridge control center was very strange. The employees of Dongfang Petroleum were beaming with joy, all of them were concentrating on their work with their chins raised. Looking at the operation deck with neck down, the focus is on the operation deck.

Lin Shuting asked Yao Yuan in a low voice, "Are you waiting for some news?"

"Well, Uncle Qin is doing well logging, that is, production logging. How much oil this oil well can pump out every day, we will know after the logging is done." Yao Yuan explained.

Lin Shuting glanced at the foreigners, and said in a low voice, "I heard them talking as if they were executives of big oil companies, and they should be competitors. Why do they..."

What she meant was how they were so humble when facing Yao Yuan.

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "The proven recoverable reserves of the Shidan Oilfield are as high as 20 billion tons, um, more than all the oil fields in China combined. These two wells may both have a daily output of 60 tons. That is to say, Dongfang Petroleum is only Relying on these two wells, [-] tons of crude oil can be put into the international crude oil market every month."

After a pause, he said, "According to past experience, it is easy to break one million tons per month. This will have a great impact on the international crude oil market, and even affect the rise and fall of crude oil prices."

Suppressing his voice, Yao Yuan said, "They can't get the Shidan oil field, and they are holding back their energy to make a fortune in the futures market. Naturally, they will find a way to win me over."

Lin Shuting immediately understood, the reason is very simple, the oil price rises when the production is reduced, and the oil price falls when the production is increased. To put it bluntly, Dongfang Petroleum is already qualified to enter the ranks of influencing international oil prices. Of course, these foreign oil companies will be very capable of wooing them.

"But, doesn't Dongfang Petroleum still have a Baku oil field? Last time you said that the reserves there are also very rich." Lin Shuting asked if she didn't understand.

Yao Yuan said, "The major shareholder of Baku Oilfield is Azerbaijan National Oil Company. Although Dongfang Petroleum is in charge of the operation, it needs to discuss with Azerbaijan National Oil Company on the matter of increasing or decreasing production. The Shidan Oilfield is different, it belongs to Dongfang Petroleum completely. Oil, we can do whatever we want."

"So that's what happened." Lin Shuting nodded slowly.

Yao Yuan said, "There is another reason. The Baku oil field mainly supplies domestic supplies, and maintaining stability there is in line with the national oil energy security strategy."

"Understood, I just found out that you are doing these things outside. No wonder Professor Mo said that it is not an exaggeration to award you an honorary doctorate." Lin Shuting put her arms around Yao Yuan's arm, her eyes full of admiration.

There will be more and more people who can make a lot of money, but at the same time, there will be fewer and fewer people who still maintain the heart of a child, and Yao Yuan's quality will become more and more valuable.

Yao Yuan said proudly, "Look at how I made all the money from the ghost, and then took it back to invest in the economic construction of our motherland."

"I can get you." Lin Shuting snorted, feeling elated.

On the operation deck, Qin Zhenjun, who was also covered in crude oil, got the final logging data, but he did not respond for a long time.

The blowout has been completely controlled. The black dragon that rushed to more than 50 meters in the air was tamed by the Huaxia oil workers, and it obediently flowed into the oil storage ship along the pipeline.

The workers surrounded Qin Zhenjun, all of them looked like black people, showing white teeth when they laughed, waiting for Chief Engineer Qin to announce the good news.

Qin Zhenjun hesitated. He looked up at the bridge control center, raised and lowered the hand holding the walkie-talkie, raised it and lowered it.

Yao Yuan noticed, pressed the walkie-talkie and asked, "Uncle Qin, how is the situation?"

Qin Zhenjun hesitated.

At this time, the smiles on the faces of the workers who could understand the data also disappeared, showing exactly the same expression as Qin Zhenjun.

"Uncle Qin?" Yao Yuan asked again.

Qin Zhenjun took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Ayuan, there may be some mistakes, the data is not right, give me some more time, and I will test again."

Yao Yuan was taken aback for a moment, but without any blame, he smiled easily, "Uncle Qin, it doesn't matter, just measure slowly, a super high-yielding well is enough."

Self-injection alone is not enough, but also depends on the continuation of self-injection. To put it bluntly, it depends on how much oil is in the bottom. Now it seems that Dongfang No. [-] well may belong to the category of short-lived.

Ruiz has been paying attention to Yao Yuan's movements, and hurriedly asked, "Mr. Yao, has the result come out?"

"Not yet, don't worry." Yao Yuan said calmly.

Ruiz didn't know the situation on the operation deck, so he nodded repeatedly, "Don't worry, don't worry."

On the operation deck, Qin Zhenjun said seriously to the technicians and workers, "When logging again, you must be serious and serious, and you must never make mistakes again."

Everyone quickly started working.

Qin Zhenjun held the report paper with black crude oil on the edge, and his brows became more and more wrinkled.

With a daily output of 5 tons, how is it possible!

Well Azer 20 discovered in Mexico at the beginning of the 4th century has a daily output of 3.7 tons, which is already the single well with the largest daily output in the world.

It took 4 days to control the blowout of Azer 57.

It is true that nearly a century has passed, and oil extraction technology has been greatly improved, but with the blowout scale of Dongfang No. 5, the daily output of [-] tons should not be measured anyway.

Yes, Qin Zhenjun did not dare to tell Yao Yuan this figure because he did not believe that the daily output of the offshore oil well under his feet was 5 tons.

This data is too wrong to be wrong!

Something must have gone wrong in the logging process.

Qin Zhenjun, who was born in the era of the Great Leap Forward, is very aware of the consequences of such false data spreading!

Qin Zhenjun folded the report paper and put it in his pocket, and followed every test session by himself.

This time he proceeded very slowly, after checking each link repeatedly before proceeding to the next step, the time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was the time when the sun was rising.

The captain of the "Adele" oil storage ship suddenly called, "Dongfang No. 80.00, our ship's receiving capacity has reached [-]%. Repeat, we can only receive another [-] tons of crude oil and must return."

This is an oil storage ship hired locally. The captain speaks English, and the voice is very clear in the bridge control center.

At this time, everyone's focus was on the well logging, and no one noticed that the volume and flow rate delivered to the oil storage ship continued to rise. When the delivery controller woke up and looked at the gauges, he was stunned.

That is an oil storage ship that can carry 10000 million crude oil!

No one would believe that 80% of the water, which is 8000 tons, can be filled in just a few hours!

Dongfang Petroleum only hired the "Adele" oil storage ship, because no matter how many wells are drilled, it is absolutely impossible to fill the ship in one day.

One tanker is enough.

The bridge control center did not reply for a long time, and the "Adele" called again.

Yao Yuan was stunned for a moment, then grabbed the walkie-talkie and ran like crazy to the operation deck.

Dongfang No. [-] is the third-generation offshore drilling platform. It has a certain oil storage capacity. It is used for emergency use without dropping oil into the sea. The crude oil that has not been transported to the "Assel" before is placed on the platform. In the emergency oil storage tank.

If the data received by the "Adele" is true, plus the storage capacity of the platform itself, in the past five hours, more than [-] tons of crude oil have been sprayed out!

How can it be!

While going down to the operation deck, Yao Yuan asked "Adele", "I am Dongfang No. [-], is the data correct? Please verify your receiving volume."

"Axel understands." The captain of Axel replied immediately.

He also finds it strange that he has never encountered such a situation after operating an oil storage vessel for more than 20 years.In fact, he was woken up in his sleep. He was on standby last night and dared not sleep. After he was connected to the oil pipeline on the platform, he had to catch up on a good sleep.

Even if I sleep until dark, I can't pretend.

But after lying down for two or three hours, the first officer came to report that the receiving volume had reached 80% of the approved amount.

He also suspected that the data was wrong.

So, after receiving the order, he immediately took people to verify it in the most intuitive and stupid way—opening the oil storage tank for manual measurement.

After the hatch cover of the oil storage tank was opened, the captain found it unnecessary to use measuring tools, because the surface of the crude oil could be seen clearly and it was very close to the hatch.

There are no errors in the data...

At this time, in the bridge control center, Jackson responded the fastest, and said, "Just now the Adele said that the reception volume has reached 80.00%, is that true?"

"Okay, it seems to be." Cornell, who had been standing beside him, said in a daze.

Everyone has not recovered.

Hans once again used his quick calculation ability, looked at the time, and subconsciously calculated, "Eight thousand tons in five hours, an average hour is [-] tons, and a day is [-] tons... "

"Thirty-eight thousand and four hundred tons!" He suddenly exclaimed.

As if something was ignited, everyone came back to their senses and ran to the operation deck like crazy.

Jackson was still in a daze, and murmured, "No, there is still a part of the platform that will exceed [-] tons... [-] tons!"

He also went crazy, and ran to the operation deck desperately.

Lin Shuting couldn't calm down anymore, she got up and went to the windshield to look at the operation deck. A group of people in suits and leather shoes rushed over regardless of the dirt and surrounded Qin Zhenjun.

At this time, Qin Zhenjun got the second well logging report. The above data made this old technical expert who had been engaged in petroleum for half his life look dull. A well logging report was also handed over.

Yao Yuan controlled his heart that was about to jump out, trying his best to calm himself down, but his slightly trembling hands still betrayed his excitement at this moment.

The final data on the first log report is 5.1 tons, and the figure on the second log report is 5.15 tons...

The walkie-talkie rang again, and the captain of the "Adele" oil storage ship reported in a positive and anxious tone, "Dongfang No. 90, our reception capacity has approached [-]%, and we must arrange another oil storage ship!"

If you still think it is a data error at this time, you are really deceiving yourself.

Yao Yuan looked at Ruiz, who was nervous, and then slowly said in as calm a tone as possible, "Mr. Minister, you can report to His Royal Highness, the daily output of Dongfang No. 5 is 35 tons, that is, [-] tons per day million barrels."

Ruiz's heart stopped beating for an instant...

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