Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 629 Tens of thousands of tons of technical data

"With your words, I have confidence."

Nian Haihong said in a deep voice, "When the lm2500 was introduced, the Americans opposed our localization research. After difficult negotiations, they agreed to guide us to conduct research on parts other than the core machine. The domestic production rate must not exceed 50.00%. "

Sighing, Nian Haihong said, "Who knows that man is not as good as heaven. After the drastic changes in Eastern Europe, the international situation changed overnight. Our work has just started in full swing. Back then I was the director of the Research Institute of Jichai Power Plant, representing Jichai participated in this project. Originally, it could continue, even if a little money is invested every year to maintain it, some key technologies can still be broken through in time."

"Unfortunately, at that time, the heresy was more and more serious. After the domestic large aircraft project was discontinued, the large gas turbine project was not spared. All the research materials at that time were sealed up. Later, in an inexplicable fire It was completely destroyed. Now to pick it up again, we can only rely on the memory of the technicians who participated in the project at that time, and the difficulty is not as big as one point or two."

Everyone was silent.

Zhan Chenggui is a new generation of researchers, and An Huai is a returnee. They have not experienced the atmosphere of the 80s, but they can fully understand Nian Haihong's mood.

Zhan Chenggui said in a deep voice, "China is a big country. The great teacher at that time did not hesitate to swallow his anger and wanted to promote the construction of 156 industrial projects aided by the Soviet Union. The purpose is to let China have a complete industrial system. We must be able to build what others can build. We must be able to build what we can’t. History tells us that pinning our hopes on foreigners will not work, and sooner or later we will have to pay a huge price.”

"When I was working in the Clays Laboratory in the United States, when Americans talked about China, what they were most afraid of was that our industrial production capacity would catch up. From a military point of view, a strong industrial production capacity is a powerful force for the final victory of the war. Guarantee, the Americans have proved this to the whole world in the two world wars." An Huai said seriously, "Large aircraft and large gas turbines are all strategic core industrial products, and they are related to the neck The problem is that those who put forward the theory that it is better to buy than to rent are bad at the root, and their hearts can be punished.”

Yao Yuan admired Anhuai's ability to keep a clear head on major issues of right and wrong, so he was relieved to entrust him with the important task of supply chain management related to the group's strategy.If it is a person with a crooked butt, it might turn the company into an American company, as Liu Mei thinks.

"Yeah, since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, I went to Eastern Europe, Ukraine, and Russia twice. Now we have this opportunity to speed up our pace and catch up with some progress. We should seize it at all costs. It has been many years behind. In addition to leapfrog development, There is no second way, but we must also be soberly aware that the gap between us and the United States is huge, and it is impossible to achieve breakthroughs in various fields, but in key areas, I hope that by the next century To be on the same level as the United States in the first ten years. Lao Zhan, this is my request to Chunfeng Academy of Sciences."

Yao Yuan said in a deep voice, "There are so many technical materials brought back from the former Soviet Union. I remember there should be hundreds of wagons. Don't let these technical materials pile up in the warehouse and get moldy. Use them all."

Zhan Chenggui did not expect Yao Yuan to turn the topic to this aspect all of a sudden, he said, "This can't be done, our scientific research team is already very large, and Weihua's European R&D center has recruited thousands of scientists and technicians. In the Novosibirsk R&D Center, the scientific research team has expanded to 5000 people, and our Chunfeng Academy of Sciences headquarters has tens of thousands of people, which has already..."

"There are 2 people in Spring Breeze Academy of Sciences?" Nian Haihong couldn't help asking.

Zhan Chenggui nodded, "Yes, we are planning to build a Beijing R&D center and a Shanghai R&D center. After the establishment, the size of the scientific research team will reach 3 people. But even so, it is impossible to use all the technical materials from the former Soviet Union. .”

After a pause, Zhan Chenggui explained, "Uncle Nian, what you don't know is that we bought a lot of technical materials from the former Soviet Union countries, all kinds of materials, in all fields, and some were simply treated as waste paper. The ones that were sold weighed tens of thousands of tons, and it took more than 700 wagons to transport them back."

Tens of thousands of tons of technical information!

He said with a wry smile, "It even contains technical information on the Soyuz launch vehicle."

Nian Haihong and An Huai were dumbfounded, Yao Yuan was also dumbfounded, he didn't know either!

"Not to mention anything else, we haven't finished the work of sorting and sorting. It's all in Russian." Zhan Chenggui shook his head helplessly.

Yao Yuan asked, "What technical information about the Soyuz launch vehicle?"

"There are all kinds of miscellaneous things that are missing, such as those with engines, those with control systems, and bits and pieces. I have preserved them according to the standard of super-grade technical materials." Zhan Chenggui said.

Yao Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, okay, that's good."

After pondering for a while, Yao Yuan said, "The manpower problem is solved in this way. On the one hand, we recruit from the country, and on the other hand, we use those former Soviet scientists to give them some motivation to help us find people. There is no limit to the scope of technical expertise, and there is no limit to the number of recruits. Restrictions, as many as you want."

"The labor cost alone will increase a lot of money every year." Zhan Chenggui is often intimidated by the huge daily expenses of Chunfeng Academy of Sciences, even though he has been working for so long.

Yao Yuan waved his hand and said, "There is no need to consider the issue of cost. We need to invest more in time than in capital, regardless of cost. I would rather choose the former. Take a step back and set up a Thousands of projects, even if only one project can bring commercial benefits, it is a good deal.”

Zhan Chenggui smiled wryly and said, "Mr. Yao, you have to send me a person who is in charge of money and daily management. Now I spend most of my time on daily management, and I have less and less time to do research. How can I do it?"

Now Zhan Chenggui is at the critical moment of establishing his status as a technology leader. The key is that he is not greedy for power, and he still has scientific research in his heart besides scientific research.

Yao Yuan understood it very well, and said, "Your position remains the same, but you are only in charge of scientific research. I will arrange other tasks to be in charge of. You can rest assured to carry out your scientific research."

"Okay, okay." Zhan Chenggui heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, in the final analysis, it is because Zhan Chenggui is too young and lacks experience in managing such a large scientific research institution. As the executive vice president, he can completely distribute other tasks to other vice presidents. Research work will be worry-free.

However, he is a relatively simple-minded person, not suitable to be a leader in his own right.

Yao Yuan had his own considerations. He smiled and said to Nian Haihong, "Uncle Nian, take advantage of this year to make a transition. Next year, you will go to Spring Breeze Academy of Sciences to form a team with Zhan Chenggui. Of course, you will be in charge of the large-scale gas turbine project, and you will also be Ji Chai. Chief engineer of the power plant."

It sounded like he meant to seize power, but Nian Haihong couldn't help but agreed, "Okay, this is good, this is good, the Jichai Power Plant is on track, and the other young leaders are doing well. This old bone should have given way long ago, and it is best to spend the rest of the time doing scientific research.”

"Uncle Nian, you are not yet 60 years old, it's time to start your career..."

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