"He has a car, let him go to mayor Xu." Zhong Guangda reminded.

Liu Chuanquan said, "I have a car and you have a car, let's go find it, old comrade, show me the way."

The second half of the sentence was addressed to the director of the Comprehensive Management Office.

But the director of the comprehensive management office shook his head and waved his hands and said, "Your car can't go in, that kind of road can only be used by Mayor Yao's jeep."

"Jeep?" Liu Chuanquan didn't know Yao Yuan's car, and thought it was driven by a company.

Zhong Guangda said, "BMW off-road vehicles are the kind of jeep purchased by the city last year. Mayor Chen, the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and the leaders of Yinguan Iron and Steel Plant all ride in this kind of car. This kind of car is very suitable for running on mountain roads. Our cars The chassis is too low, and many places cannot be walked.”

"Oh, then, let's find a cadre and find a motorcycle, and don't bother Mayor Yao to go there himself." Liu Chuanquan said.

Zhong Guangda burst into laughter in his heart, knowing that you dare not confront Yao Yuan head-on, and you found a lot of reasons in your words, isn't the fundamental reason just because you are afraid of Yao Yuan!

Not only Liu Chuanquan was afraid, but other county leaders were also afraid. The story of Yao Yuan confronting Quan Liuyou in the office of the county government building had already spread, and the more it spread, the more outrageous it became. Friends, I haven't seen it with my own eyes. Of course, I would rather believe it or not.

In addition, everyone saw Mayor Chen's attitude towards Yao Yuan before, so of course he would not rashly offend Yao Yuan.

If Yao Yuan was the top leader, Liu Chuanquan would definitely bring a deputy over, let the deputy come forward, and his presence could play a mitigating role.

It doesn't have to be so troublesome for Xu Hui.

The director of the Comprehensive Management Office said with a smile, "The two leaders will take a rest and wait for Mayor Xu to come back."

"Old comrade, you have to find a way to get someone to look for it." Liu Chuanquan said.

The director of the Comprehensive Management Office pointed to the outside, "I'll go right away."

He walked out slowly with his hands behind his back and his waist bowed.

After the director of the Comprehensive Management Office left for a while, Liu Chuanquan suddenly realized that he had been tricked again—now the town government has no one left!

"Quick, go and call him back!" Liu Chuanquan said to the secretary.

The secretary ran out as fast as he could, but there was no sign of the old man.The director of the Comprehensive Management Office who had bad legs and feet just walked out of the door, turned his head and gave a "bah", then walked briskly and turned around to the Central Primary School, and went to the old principal to drink tea and brag.

This time it was noon.

Liu Chuanquan suddenly found a problem. There was no one in the dining hall, that is to say, there was no sign of cooking.Do these brutal grassroots cadres really dare to starve the people from the county?

Really dare!

After waiting until one o'clock at noon, the dining hall was still empty, and the stove in the kitchen was cold. Liu Chuanquan and others rushed here without breakfast.

I regret it now, if I had breakfast, I wouldn't feel so uncomfortable.

Zhong Guangda thought to himself, little fellow, you are really cruel, even I will starve.

"Director Liu, go to the restaurant in the town and deal with it." Zhong Guangda said.

"Let's go." Liu Chuanquan's heart was full of anger, and he strode out with a cold face.

However, what surprised him was that the town was empty, and occasionally one or two people passed by in a hurry. Looking at the facades on the street, only the supply and marketing cooperatives were open.When I went to Huilong Restaurant, the only restaurant in the town, I saw General Tie guarding the door!

Liu Chuanquan was going crazy.

Zhong Guangda was also dumbfounded, little fellow, you played too hard, you are a solid wall and clear the field, you have used all the tricks to deal with little devils!

If you are angry, you have to bear it. The most urgent thing is to solve the problem of hunger. Liu Chuanquan's face is very ugly, and he said to the secretary, "find a way to buy some food, go to the supply and marketing cooperative, the canteen, and buy it wherever it is available."

The township is not big, but for a person who has been hungry for more than ten hours, it is very uncomfortable to find a circle. The secretary ran there, and when he came back, he dragged his body back, hungry and tired , It's a hot day again, and I don't have the strength to speak.

"Director, there is no food to buy, not even the supply and marketing cooperative." The secretary said.

Liu Chuanquan was really crazy. He stared and said, "The supply and marketing cooperatives don't even have one? You're lying!"

The secretary couldn't get up in a hurry, and said weakly, "It's really gone. I asked. Anyone who has a stutter in the town has moved to the construction site. The construction site does not rest at noon, and lunch will be solved on the construction site."

"Construction site, what construction site?" Liu Chuanquan became serious.

The secretary shook his head, "I forgot to ask, but there is a school donated by the Spring Breeze Fund in Huilong Town, which is under construction, and the construction site is quite large."

The construction of Huilong Highway was suspended, and the secretary subconsciously thought that the construction site mentioned by the supply and marketing cooperative belonged to Chunfeng School, and there was only one construction site in Huilong Town.

Zhong Guangda said dumbfoundingly, "You can't go to people's homes to beg for food, can you? The county has stopped the Huilong Highway. If the people know that we came from the county, they will probably drive people away with poles."

The secretary added, "Director Zhong, there are not many households in the town, and the doors are closed. I don't know what happened."

In fact, everyone has this feeling for a long time. When we arrived in the town early, although there were no people, we could still see groups of people going to work, working, and working, but there should be more people at noon, but there was only one Are the figures gone?

This phenomenon is very abnormal.

Liu Chuanquan suddenly said, "When I arrived in the morning, I saw many people carrying hoes and carrying burdens to go out. There are so many people farming in the town? It shouldn't be."

Zhong Guangda knew it well, but kept silent and pretended not to understand.

"It's broken! They won't go back to work quietly!" Liu Chuanquan patted his head and said.

Zhong Guangda wanted to buy time for the little fellow, so it was okay to go hungry. He said, "Xu Hui doesn't have the guts to do that. This is disobedience to the county's instructions."

"Xu Hui didn't, but the mayor Yao did! If he insists on doing this, what do you think Xu Hui can do with him! Xu Hui, the mayor, is only made by him! Walk around! Get in the car, get in the car, and drive along If Yao Yuan really dares to resume work quietly, I will report to the county magistrate immediately!" When Liu Chuanquan thought that he could get Yao Yuan down with this point, he immediately stopped feeling hungry and called everyone to get on the bus.

The more you are afraid of a person, the more you want to mess with a person. This is a sign of weakness.

Zhong Guangda said, "Old Liu, find a place to fill your stomach first, don't be in a hurry."

Liu Chuanquan sneered and said, "They must have resumed work. They are afraid that they will not have food when they arrive at the construction site. Let's go, Director Zhong. It will be good for you and me to finish this matter."

There was no other way, Zhong Guangda hurriedly got into his own car and asked the driver to drive to the front. The drivers tried to drive as steadily as possible. If they wanted to be steady, they had to slow down, pressing down on Liu Chuanquan's car, so Liu Chuanquan was in a hurry in the car behind...

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