The office building of the county construction company was considered the most beautiful and largest building in the county 30 years ago. The seven-story Khrushchev building is surrounded by a courtyard in the back, surrounded by three rows of bungalows. In the middle of the office building is a car that can drive in. import and export.

Nowadays, compared with the office buildings of other units that are more modern and taller, they already look dilapidated.

But it’s not because there is no money for repairs. In the past few decades, more than half of the construction projects in the county were undertaken by county construction companies, and they are too rich.

I just don't know why there is no new office building. Compared with other enterprises and institutions, it looks very shabby.

Wang Yu's husband, Zhang Long, works in the infrastructure construction unit. He is an ordinary officer. His name is very powerful, but he is a short man under 1.7 meters. He is a good old man, has no temper, and is called Zhang Laolan in private.

People who have met Wang Yu are puzzled, how can Zhang Laolan get such a tall and beautiful wife?

Because one of the couple works in the county and the other works in the town, and the gap is so huge, some rumors spread. Some said that Wang Yu didn't know how many green hats she had put on Zhang Laolan, and some said that Zhang Laolan was very tall. Gao's handsome son is not his kind, all kinds.

However, Zhang Laoyi never responded, and he worked as he wanted to work, and he still looked the same.

On this day, he came to the office 10 minutes earlier as usual, and went to fetch water and make tea after cleaning. After finishing the work before going to work, the construction worker he used to lead and the current section chief hurried in.

"Zhang Long, you can still sit still, you are really slow." The section chief left in a hurry after throwing down some inexplicable words.

Zhang Long was puzzled, put the lid on the steaming tea mug, thought for a while and followed him out.When we got to the corridor, we found that many people were walking out, talking to each other in low voices, and the atmosphere was very strange.

Followed them to the large conference room, and found that they were all crowded at the window to look out, opposite to the office of the company's leaders.

Zhang Long also found a gap to look at the opposite side, and was startled when he saw it.

The company manager Quan He and others stood at the door of their office, and many people were searching their office, including some in police uniforms.

Something happened.

Not long after, Quanhe and others were taken away, together with the things in the office, and the company's financial office and company accountants were also removed.

"It's over, the whole manager is over, and other leaders are also over. Our construction company is about to change." A colleague said such a sentence inexplicably.

The chairman of the trade union suddenly appeared at the door of the large conference room, and said with a cold face, "What are you doing! Go back to work! Those who don't want to do it pack up and go home!"

At this time, everyone suddenly discovered that the only company leader who was taken away for investigation was the chairman of the labor union.

Everyone returned to work one after another, but no one could calm down and work.Not long after, more news came.

Zhang Long, who had always been deaf or unmoved by these things, couldn't sit still anymore. How could he just sit idly by when it came to the issue of whether his job could be kept.

The one who was more restless than him was the section chief, the former subordinate who was said to rely on giving gifts to Quanhe to become the section chief. He was taken away at around ten o'clock in the morning, and his face was ashen.

When it was time to eat lunch at noon, Zhang Long came out of the office and walked along the long corridor to the stairs. He found that there were fewer people in almost every office. When he arrived at the dining hall, he found that there were more people eating in the dining hall. Less, many familiar faces of middle-level cadres are gone.

After the anxiety in the morning, Zhang Long's mood has stabilized. He has never done anything wrong, so he is not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.After you figure it out, what was the way it was before will be the way it is now.After lunch, I rode my bike home for a lunch break as usual.

The couple live apart five days a week. Zhang Long seldom cooks at home. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are settled in the canteen of the unit, and he goes home after eating. He has almost no recreational activities. very.

However, this day is destined to be different from usual.

As soon as he opened the door to go home, Xiao Wang, the driver of the chairman of the union, shouted from downstairs, "Officer Zhang!"

Zhang Long felt strange, poked his head out and looked down, "Driver Wang."

"Chairman Wang has something to do with you, hurry up and follow me." Driver Wang's tone was very anxious.

Without knowing it, Zhang Long went in, locked the door again, and hurried downstairs. Driver Wang was already in the car and waiting.

The chairman of the labor union is also the leader of the company, and he is equipped with the same Audi 100 sedan as the company manager, which is closely followed by other agencies of the same level.

Back at work, I went to the office of Chairman Wang of the trade union. Chairman Wang took off his reading glasses, pointed to the chair in front of him, and said, "Xiao Zhang, sit down."

Zhang Long began to feel uneasy again, sitting on half of his buttocks, not without nervousness.

"Xiao Zhang, drink some tea." Chairman Wang poured Zhang Long a cup of tea, which made Zhang Long very restrained.

I joined the county construction company when I was working, and I have never been in the office of the company leader, let alone face to face with the company leader alone like now. The tension is inevitable.

Chairman Wang said, "I guess you have also heard that some people including Quan He were taken away for investigation, suspected of illegal and criminal activities."

After waving his hands, Chairman Wang said, "Our county construction company is an old state-owned construction company in the whole city. This year is an important year for investment promotion. Infrastructure construction is an important prerequisite for investment attraction. Our task is very heavy. "

Sighing lightly, Chairman Wang said, "The changes in personnel cannot affect the normal work of the company. Xiao Zhang, I remember you started working in [-], right?"

Zhang Long smiled stiffly, and quickly said, "Chairman Wang, I started working after graduating from technical secondary school in [-]."

"Well, I have been a veteran for 13 years." Chairman Wang nodded slowly, "You are now in the infrastructure stock market, right?"

"Yes." Zhang Long nodded quickly.

Chairman Wang pondered for a moment and said, "You also know that the predecessor of our Xinfeng County Construction Company was a subsidiary enterprise of the Provincial Construction Department. It was established when the third-line construction was carried out, and later it was handed over to Xinfeng County as a whole. This is how Xinfeng County came into existence. construction company."

Zhang Long didn't understand what Chairman Wang was talking about these histories.

Chairman Wang said, "The city issued a document requiring all counties to complete the reform of enterprises and public institutions as soon as possible, and better play the role of state-owned enterprises in economic activities. Our county construction company took this as an opportunity to carry out reforms. "

"So many people have been taken away, so the work cannot be affected. Xiao Zhang, the company has decided to put a burden on you. The infrastructure department and the planning department will be merged into the infrastructure office. How about you being the director of this office?"

Zhang Long was stunned.

The two unit-level departments were merged into the infrastructure office, which is a sub-section-level department.

Chairman Wang is the official grade.

Chairman Wang said, "You majored in construction and planning in technical secondary school. It is very suitable. How about it? Can you take up this burden?"

There is a problem with being an official who doesn't think positively. If Zhang Long doesn't run or send him off, it doesn't mean he is not self-motivated. He was stunned for a moment, and quickly said, "I obey the organization's arrangements."

"Okay, then you have to work hard, and immediately start organizing the personnel of these two departments. After unifying the mind, take people back to Longzhen." Chairman Wang said.

Zhang Long was taken aback again, "Chairman Wang, go back to Long Town..."

"The Huilong Highway has resumed work. Our county construction company can't just watch. Your wife works in Huilong Town. She has become the deputy mayor of the town. You should go and talk to her," Chairman Wang said.

Zhang Long understood that the sudden arrival of the director of the infrastructure office had something to do with his wife.

"The Chunfeng School project in Huilong Town is a painful lesson, but it has nothing to do with us. The most urgent thing is to actively participate in the construction of the Huilong Highway. The 3000 million yuan project, the whole county has been apart from the county government building over the years. There has never been such a large project. There are so many mouths in the company to eat, we can't be indifferent, Comrade Xiao Zhang." Chairman Wang said earnestly.

Zhang Long said hesitantly, "Chairman Wang, my wife is the deputy mayor of the lower rank. I don't know if her words will work or not."

"Everything has to be tried. Don't feel any pressure, just let go and do it." Chairman Wang said.

That's what he said, but Zhang Long knew in his heart that if he didn't participate in the construction of the Huilong Highway, he wouldn't be able to be the director of the infrastructure office for a few days.No matter who is the manager of the company, such things will exist.

Only by being able to create benefits for the unit can your position be secured.

The most important point is that Chairman Wang did not mention Zhang Long's rank. It is obvious that if Zhang Long accomplishes this, then he will be able to cross a hurdle that many cadres can't pass in their entire lives - deputy department level .

Many cadres work for a lifetime, and then retire as a deputy chief staff member.The deputy chief staff member is a non-leadership position in the general management category, but the director of the deputy section-level office is different, which is a leadership position.

Zhang Long, who is in his early 30s, can go to the deputy department level, which means that his future career has a greater possibility. This hurdle is the first and most difficult hurdle that national cadres encounter.

However, Zhang Long's mentality was quickly adjusted. It was a surprise. Even if he couldn't do it, he would continue to stand still. There was nothing to worry about.

It will never be worse than it is now.

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Long felt much more relaxed. After the official notification came, he didn't act like the director of the infrastructure office, and talked to everyone with a smile as before, and organized the remaining personnel in the two stockrooms to mobilize according to the instructions. After setting up the work, I didn't rest at noon, and rushed to Huilong Town in the Songhua River van under the scorching sun.

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