Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 624 Eastern Petroleum Corporation

Street signs, traffic signs, slogans, store price lists in downtown Abu Dhabi... more and more have been updated, adding Chinese.

The official opened a bus route to and from the urban area and the Shidan Oilfield, with a bus every half an hour, and the name of the station in Chinese was added to the bus.

Soon, China and the United Arab Emirates signed an agreement, and tourists from the two countries can obtain visas on arrival, which shows that the diplomatic relations between the two countries have taken a big step forward.At the same time, the two countries signed a series of economic cooperation agreements, including agricultural products.

The agricultural products of the UAE basically rely on imports, and the agricultural products from China have greatly changed the supply of agricultural products in the UAE.

With the deepening of various cooperations, Hu Jianren, who has a keen sense of smell, appeared in Abu Dhabi and around the Shidan Oilfield Base. Soon, a food street with mainly Chinese restaurants appeared...

The impact of the Shikotan Oilfield began to penetrate every level of society.

As the backbone, Yao Yuan will not be able to leave Abu Dhabi for a while. He simply discussed with the Azerbaijani side to set up an operation headquarters of Azerbaijan National Oil Company in Dubai or Abu Dhabi.

The success of Dongfang Petroleum's Shidan Oilfield has made Dongfang Petroleum's position in Azerbaijan even more important. Aliyev Jr. came to Abu Dhabi to discuss with Yao Yuan on behalf of Azerbaijan National Oil Company.

The two parties finally decided that Azerbaijan National Oil Company will establish an operation headquarters in Abu Dhabi, separate the market function from the Baku headquarters, and operate under two brands and one team from Dongfang Petroleum's overseas headquarters.The operator of the Azerbaijan National Oil Company is Dongfang Petroleum. Azerbaijan itself has no operating authority, and it is more like the role of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

This also established the basic pattern of Dongfang Petroleum.

The overseas headquarters is in Abu Dhabi, with the two major oil fields of Sedan Oilfield and Baku Oilfield as the main production bases to manage and operate oil exploration and production, refining and other aspects.

The administrative headquarters of Dongfang Petroleum is located in Nangang, because the future focus will be on the east coast petrochemical base, which will be the largest petrochemical base in the world with an annual output value of more than 100 billion US dollars after it is fully completed.

The provincial government wanted Dongfang Petroleum to place its administrative headquarters in Tianhe New District, Guangdong City, but Yao Yuan refused.

With the official confirmation of Dongfang Petroleum's administrative headquarters in Nangang, the Nangang area has officially become the absolute headquarters of Chunfeng Group companies. The headquarters of Chunfeng Group, the headquarters of Southern Industry and Dongfang Petroleum among the three giants under its umbrella are all in Nangang.

As a result, the direct flight from Nangang to Abu Dhabi, operated by New Beihang Airlines, opened every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, mainly for personnel exchanges and official business trips between Dongfang Petroleum's overseas headquarters and administrative headquarters. .

During this period, Su Jianmin announced the establishment of five wholly-owned subsidiaries as the general manager of Dongfang Petroleum Corporation, namely Dongfang Offshore Oil Group Co., Ltd., Dongfang Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd., and Dongfang New Energy Development Co., Ltd. The company, Dongfang Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Dongfang Oil, Gas and Power Group Co., Ltd., together with the starting army Dongfang Oilfield Service Co., Ltd., the main business entities of the six major sectors of Dongfang Petroleum have been clarified.

This move also represents Dongfang Petroleum's development from a pure oil and gas development company to an international energy company with prominent main business and complete industrial chain, covering oil and gas exploration and development, professional technical services, refining and chemical sales, fertilizers, natural gas and power generation, new energy, Five major business sectors including oil field construction.

Among them, Dongfang Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd. and Dongfang New Energy Development Co., Ltd. will be listed companies, seeking to be listed on the two major exchanges in New York and London.Letters from well-known financial institutions in the two places requesting to meet Su Jianmin have piled up into a hill.

The core asset of Dongfang Petroleum is Dongfang Offshore Oil Group Co., Ltd., which owns 30.00% of the recoverable reserves of Baku Oilfield and the entire Shikotan Oilfield, followed by Dongfang Oilfield Service Co., Ltd., which has a very strong profitability. This team has gradually developed into It is an asset-heavy enterprise with dozens of operating ships and helicopters, and its current main business is in the Tyumen Oilfield.

At this time, Halliburton understood why Yao Yuan insisted on adding the word "foreign capital" in front of "the only oilfield service partner". Handed over to Dongfang Oilfield Services.

However, Halliburton is not very disappointed. With such a large Shikotan oilfield, they still have good future profits.It is the right choice to meet Dongfang Petroleum instead of competing with it.

So far, Dongfang Petroleum Corporation has become the only enterprise group in the Spring Breeze Group that should have a five-level organization, because under Dongfang Petroleum Corporation, there are group companies at the same level as group companies such as Yuanda Group.

Such a behemoth just stands in the world's oil industry.

An international evaluation agency believes that Dongfang Petroleum is already the largest oil company in China, and will rank among the top ten oil companies in the world in the future.

Although there is a hint of praise, it also proves that the industry is very optimistic about the future development of Dongfang Petroleum.

After the overseas headquarters of Dongfang Petroleum and the operation headquarters of Azerbaijan National Oil Company co-located, the territory of this new oil giant became very clear.As Huaxia Petroleum Corporation, Huaxia Petrochemical Corporation, and Huaxia Offshore Oil Corporation successively set up offices in Dongfang Petroleum's overseas headquarters building (Abu Dhabi Kempinski Hotel), it represents that Dongfang Petroleum's overseas business has gained Recognition and support from the national level.

In August 1994, Abu Dhabi sounded the clarion call for Huaxia Petroleum Corporation to enter the overseas market.

After staying in Abu Dhabi for nearly two months, Yao Yuan retired and handed over all follow-up matters to Su Jianmin and other professional teams. He, Lin Wei and others set off to return to China to take care of his "little things" or continue to open up Xinjiang Tuotu.

The registration fee for overseas labor dispatch is a trivial matter in the eyes of most people, and even the parties concerned think it is a trivial matter. Even if the registration fee is paid, the treatment of overseas labor is unimaginable in China.

But for Yao Yuan, this is a big deal.

All things that encroach on the interests of workers are big things. Yao Yuan, who is a farmer's child and born in a worker's family, hates such behavior!

When a bunch of economists in later generations analyze China's rapid economic development, they will all mention the "demographic dividend", what is the demographic dividend.

China implements universal education. Before the society ages, there are a large number of educated young people (compared to other developing countries), and the labor cost is extremely low. An example that is often cited is that domestic factories supply foreign mobile phones The company produces mobile phones as an OEM. If the profit of each mobile phone is 100 US dollars, only 2 US dollars belong to the Huaxia people.

It is the hundreds of millions of young workers and migrant workers who have dedicated their youth to China's economic development for 20 years, helping China complete its primitive accumulation, and only then have China's technological leadership 20 years later, and have brought China's economy to life. It has become a powerful industrial manufacturing country and has completed the transformation from China's manufacturing to China's intelligent manufacturing.

Most of the post-70s and post-80s generations in China have worked in factories. This generation is the behind-the-scenes heroes of China’s industrial development.

Based on such a historical background in his consciousness, Yao Yuan was worried about the registration fee of up to 3000 yuan. He wanted to personally investigate and find out the truth, so that the moths could be judged by the people.

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